Mandukasana (Frog Position)

Mandukasana (Frog Pose)

What is Mandukasana (Frog Pose)?

Mandukasana is created from two Sanskrit words translated – Manduk and Asana. The word Manduk factors Frog and the word Asana means the Position. Therefore, Mandukasana exactly conveys the frog position. As you can see in any Mandukasana picture, you have to sit like a frog while doing the asana and therefore the name.

Mandukasana steps are so simple to do that this yoga position is even taught in kids’ yoga classes. It is one of the rare yoga positions that help in palpating your abdominal organs. This yoga position is so popular that if you will search for yoga centralize near me on the internet, you will find that most of the online and offline yoga classes teach Uttana Mandukasana along with other popular positions like Surya namaskar yoga and yoga Nidra. If you do it appropriately, it can begin to appear results in your belly and other body parts very rapidly. It is the simple Asana that can be done by everybody in all age groups.

This yoga position is aptly named frog position as your body favor a frog when you exercise it. This yoga position is justly uncomplicated and can be exercised by nearly every age group. In Yoga, there are so many variations in Mandukasana, but in this, we recounted the two simple methods to do Mandukasana.

While achieving this position, our body posture considers like that of a frog and hence the name. In this object, we will be disputing one of the variations of the Frog Position which is reviewed as the third variation. Mandukasana is reviewed as part of the list of positions that work straight with the digestive system alone. This position also conducts stability of Prana and Apana, making the body completely light.

Mandukasana helps boost energy in the body and therefore can be included in the flow yoga series. Several different yoga positions benefit your body in several ways. In this object, we will consider one such position, the Mandukasana yoga position, and how it helps your body. Mandukasana is an intermediate to advanced level yoga position that can open your hips and groin muscles, expand circulation, and upgrade your posture. The frog position is a great move to add to your yoga exercise after a warm-up that includes a few rounds of sun salutations and lunges or lunge variations that start opening your hips and make you ready for the deeper stretch of frog position.

Because it is a posture that grips some time to simple into, it is especially needful if you are looking for hip-opening benefits while having the possibility to exercise deep, slow, and wise breathing. For athletes or people who run, cycle, or achieve ready dexterity moves, the frog position will inspire movement and portability in the hip area that often becomes tight between uninteresting motions.

What are the Health Benefits of Mandukasana (Frog Pose)?

This easy position which can be exercised by anybody of all ages conducts about tremendous benefits when exercised the right way. One would see precipitate changes within the body with fair few rounds of exercise and if done consistently the changes in the body would be more and greater. Given under are some of the main benefits obtained with the exercise of Mandukasana III.

Tones the Abdominal muscles: The critical of the tummy towards the thighs and the oppression of the fist placed deep into the tummy region, generates the expansion and decrease of the muscles with breathing, thus mechanisms on also toning them. This yoga position helps tone organs located in the abdominal region, including the stomach.

Tones the shoulder muscles: The addition of the chest and the decrease of the abdominal muscles plays a good role in the toning of the shoulders.

Cures Diabetes: The pressure on the abdominal muscles works the pancreas, thus expanding the quantity of insulin fabrication. And this can help in reducing or continuing the sugar levels in the body. The frog position greatly benefits diabetics as it helps improve the functioning of the pancreas and helps continue insulin levels.

Tones the belly, thighs, and hips: This position, Mandukasana III helps in toning the further belly fat along with the fat around the thighs and hips.

Blood Circulations improve around the heart and the chest: The evolution and decrease of the muscles all over the chest with deep breathing while it is constricted towards the thighs, generates the flow of fresh blood thus upgrading the circulation too.

Proper functioning of the Internal Organs: The demand as regards the upper and the lower abdomen, conducts in fresh blood making the internal organs like the digestive system, the excretory system, and the reproductive system function as well. The core focus of this position is the digestive system, however.

Reduces asthma-related symptoms: Mandukasana conducts about the stability of prana and Apana, which helps those who agonize respiratory problems. This will then in the end reduce the symptoms related to Asthma as long as this is exercised completely on an empty stomach during the early morning hours and is done consistently.

Helps Ease Stomach Issues: Mandukasana helps appease stomach issues counting constipation as it massages the abdominal area. It also helps upgrade your body’s digestive functions.

Helps Tone Your Body: Mandukasana is the best exercise if you are looking to lose weight. This yoga asana helps shed excess belly fat and separates fat from the waist and thighs.

Helps Stretch Your Back: When you exercise Mandukasana, you stretch the muscles in your back.

Helps Ease Pain: This practice will help alleviate any pain in your knees, legs, and ankles.

