Modified Ashworth Scale of Spasticity
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Modified Ashworth Scale of Spasticity

Modified Ashworth Scale of Spasticity is a common scale to use for measuring spasticity in those with cerebral palsy, stroke, and other neurological disorders. The Modified Ashworth Scale is a scale that is used to quantify the amount of spasticity or stiffness in a patient.

The Modified Ashworth Scale has five different symptom severity levels ranging from 0 to 4. The Modified Ashworth Scale is commonly used to measure spasticity in those with cerebral palsy, stroke, and other neurological disorders.

Used of to the scale :

  • It is used to assess the spasticity.

Purpose of the scale :

  • It is considered the primary clinical measure of muscle spasticity in patients with neurological conditions.
  • It is also a rating scale that measures the abnormality of the tone & the resistance of the passive movements.

In which condition Modified Ashworth Scale of Spasticity is used?

This scale is used in many neurological conditions:

  • Stroke
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Pediatric hypertonia
  • Central nervous system lesions.

Which is Method Use in this scale?

  • Starting position is supine .
  • This scale is performed by to the extension of the patients limb .
  • First from to the a position of the maximal possible flexion to the maximal possible extension.
  • Into Afterwards, this scale is assessed while the move of to the extension to flexion.

What is Equipment need for this scale :

  • Training
  • Therapy mat
  • None typically reported
  • Paper

Scoring of Modified Ashworth Scale of Spasticity:

NO Description
OSlightly increase into the muscle tone which is giving to a catch when the slightly increase into the muscle tone, which is manifested by the limb, limb is moved into the flexion or extension.
1Slightly increase into the muscle tone, which is manifested by the catch followed by the minimal resistance of the throughout (ROM ).
1+More marked increase to in muscle tone through to most of the limb but easily for to the flexed .
2More marked increase to in muscle tone through to most of to the limb but easily for to the flexed .
3Considerable increase into the tone & passive movement is to the difficult
4Limb is rigid into the flexion or extension
SCALE Scoring

Clinical Considerations of this scale :

  • This scale is commonly used in the clinical setting which is to the assess the spasticity into the people with to the SCI.
  • It is note to the spasticity in the multi-facet & construct with to the individual components of to the spasticity weakly which is related to the each other , it is suggest to the different clinical scales measure to the unique aspects of spasticity.
  • It is also measure to the assesses of to the single-joint resistance / passive ROM & velocity dependent stretch reflex.
  • It is do not address the spasm frequency or severity .
  • It is not to do the differentiate between to the phasic & tonic components of the spasticity.
  • So that the overall construct of the spasticity which is the best measured with to the appropriate battery of the tests including this scale .
  • This Ashworth or Modified Ashworth both are well-tolerated by the patients.
  • This scale is measure easily administered into the during routine clinic visits & does not require the specialized equipment.

Versions of the scale

  • This Scale is initially developed in the early 1960s by the Bryan Ashworth.
  • In this scale include to the 5-point scale with a grade score of to the 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 .
  • Into the 1987
  • Bohannon & Smith are added to the grade – 1 .
  • Proposed to the slight changes on to the definitions of to the each score into the order to the increase of the sensitivity to the measure & facilitate the scoring.
  • It is called The new measurement of the Modified Ashworth Scale .
  • It is considered by the many as the gold standard for to the measuring the spasticity .

Evidence of this scale :

