Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog): Health Benefits, How to do ?- Variations
What is Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward-facing dog)? Adho mukha svanasana also called Downward Dog Pose or Downward-facing Dog Pose, is an inversion asana, often practiced...
Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose): Benefits, How to do?- Variation
What is Setu bandhasana? Setu Bandhasana arrives from the Sanskrit term “Setu,” which defines bridge; Bandha refers to lock or bound, and Asana signifies posture,...
Sarvangasana: Health Benefits, How to do? – Variation
What is Sarvangasana? Sarvangasana is a Sanskrit term, with ‘sarv’ defining all, ‘anga’ means all your body parts, while ‘asana’ is a pose.Sarvangasana or shoulder...
Uttana Shishosana: Health Benefits, How to do? Variations
What is Uttana Shishosana? Uttana Shishosana asana is also known as an Extended puppy pose, Puppy Dog Pose, Anahatasana, Half Dog Pose, or Melting Heart...
Balasana(Child’s Pose): Health Benefits, How to do?- Variation
What Is Balasana (Shishusana)? Balasana is derived from the Sanskrit word “Bala” which refers to a child and “asana” which represents pose. It is believed...
Mayurasana : Health Benefits, Variations and How to do?
What Is Mayurasana? Popularly known as a Peacock Pose, Mayurasana is a Hatha yoga posture that has been performed for thousands of years. It is...
Virabhadrasana 1,2, 3: Health Benefits,Types, How to do?
What is Virabhadrasana? Virabhadrasana or Warrior Pose is a group of related lunging standing asanas or yoga positions. The pose is pronounced as Vee- Ra-...
Shalabhasana: Health Benefits, Types & Steps
What is Shalabhasana? Locust Pose is a moderate back bend that tones and strengthens the entire back. “Salabhasana” (shah-lah-BAHS-uh-nuh) is the Sanskrit word for the...
Virasana: Health Benefits, Types, How to do?
What is Virasana? It is also known as Hero Pose, Virasana needs practitioners to adopt a seated stance. It is divided into a kneeling yoga...
Vajrasana: Health Benefits, Steps and Types
What is Vajrayana? The Vajrasana name comes from the Sanskrit words vajra, a weapon whose name represents to “thunderbolt” or “diamond”, and asana (asana) means...