Improves hip mobility and may ease back pain: The frog Position may relieve low back tightness, ease sciatica pain, and strengthen the back. It is ideal for persons who sit for elongated periods, which can cause low back pain or tight hip flexors. The frog Position may also upgrade hip flexibility, mobility, and range of motion, which is needed for people who have tight hips due to running, swimming, or cycling.

May improve mental and emotional health: In added breathing exercises to Frog Position may supply even more benefits.

For example, you may focus your consciousness on each breath, interest that appears in your body, or a particular area of your body, such as your third eye or heart center. You can also pay observation to your adjustment. A current analysis found that mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques appreciably reduce chronic pain, upgrade the quality of life, and boost mental health.

Frog Position is often clasped for several minutes during Yin yoga classes, which often combine elements of carefulness and relaxation, counting breathing techniques. As stated in one study, the person who exercised Yin yoga alone or together with mindfulness exercises reduced their stress, anxiety, and depression levels importantly more than those in the control group, who did not exercise either.

The frog Position has a soothing result on the body and mind, which can help mitigate stress, anxiety, and depression. While a more high amount of research is required, one analysis suggests that yoga may help relieve symptoms of depression. Yoga may also be a needful treatment among persons with depression who do not portion in psychotherapy or a few antidepressants due to various reasons.

May help diabetes management: Several yoga exercises, counting postures, breathing exercises, and meditation, are shown to positively affect type 2 diabetes management by serving to control blood sugar levels and threatening the risk of complications. One analysis found that yoga postures such as Frog Position may upgrade pancreatic function. Holding positions for at least 30 seconds and moderately increasing the duration may offer considerable benefit.

May boost circulation and help manage blood pressure: Exercising Frog Position may upgrade circulation, helping boost blood flow and diminish high blood pressure. The results of one examination propose that yoga offers the most benefit in managing high blood pressure when it is incorporated with breathing, meditation, and relaxation techniques.

Core strengthening: Education shows that asanas like Frog Position restorative your internal digestive organs while demanding core strength. As you use your arms to push rearward into a deeper groin stretch, you capture your abdominals to keep you steady.

Improved mental health: Frog Position essentials extra focus on deep breathing. If you obtain too deep into the position, the severity of the stretch can make certain breathing harder. But as you back off a bit and start to breathe deeply, you can incident more awareness, less anxiety, and an upgraded mood.

May improve occupational stress: Yoga may help decrease the side effects of work-related stress, counting digestive concerns, low back pain, and mood disorders. One small study establish that school principals who cooperated in a 1-week yoga teaching program involving lectures, breathing exercises, and postures — counting extended Frog Position — experienced decreased occupational stress and upgraded health.

What are the Preparatory poses for Mandukasana (Frog Pose)?

To make sure that the posture of Mandukasana (Frog Pose iii) is pleasant and peoples can hold the posture for long hours, some important preparations for the same is necessary. These exercises are given below:

  • Uddiyana Bandha
  • Prasarita Balasana (Extended Child Position)
  • Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold Position)
  • Child Position (Balasana)
  • Thunderbolt Position (Vajrasana)
  • Bound Angle Position (Baddha Konasana)
  • Wide-legged forward fold (Prasarita padottanasan)
  • Happy Baby Position (Ananda Balasana)
  • Pigeon Position (Adho Mukha Kapotasana)
  • Butterfly or Cobbler’s Position (Baddha Konasana)
  • Goddess Position (Utkata Konasana)
  • Start in the child’s position, bow position, or camel position, and then progress to frog position. Follow-up with dolphin position or lord of the dance position.

How to Perform Mandukasana (Frog Pose)?

Mandukasana is a forward twist in the seated position. Let us go step by step into this position as given below:

