extensor digitorum muscle
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Extensor Digitorum Muscle

What is the Extensor digitorum muscle? The extensor digitorum is a long muscle in the posterior compartment of the forearm. It is one of the lower arm’s shallow extensors, alongside the brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus, brevis, extensor carpi ulnaris, and extensor digiti minimi. These muscles are easily felt in the lateral aspect of the…

Physiotherapy clinic

Best Physiotherapy Clinic in Nadiad

If you are looking for the Best Physiotherapy clinic near you in Nadiad, we have updated the list of Physiotherapy centers in Nadiad. List of Physiotherapy clinic in Nadiad Santram physiotherapy Clinic Clinic Address:Shanti NagarNadiad Gujarat 387002 Contact Number: Clinic Timing: Dr. Sachin bhatt rehab Clinic Clinic Address:ChalaliNadiad Gujarat 387001 Contact Number: Clinic Timing: Nirant…

Flexor carpi radialis
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Flexor Carpi Radialis Muscle

What is flexor carpi radialis? The Flexor carpi radialis muscle is a long, slender muscle located in the forearm. It has a fusiform shape and runs from the medial epicondyle of the humerus (upper arm bone) and the common flexor tendon to the base of the second and third metacarpal bones in hand. The muscle…

Physiotherapy clinic

Best Physiotherapy Clinic in Morbi

If you are looking for the Best Physiotherapy clinic near you in Morbi, we have updated the list of Physiotherapy centers in Morbi. List of Physiotherapy clinic in Morbi Shanti Physiotherapy Clinic Clinic Address:16 Sanala Road near K.K.steelSavsar Plot Ram chowkMorbi Gujarat 363641 DR. Bhavesh Thoriya Contact Number: 098253 13897 Clinic Timing: Physiofit Clinic Clinic…

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Post-Traumatic Vision Syndrome

What is traumatic vision syndrome? Post-traumatic vision syndrome is a disruption of the visual process. Post-traumatic vision syndrome becomes after traumatic brain injury. This disruption is affected by the neurologic system of the extraocular muscles that control eye movements. Sign and Symptoms of post-traumatic vision syndrome: Visual dysfunction clinical signs of post-traumatic vision syndrome: Non-visual…

Pickwickian syndrome
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Pickwickian syndrome

What is Pickwickian syndrome? Pickwickian syndrome is characterized by a combination of obesity, sleep apnea, and hypoventilation (abnormally low levels of oxygen and high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood. People with Pickwickian syndrome typically have a higher risk of developing serious health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Treatment…

Physiotherapy clinic

Best Physiotherapy Clinic in Junagadh

If you are looking for the Best Physiotherapy clinic near you in Junagadh, we have updated the list of Physiotherapy centers in Junagadh. List of Physiotherapy clinic in Junagadh Wellcare Physiotherapy Clinic Clinic Address:Nehru Park Society Rani Sati ColonyJunagadh Gujarat 362001 DR. Payal L DhadukDR. Jalpa R. JinjalaDR. Disha s. SamaniDR. Rucha m. VasveliyaDR. Kinjal…

Flexor Digitorum Profundus muscle
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Flexor digitorum profundus muscle

What is Flexor digitorum profundus muscle? The fusiform muscle known as the flexor digitorum profundus can be found deep within the forearm’s anterior (flexor) compartment. It makes up the deep flexor portion of the forearm, along with the pronator quadratus and flexor pollicis longus muscles. This muscle runs from the ulna’s proximal end to the…

flexor pollicis longus
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Flexor pollicis longus muscle

What is Flexor pollicis longus muscle? The forearm’s flexor pollicis longus is a long muscle, as its name suggests. Along with the pronator quadratus and flexor digitorum profundus, it is a member of the deep flexors of the forearm. The flexor pollicis longus, which is located in the forearm but is inserted into the hand,…

visceral manipulation

Visceral Manipulation Techniques

What is a Visceral Manipulation Technique? Visceral manipulation is a therapeutic approach that focuses on assessing and treating the internal organs of the body, including the liver, stomach, intestines, and other vital structures. It involves gentle manual techniques designed to assess and improve the mobility and function of the internal organs, as well as their…