NO .ReferenceYearStudy detailsRelevant results
1Bohannon & Smith1987Inter-rater reliability of to this scale .
Tested of muscle : elbow flexors of to the impaired arm.
Ns – 30 – include in to the condition of the patient in NS is MS (1), HI (5), CVA (24) .
Na – 2 = physiotherapist .
Assessors are independently assessed to the each subject of the once.
86.7% of the agreement between to the assessors means in Kendall’s t = 0.847 & p <0.001
Cohen’s is calculated to the = 0.826a
2Bodin and Morris1991inter-rater reliability of this scale .
tested of muscle : elbow flexors & extensors with the knee flexors.
Measurements are take to the bilaterally.
Ns = 34 – include in to the condition of the patient in Ns is hemiplegia – 34 .
Na – 4 = physiotherapist -2 & doctor – 2 .
assessors are serially assessed to the each subject .
76% of to the agreement between to the assessors means in Kendall’s t = 0.857
Cohen’s is calculated to the = 0.745a
3Sloan et al.1992inter-rater reliability of to this scale .
tested of muscle : elbow flexors & extensors with the knee flexors.
Measurements are take to the bilaterally.
Ns = 34 – include in to the condition of the patient in Ns is hemiplegia – 34 .
Na – 4 = physiotherapist -2 & doctor – 2 .
assessors are serially assessed to the each subject .
Spearman’s is calculated varied from to the 0.56 & 0.90 at to the elbow & between to the 0.26 & 0.62 at to the knee.
4Allison et al.1996Inter & Intra-rater reliability of this scale .
Tested of muscle : ankle plantar flexors. Measurements are take to the bilaterally.
Day-1 of to the testing = Ns = 30 – include in to the condition of the patient in Ns is HI ; Na – 2 = physiotherapist .
Both test are assessed all to the subjects independently.
Day-2 of to the testing = Tester 1 ia onle assessed & Ns = 21 subjects.
for to the Day-1 = Inter-rater reliability tester 1 & tester 2 – 55% agreement Include = 0.727; t = 0.647
other is Intra-rater reliability of to the tester 1 is 53% agreement include = 0.741; t = 0.674;
Intra-rater reliability of to the tester 2 = 48% agreement include = 0.550; t = 0.478
for to the Day-2 = it is a Intra-rater reliability of to the tester 1: 58% agreement include = 0.821; t = 0.739
Evidence of this scale

Reliability of this scale :

  • Interrater / Intrarater of the Reliability :
  • Use of the muscle tested = Elbow flexor & extensor with to the knee flexor into the Hemiplegia patients.
  • Measurements are take to the bilaterally.
  • Ns = 34 – include in to the condition of the patient in Ns is hemiplegia = 34
  • Na – 4 physiotherapist -2 & doctor – 2.
  • The assessors are to the serially assessed to the each subject.
  • Spearman’s are calculated to the varied from 0.56 & 0.90 at to the elbow or between to the 0.26 & 0.62 at to the knee .
  • Into the daily practice this scale is used to the procedure is to the quick & easy.
  • It is a common tool in to the measurement of to the spasticity.
  • It is also used as to the in the research, like as to the In different patient groups of to the stroke,multiple sclerosis & spinal cord injury.
  • The scale is found to the moderate to good intra-rater reliability & poor to moderate inter-rater reliability .

Validity of this scale :

Criterion Validity :

  • in to the 35 patient s see the good correlations between the modified Ashworth scores & EMG parameters which is derived from the simultaneous surface & EMG is recordings to the muscles tested.
  • It is not to the possible to the draw unequivocal support of to this scale & being a valid & ordinal measure of to the spasticity due to the one key of the methodological inconsistency.
  • Into The actual time of to the grade spasticity is reported to the between 0.25 & 0.33 s but however, many of the derived to the EMG parameters are poorly referenced to the time window.

Construct Validity:

  • 13 modified of to the original scale by to the adding an to the additional category,=
  • A- 1+ falling is between to the 1 & 2 with to the aim of this increasing the sensitivity.
  • Both scales are since been used to the measures of to the spasticity for to the clinical & research purposes.
  • Clinical rating of the spasticity on this scale is made after the assessor tests of to the resistance which is provide to the passive movement about the joint.
  • Both scales are describe the resistance perceived while the moving a joint through to the full range of movement = except into the grade 4

Content Validity:

  • This scale is initially to the developed as to the simple clinical tool to the test which is the efficacy of an to the anti-spastic drug into the patients with to the multiple sclerosis.

Alternative form of this Scale :

Ashworth Scale:

  • It is Published into the 1964 .
  • This Scale is to the original measurement for to the resistance of the passive movement.
  • It is a 5-point of to the scale .
  • Which is used with the grade score of the 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4.
  • This scale is less sensitive than the Modified Ashworth Scale .

Ashworth Scale Scoring :

NO Description
0No increase into the muscle tone .
1Sightly increase in tone give a catch when the limb was move in flexion / extension .
2More marked to the increase in tone but limb is easily to flex .
3Considerable increase to the tone so that passive movement is difficult .
4Limb is rigid into the flexion / extension .
Ashworth Scale Scoring

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