Start by sitting in Dandasana and stretching your legs out totally in anterior of you take a few breaths enlarging the spine upwards. Then leisurely move your ankles in rotation to simplicity the tensions all over the ankles and the lower leg. Also, move the toes down and up opening them entirely for a few rounds and conducting a fast fresh flow of blood all over the feet.
Twisting the knees one at a time, and placing the feet beyond you with the toes touching each other certain the knees are more than hip distance apart, conduct the buttocks on the two heels. Space the palms on the thighs. This is Manduk sitting position. Take a few breaths here earning the mind to stretch at the ankles and the knees.
Resting the hands on the thighs, conduct the knees now close to each other and be settled in Vajrasana, relieving the hips on the ankles. Make certain the hips are settled balancing the buttocks well on the outer part of the heels. Carry the body weight to the marrow, circumvent moving towards one side of the hip.
Adjacent to both the fists of the hands and keep them on the belly on both sides of the navel. The thumb should be deposited inside, taking the modification of the fingers in a rigid fist. Conduct the grapple fist close to the lower abdomen and depress them deep into the tummy.
Inspire from the upper abdomen stuffing maximum air into the chest while attracting in the lower abdomen deep inside, and when expiring go forward with the upper torso enlarging the chest and the shoulders and reaching for the ground with the brow.
Once expired, start the deep breathing establishing the chest enlarges and the tummy is still pulled in. Sending the chest deep in the anterior of you or on your thighs which is simple, reach for the ground with the forehead first and then with the nose.
The pressure of the fist on the belly should be felt generating the tummy to completely contract, according to more pressure towards the lower back and helping it to enlarge and go forward deeper.
The deep stretch should be detected at the insides of the abdomen, the ankles, the neck, and the chest. The muscles enlarging and diminishing around the spine should be felt during deep inspiration and expiration.
With aware breathing and consciousness of the body, this position, the Frog Position III will give the maximum benefit. With every expiration, take the stretch deeper and conduct the face close to the ground enlarging the neck.
Endure here for about 8 breaths to obtain maximum results and remain the facial muscles are kept moderated all between the exercise of this position.
To declare from this position, Mandukasana first lifts the forehead from the ground with inspiration and expiration completely. Then with another inhalation, lift the full body slowly stretching the spine forward and then upwards and as you come up, expire and sit back in Vajrasana.
Deliver the palms and place them on the thighs, and taking a few breaths in Vajrasana, modify the neck and the shoulders.
Replicate this afresh and take the body into this position for about four rounds and in each round endure for at least 8 breaths.
Make certain the breathing is happening, as normal until you obtain the idea of this position, one tends to hold the breath making the position less successful and therefore won’t be able to hold longer. Deep breathing with the chest extension is the best while still belongings the tummy in.

How to Perform Mandukasana (Frog Pose) by Watching a Video?

Mandukasana (Frog Position)

What are Follow up poses for Mandukasana (Frog Position)?

After belongings Mandukasana for 5-10 breaths, depress your palms into the ground to ease your chest up from the ground and slowly come out of the posture. These recompense help relieve any stress in the back and replace the body with a homeostatic state.

  • Cow face position (Gomukhasana)
  • Supine twist (Jathara parivartanasana)
  • Child’s Position (Balasana)
  • Garland Position (Malasana)
  • Wind Removing Position (Pavanamuktasana)
  • Downward Facing Dog
  • Reclining Bound Angle Position
  • Corpse Position (Savasana)
  • Start in the child’s position, bow position, or camel position, and then progress to frog position. Follow-up with dolphin position or lord of the dance position.

What are the Beginners tips in Mandukasana (Frog Pose)?

Even so, it looks a section like a combo between ground twerk and a twist-knee middle split, Mandukasana has a lot more going on than just a crazy thigh stretch. Mastering this position essentials regular exercise and special attention to form. Here are the highest quality from certified yoga instructors:

Start simple and ease into it: Yoga should not be painful. Period. It is a lot great to ease into this hip opener to permit your hips and groin muscles to obtain used to such an extreme stretch. You can begin in a wide- legged Child’s Position and work from there. As you extend your knees, flex your inner thigh muscles slightly inside to keep from going too deep. Conduct your hands forward or backward to adjust the intensity of the stretch.

Modify with props: If Frog Position is too great for your hips at their present level of flexibility, do not be fearful to toss in some props to make yourself more comfortable. A couple of yoga blocks below the forearms, yoga blankets below the knees, or a bolster under the upper body can work wonders for making this position more alleviating and enjoyable.

Avoid practicing Frog Position after eating: Though this position stimulates digestion before mealtime, it can be attractively uncomfortable if you just ate ahead hitting the mat. Wait a few hours after eating ahead and exercising Frog Position.

Mandukasana can be demanding for beginners. If you are a starter, you can use your expiration to deepen the stretch that your abdominal muscles experience. If you find it hard to keep your hands fisted while achieving this position, you can leave your palms open rather.

What is the Breath Awareness in Mandukasana (Frog Pose)?

Mandukasana Breath Awareness:
Inspire: Operating the upper abdominal muscles and the chest, inspire deep.
Expire: Heaving the tummy in, go ahead with the torso expiring slowly and entirely once you touch the ground with the forehead.
Inspire and Expire: Once down, start a slow deep inspiration and expiration watching for the tummy and making certain it is pulled in and the fist is pushed in deep into the abdomen.
Inspire: Look up to deliver from the position, firstly with the head. Expire and hold this position for two breaths.
Inspire: Deliver inspiration and enlarge the neck onward and then backward along with the whole back.
Expire: Come back expiring and sit in Vajrasana again.

Variation of Breath Awareness in Mandukasana or Frog Pose III:

This method of breathing through the exercise of Frog Position III is treated mostly as part of the Pranayama exercise and needs one to understand the dissimilar forms of breathing to be able to put this to exercise.

Inspire: Installed in Vajrasana, inspire filling in the upper chest.
Expire: Expire and pull in the tummy and hold the breath out, without inspiring again.
No breath: Go down with the torso, entirely holding the tummy in without inspiring or expiring as this term is known as ‘Bahya Kumbhaka’. Endure down for about 45 seconds to start with and moderately increase this.
Inspire and Expire: Lift the head first with full inspiration and expiration there holding the position of the neck and head. Take a few breaths here.
Inspire: Conduct the neck up leisurely along with the chest and full upper torso.
Exhale: Conduct the torso up and sit in Vajrasana with complete expiration.

What are Alignment tips for Mandukasana (Frog Pose)?

Even experted veterans may find Frog Position a little too demanding at first. Always take it simple when you are working with this position by beginning slow and making any modifications required to ease discomfort and avoid potential injury. Here are some things to remember as you start:

Find your support zone and be upright with it. If that means reorganizing around to obtain your hips to open a little stimulate or to cat/cow your back to make the position more comfortable, then feel free to do that.
Use addition when necessary. A bolster below the chest to assist your upper body or a blanket or towel below the knees to support your legs will do admirations for your capability to perform and hold Frog Position.

What are the variations of Mandukasana (Frog Pose)?

Mandukasana variations with a base position as Child Position (Balasana).

As peoples have varying capabilities, a given yoga position may be simple for a certain person but hard for one more. In such cases, as a yoga trainer, you can introduce position variations to further demand a person who is finding a specific yoga position simply, or introduce an easier variation of a position for the people who are finding the main position hard.

Position variations can hence help your peoples grow and build further confidence in their yoga exercise no matter what their beginning capability levels are. And this is where your role as a yoga trainer becomes very important. Under we have compiled so many position variations of Mandukasana in one place to give you suggestions to plan your yoga classes as you interrelate with people of different levels.

The exercise of Frog Position III, which is more interconnected to the Pranayama series if done at the Advance Level, has many variations to it. Some of these variations are more at the advanced level in the exercise, as they inspire a deep backbend followed by the opening of the heart.

Ardha Bhekasana or Half Frog Position: This is a prone position, so come on to your belly, stretching entirely in Makarasana. Taking a few breaths here, modify the spine completely with full deep breathing. Lifting your chest, supporting your right elbow on the ground, and twisting the left knee, use your left hand to conduct the feet close to your hips, while pushing the toes downwards. Endure with the right leg stretched out beyond you while bending the left leg at the knee. Endure in this Half Frog Position, taking a few breaths, and with every expiration work on pushing the chest out and pressing the toes to the hips or the ground. Release the left leg and go back to Makarasana and modify. Now start with the twisting of the right leg at the knee while placing the left elbow on the ground and reaching out for the right toes, pressing them towards the hips while trying to open the chest. Endure in this position and while expiring push the chest out and press the right foot at the toes closer towards the hips or if flexible towards the ground beside your hips. Endure for through 6 breaths with each leg and as you deliver come back to Makarasana. This position though has no relation to Mandukasana, yet can be reviewed as a variation as the term ‘Manduka’ and ‘Bheka’ in Sanskrit means ‘Frog or Toad’.

Bhekasana or Frog Position II: Here one takes both legs twisting at the knees, and using the strength of the shoulders and the chest, push the feet towards the hips originally and then slowly with exercise go deeper and conduct the toes close to the ground beside your hips. This Full Frog Position works as a great heart opener and the hips push the belly towards the ground working on the abdominal muscles. This position is appraised as an Advance Level position and needs to be exercised with care. It is especially hard on the knees and therefore best to avoid having issues related to the knees and the hips.

Adho Mukha Mandukasana or Frog Position I: This position is a deep stretch on the groins and therefore needs to be mastered slowly, moving the body as it communicates to you. Come in the Wide Child’s Position or Prasarita Balasana, with the knees more than hip distance apart and having the toes touching each other beyond, conduct the torso forward placing it comfortably on the ground in anterior of you, while stretching the arms out completely. From this position, go deeper, opening the knees broad as per your comfort, as going behind your comfort can conduct injury to the knees. As you broaden the knees, watch for the hips and the foot. Go slow and once agreeable, press the chest down or endure supporting the upper torso on your elbows. Endure here in Frog Position I, for about 6 breaths, as you watch the breathing and remain not to push the knees out in a jerk. Release by pressing your hips backward and transporting your weight to the back of your body. Slowly conduct your knees together and roll your spine upward. Modify now in Vajrasana sitting comfortably on your heels.

Half-Frog Variation: While resting on your stomach, hold only one of your legs straight rather than two, and draw the other one in line with the hips. Hold the position for your want length and then repeat the variation on the opposite leg.

Frog At The Wall Variation: Lie down and place your hips as opposed to a wall with your legs positioned up. Spread them apart while twisting the knees and placing both feet on the wall. Slide a block below each foot so you can deepen the position. If you feel your pelvis coming up, conduct your hips away from the wall just a little.

Advanced Frog Position: After you can perform Frog Position free of irritation or difficulty, you can make some adjustments to your body position to create more of a demand for yourself. Centralize on the knees by putting more expanse in between them, and do the same thing with the feet to conduct more intensity to the position. You might also lower your torso and hips down closer to the ground.

  • Child Position
  • Wide Child Position
  • Child Position Variation Both Arms To Side
  • Child Position Bolster
  • Frog Position I
  • Table Top Child Position Flow
  • Child Position Variation Hips 2
  • Bowing Yoga Mudra
  • Child Position Variation Reverse Prayer
  • Child Position Flow
  • Child Position Prayer Twist

What are the Types of Mandukasana (Frog Pose)?

Mandukasana can be performed in different types. These types have been discussed under.

  • Mandukasana With a Prop
  • Mandukasana With Open Palms
  • Uttana Mandukasana (Stretched Up Frog Position)

Mandukasana With a Prop: You can exercise Mandukasana by placing blankets or rolled-up mats below your knees. These props will help support your knees and will allow you to maintain this yoga position for a longer period.

Mandukasana With Open Palms: If you occurrence cramps while achieving Mandukasana, you can keep your palms open, as opposed to keeping them rotated into fists, and position them on either side of your navel.

Uttana Mandukasana: This needs an upright frog position, as opposed to one where you lean ahead. This position requires you to stretch more than the standard form of Mandukasana.

Uttana Mandukasana (Stretched Up Frog Pose)

What is Uttana Mandukasana (Stretched Up Frog Pose)?

Uttana Mandukasana conducts joy, wellness, and delight in plentiful by activating our inner creative side. It is an intermediate-level alternative to Mandukasana.

Acquiring its phraseology gives an insight into this position. Here, uttana mentions to stretched up or upright, Manduka called Frog, and Asana mentions Position.

The earliest Gheranda Samhita explains Uttana Mandukasana’s position as, “presuming the frog posture hold the head by the elbows and stand up like a frog. Considering the final posture favor an upright frog, hence the name.

Other obtained common names of uttana mandukasana involve the Extended Frog position and stretched-up frog position. Find out how you can boost your originality and feel plentiful following the exercise guidelines of Uttana Mandukasana. This needs an upright frog position, as opposed to one where you lean ahead. This position is essential for you to stretch more than the standard form of Mandukasana.

What are the Health Benefits of Uttana Mandukasana (Stretched Up Frog Pose)?

Uttana Mandukasana is a transitional level yoga position that is achieved in a sitting position.

Elongates the spine: Uttana Mandukasana is supposed by stretching the back muscles up, elongate the spine, and strengthens the upper and lower back muscles. Therefore it makes the back muscle supple and increases spinal flexibility. It helps to strengthen the whole spine. It is successful in the case of lumbar thoracic and cervical regions.

Enhances abdominal strength: While exercising this position the abdominal muscles and organs are stretched and considerately massaged. It upgrades blood flow to this area and upgrades the strength of the core and internal organs.

Tone the arms: The arm muscles also encounter great stretching, it stimulates the shoulder blades, elbows, and also the wrists. This is a considerate exercise for arms and supplies toned and powerful arms and shoulders.

Strengthening leg muscles: It is exercised by twisting the legs on the knees followed by broadening the knees and stretching the ankles. The quadriceps are stretched profoundly and blood circulation increases in the leg muscles. It upgrades the coordination of knees and ankles and strengthens the hip joint, knees, thighs, calves, and ankles.

Promotes lung capacity: In the final position. the chest is enlarged fully to arch the back. Therefore it stretches the lungs and diaphragm. It increases the lung capacity and removes the respiratory pathways removing any trapped congestion. Hence, it helps in facilitating better respiration.

Improves reproductive health: While removing the knee, the groins and pelvic ground muscles are stretched considerably. This improves blood supply to the genitals and raises the overall reproductive health.

Opens the sacral chakra: This position is known for upgrading the creative skills of the theorist. This is so while stretching the abdomen and genitals this position stimulates the sacral chakra (Swadhisthana). This will increase the standard of life of the practitioner by conducting emotional security and pleasure.

Throat pain: The exercise of the yoga position gives sufficient stretch to the muscles and nerves of the throat area thus good to give relaxation from throat pain.

Back pain: Exercising the yoga position with the technique raised above, provide suitable stretching to the full-back muscles including the lower back. Hence, exercising it on regular basis helps to make the back muscles flexible and supple thereby alleviating back-related straining and pain.

Diaphragm movements: It gives sufficient stretching to the diaphragm and lungs regions thus smooth breathing. Thus exercising the yoga position is effective in controlling respiratory congestion.

Cervical spondylitis: A large number of people are agonizing from cervical spondylitis, especially those who is working with computer and laptop. The exercise of the position is useful to obtain relaxation from shoulder pain and cervical problems.

Knee strengthening: While exercising the yoga position, deliver suitable stretch and pressure on the knees. Regular exercise helps to strengthen the knees and their neighbour muscles.

Elbow health: It is beneficial for the health of the elbows because of sufficient stretching in the elbow areas.

Shoulder pain: If you are covering shoulder pain or stiffness, exercising o uttana mandukasana will help you to obtain relief from this problem.

Side abdominal fat: It gives reasonable stretching to the abdominal sides. Regular exercise and continuing it for a certain period helps to outbuild the additional fats from the sides of the abdominal area. This helps to make you graceful, especially from the tummy area.

Reproductive organs: It has been seen that the exercise of the yoga position is helpful for the health of the ovaries and testis, and also helps to rectify menstrual problems.

What are the Preparatory poses for Uttana Mandukasana (Stretched Up Frog Pose):

  • Thunderbolt Position (Vajrasana)
  • Frog Position (Mandukasana)
  • Child’s position (Balasana)

How to Perform Uttana Mandukasana (Stretched Up Frog Pose):

Start with sitting in Vajrasana keeping the toes connected.
Increase both the knees as broad as practicable placing hands between the knees for the brace.
Place the chin to the chest achieving the Jalandhara Bandha.
Inspire, lift your right arm, and twist it at the elbow to place the right hand under the left shoulder.
Comparably, lift the left arm and twist it to place the left palm under the right shoulder.
The left wrist is placed crossing over the right one beyond the head.
Hold the position for 3-10 breaths enlarging the chest fully and lengthening bending the spine.
Release by raising the left arm followed by the right arm and lower them to the knees.
Conduct your knees closer to sit in the starting position.

What are the Variations of Uttana Mandukasana (Stretched Up Frog Pose):

Under are some common variations of the yoga position Uttana Mandukasana with the base position as Hero Position (Virasana).

As persons have varying capacities, a given yoga position may be simple for a specific person but hard for another. In such cases, as a yoga trainer, you can introduce position variations to further demand a person who is finding a specific yoga position simple, or introduce an easier variation of a position for the people who are finding the main position stiff.

Position variations can therefore help your persons expand and build additional confidence in their yoga exercise no matter what their starting capability levels are. And this is where your part as a yoga trainer becomes all-important. Under we have compiled so many position variations of Uttana Mandukasana in one place to give you ideas to plan your yoga classes as you interconnect with persons of different levels.

  • Hero Position Variation Hands Raised
  • Revolved Heron Position Variation I
  • Wide Hero Position
  • Hero Position Cow Face Arms
  • Side Twist in the Hero Position
  • Revolved Hero Position
  • Half Hero Position On Block
  • Twisted Downward Facing Hero Position
  • Heron Position
  • Half Hero Position
  • Half Hero Position Arms Overhead

What are the Precautions and Contraindications for the Uttana Mandukasana (Stretched Up Frog Pose):


The following contradictions and cautions should be taken while achieving this yoga position.

  • Those who are having arthritis, hernia, and back problems should not exercise this yoga position.
  • If there are problems in the knee or its neighbor area, skip exercising.
  • It should not be an exercise in case of pregnancy and menstruation.
  • This asana should not be exercised even if there is a pain in the elbow.
  • This posture should not be done if somebody is having severe pain in the shoulders.


  • It is best to avoid this position during pregnancy or menstruation.
  • Trying this position with conditions like back pain and spinal cord deformity must be disallowed.
  • Expert supervision is essential if people with arthritis or hernia are willing to try uttana mandukasna.
  • Do not try it if you have a disorder in your hip joint.
  • Pain in the shoulders, elbows, and knees does not generate suitable conditions for exercising this position.

What are the Therapeutic applications of Uttana Mandukasana (Stretched Up Frog Pose):

  • Uttana Mandukasana restores asthma and other lung disorders.
  • This position is also beneficial in acquiring rid of menstrual discomfort or pain.
  • It has alleviating effects on psychological disorders counting stress, and anxiety.
  • People with cervical spondylitis must exercise this position to obtain alleviating effects.
  • Besides this, it also cures back pain throughout the cervical, lumbar, or thoracic region.
  • It also alleviates throat and shoulder pain.
  • Stretching the abdomen upgrades the operating of the digestive organs and cures constipation or other digestive disorders.
  • Uttana Mandukasana also stretches the pancreas and adjusts insulin secretion, thus, helping treat diabetes.

What are the Modifications in Mandukasana (Frog Pose)?

To obtain the maximum benefit from the exercise of Mandukasana or Frog Position III, one can use variations depending on one’s body comfort and need. Part of these details is given below.

Frog Position is a deep hip opener suited for the intermediate or advanced promoter, but you can modify the position to suit your level. There is also a separate alteration to try.

To make Frog Position easier, experiment with one of the following tips:

  • Surrender your weight forward onto your hands to diminish the pressure on your hips. You can slowly and considerately move forward and backward to simple your way into the position.
  • Position your hands below your shoulders and keep your chest raised. This permit you to have more command as you move your weight back toward your hips.
  • You can exercise this position with the soles of your feet against the wall.
  • Expand one arm or one leg at a time.
  • Position your knees closer together.
  • Conduct your feet toward the center, touching your big toes together.
  • Expanded Frog Position, or Uttana Mandukasana in Sanskrit, is a seated variation of Frog Position that encourages deep breathing, strengthens the spine, and upgrades posture. To make this position easier, sit on the edge of a cushion or place your big toes faintly apart.

To do expanded Frog Position:

  • Sit on your knees with your knees spread broadly.
  • Touch your big toes together beyond your back with the soles of your feet facing upward.
  • Cross your forearms beyond your neck, placing your palms under the opposite shoulder blades.
  • Extend your spine and open your chest.
  • Press your head back into your arms.
  • Breathe deeply.
  • Maintain this position for 3 minutes.

Restorative Half Frog Position: The easiest variation of Mandukasana involves twisting one leg forward and then lowering your stomach to the floor to considerately stretch open one hip at a time. In this example, attention to how her left foot is rotated so the toes point outsides.

Bolster-Supported Frog Position: This is the best option for those with careful joints. Grab two yoga bolsters or pillows and tuck them below your knees as you slowly slide them apart. Do not forget to press your elbows into the yoga mat. Keep your shoulders and core attached to prevent yourself from sinking too deeply.

Block-Supported Frog Position: Blocks below the elbows or the knees conduct the ground up closer to your limbs. This variation is simple to hold for longer periods.

What are the Precautions and Contraindications for the Mandukasana (Frog Pose)?


While Frog Position offers many benefits, there are risks and precautions to appraise. Most importantly, make certain you warm up your body before doing the position. Slowly ease your way into the position, and be heedful not to force yourself into any position.

It is important to be especially considerate when you are stretching your hips. Listen to your body and make adaptations if needed.

Mandukasana yoga position works successfully only when you do it the right way and take care of all of the insurance. We have earlier described entirely how to do it the proper way. Now is the time to learn what are some provisions that you should keep in mind while performing it. Under down is your list of the precautions:

  • Pregnant women are closely advised to not try Mandukasana. It positions pressure on the lower abdomen which is highly dangerous for your health.
  • If you have currently gone below abdominal surgery, you should try to avoid the Mandukasana yoga position. You can begin doing it under the supervision of a medical specialist once your body is completely recaptured.
  • People who are enervated at their knees for any cause should also try to avoid this position.
  • Please make certain that you do not exercise this position while you are on a full stomach. Make a gap of at least 4 hours between the snacks. You should do it ineffective stomach in the morning if you want to see the most successful results.
  • If you are constructive from a migraine, you should not perform it until your health obtains better. Threatening down your head in a Mandukasana yoga position can aggravate your condition.
  • If you are agonizing over server lower back pain, obtain yourself treated ahead by doing Mandukasana.
  • have lower back, hip, or knee injuries or concerns.
  • have cardiovascular issues.
  • have ulcers.
  • People agonizing over severe back pain must avoid exercising this yoga position.
  • If you have latterly undergone abdominal surgery, abstain from attempting to perform Mandukasana.
  • Pregnant women are advised against exercising this yoga technique.
  • If you have injured your ankle, have high blood pressure, suffer from insomnia, or are prone to migraines, you should not exercise this yoga position.
  • You essential not over-stretch your abdominal muscles and should only try to hold this position as long as your body can comfortably handle it.
  • This yoga asana should only be exercised on an empty stomach. If you seek to exercise Mandukasana, make certain you do so at least 4 hours after your last meal.
  • After the first trimester, pregnant women should avoid this position and take a seated hip opener like the cobbler’s position (Baddha Konasana) instead.
  • Moreover, if you have issues with your ankles or lower back, make certain to pay attention and address any discomfort or limited range of motion when performing the frog position.
  • Remember to simple into the stretch and avoid using force; it is normal to feel a stretch in the inner thighs, hips, and groin area, but you should never feel pain. If you feel any pain during this position, stop and consider one of the modifications.


As there is stupendous pressure in the abdominal area in this position, make sure precautions should be taken while exercising this posture.

  • Women who are pregnant should completely avoid this position, due to pressure on the lower abdomen.
  • Any kind of ulcer in the body more so with peptic ulcers, one should avoid this position. exercising this position will create more acidity and pain in the upper abdomen.
  • Any kind of surgery undertaken around the abdomen will make this position disagreeable and therefore should be taken precautions while exercising this position even if it has been years since the surgery.
  • Anyone who is weak at the knees and finds it difficult to put pressure on the knees would have to circumvent this position.
  • Not to be exercised when in the full stomach, a good 4 hours of gap between the meals and the exercise of this position should be given. For better results, one should exercise this position early morning hours on empty stomach.
  • Someone suffering from severe migraine should avoid this position, as the pressure in the head may aggravate the pain and if one is not comfortable yet with the shiny breathing it can make the symptoms worse.
  • Anyone with severe back pain should avoid this position, as the pressure at the abdominal area will create uneasiness around the spine and hence could aggravate the back pains.

What are the Common Mistakes in Mandukasana (Frog Pose)?

Even though you are working on relaxing precise parts of your body, it is important to continue awareness and unavailable your muscles to support safe alignment. Do not force yourself into any position, and make certain you considerately ease your way out of the position.

Try to gain your core and elongate your spine instead of drooping or rounding your back. If it feels too intense or unbearable, adjust your body or use props to support a comfortable position. If Frog Position does not work for you, you can always choose another hip-opening position and kindly come back to it at another time.

You do not have to be an ultra flexy-twisty yogi to do Mandukasana. If you want to strengthen the many benefits of the position as you work toward a Full Frog Position, check for these common mistakes and fix them right away:

Forgetting to Breathe: One of the top benefits of the frog position is deep, belly breathing. This is most important as you deepen the stretch in your groin area and move into the position. Resist the desire to hold your breath. If the stretch feels too greatest and you respond by breathing less, simplicity up on the stretch and put your energy back into the breath. Pranayama deep breathing is crucial for all parts of your yoga exercise, but it is especially important to exercise deep belly breathing as you feel your hip flexors open and inside rotate.

Forcing Your Knees Apart: If you are new to this position or you have limitations in your hips or knees, do not force your knees additionally apart to obtain closer to the floor. Lower your body only as far as you feel pleasant. As long as you are feeling the stretch and breathing deeply, you will still benefit from the position.

Letting Your Lower Back Dip: The affluence of this position comes from guardianship your core strong and lower back flat. While it may feel demanding to capture certain muscles (in this case, your core) while releasing others (hips and inner thighs), that’s part of the muscle understanding yoga helps prepare. If a prop is needed, use a bolster below your stomach.

Overarching your low back: Overextending the low back can be painful and probably cause an injury. It also makes you scamp out on the core workout and back pain comfort benefits of the posture.

The bottom line: Frog Position, or Mandukasana, is a deep hip-opening position that offers physical and emotional benefits.

It is main to exercise the position safely. Kindly ease your way in and out of the position, and recollect that your flexibility may change daily. You can adjust Frog Position to make it less great or choose different hip-opening positions if they are more suitable for your body.

Whichever way you exercise Frog Position, try to respire and find some mindfulness as you hold the posture. Doing so will allow you to gain all the benefits that this hip opener has to provide.


Why is frog pose so difficult?

To perform a frog pose, requires deep outward rotation of both hip joints at once, which requires regular practice to achieve, as you practice daily or at regular intervals it becomes easy to perform as your movement range of motion and muscle flexibility increases. It stretches the groin muscles mainly especially for the adductors.

Which asana is called frog pose?

The original word for Frog pose is Mandukasana, which comes from the ancient Sanskrit language. This pose is an intermediate to advanced level yoga pose that can improve the motion of the hip joint and improve the flexibility of adductor muscles, also increase circulation, and improve your back posture.

Does the frog pose widen hips?

Your hip joints will loosen up as a result of regular frog stretch practice, relieving pressure on the knees. It targets the adductor, hip, and core muscles. You gain the advantage of strengthening your core while extending your adductors(Groin muscles).

Is Mandukasana good for kidneys?

Mandukasana pose strains the midsection of the body and energizes the liver and kidneys, improving their functionality.

What happens if you practice frog pose everyday?

Since the hips are one of the main areas involved in the posture, the frog pose can help stretch the inner thighs and hips as well as improve overall flexibility and range of motion. Additionally, it also stretches the back muscles, which can ease lower back strain.

Dr.Kruti Sorathiya
Author: Dr.Kruti Sorathiya

Physiotherapist in Asha Physiotherapy Clinic Bapunagar, India colony road Ahmedabad

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