Uttana Shishosana

Uttana Shishosana: Health Benefits, How to do? Variations

What is Uttana Shishosana?

Uttana Shishosana asana is also known as an Extended puppy pose, Puppy Dog Pose, Anahatasana, Half Dog Pose, or Melting Heart Pose.

Uttana Shishosana or the extended puppy pose is a much more effortless and less complicated version of doing a forward twist that almost everyone should practice in their yoga session. Practicing this asana daily is considered to be a great stress buster and calms the mind and the body. The name of this yoga pose is a combination of three Sanskrit words. The word “Uttana” refers extended or intense, the word “Shisho” defines puppy and the word “asana” means yoga posture. An important thing to know about this yoga, asana is the fact it is not a remedial yoga pose.

This asana is a combination of the Adho Mukha Svanasana also called the downward facing dog asana and the Balasana also called as the child pose. Therefore, Uttana Shishosana can be considered an alternative to either of these two asanas. Another the very common name of this asana is the melting heart pose because this yoga posture allows the heart to maintain a balance while erecting the spine in a straight direction.

What are the Health Benefits for Uttana Shishosana?

There are so many advantages to this backbend, namely that you stretch the spine and expand the chest. The more the back arches, the more the front side of the body expands, which permits the heart chakra to open as well. And this is improves posture.

It Stretches Upper Back and Shoulders
Practicing extended puppy pose aids to stretch the upper back muscles and shoulders. Stretching these muscles aids to improve body posture. The asana also stretches the hamstrings and decreases chronic muscular tension.

It Calms the Mind and the Body
Practicing this aids to make us more grounded. Practicing this pose assists us to surrender and releases all the tensions and burdens that we carry within.

It Improves Flexibility, Especially in the Spine
This posture is excellent for improving overall body flexibility. It also helps to improve the spine’s flexibility, which is very important for your overall health. Yoga poses like Uttana Shishosana are one of the best ways that you can increase your body’s flexibility.

It is a Great Heart Opening or Chest Opening Pose
This pose also gives a deep stretch to your hip muscles as well as upper back muscles. Stretching these areas increases blood circulation in those areas, resulting in better functioning organs and other parts of the body. Uttana Shishosana is a best heart opener. It opens up your chest, thereby reducing the tension in the back and shoulder areas. As a result, the breathing capacity of your lungs boosts.

Very Helpful for People Having Rounded Backs
It decreases stiffness from the back and shoulder, especially helpful for those having rounded shoulders and backs (Kyphosis).

Stress Buster
Lastly, the Extended Puppy Pose functions as a stress buster. It relaxes the body and calms down all collected tensions in different parts of our system making us feel rejuvenated again. Yoga Nidra or yogic sleep after performing this pose for a few minute is a blissful experience by itself!

It Helps to Regulate Prana Flow
Practicing this position is also believed to aid regulate Prana Energy flow in the body. Yoga is all about balancing this energy flow to make us more grounded and balanced both physically and mentally.

Mental Benefits of Extended Puppy Pose:

  • Reduces stress.
  • Makes us clear-minded and mentally alert.
  • Increasing self-confidence.
  • Fostering a feeling of self-love.

What are the Preparatory Poses for Uttana Shishosana?

  • Cat and Cow Pose
  • Child’s Pose
  • Adho mukha svanasana
  • Virasana

How to do Uttana Shishosana or Extended-Puppy-Pose?

Step by step instructions to do Uttana Shishosana are:

Get into a tabletop posture, i.e; on all four limbs. Your hips should be piled on your knees and your shoulders should rest on your knees.
Compress your feet firmly on the mat and keep your toes in the straight direction.
Make sure your feet are aligned to each other and your hips are width apart.
While breathing out, keep your hands in front of you. Now allow your chest to meltdown towards the ground while slowly releasing your forehead on the mat.
Spread your fingers in a way that your thumb and index finger are pressed firmly on the ground.
Now stimulate your palms by squeezing them into the palms of both your hands.
Rotate your upper arms in the outward direction away from your ears so that the shoulders get broadened.
You should feel your triceps covering in the downward direction towards the mat in a way that your biceps are towards the roof.
Make sure that your arms stay active through this pose and that the elbows are slightly above the mat.
With the next inhalation, a person can deepen the stretch by reaching for the hips upwards and backward towards the wall which is behind you.
In the meanwhile, you can also continue to permit your chest to meltdown on the ground.
To support your spine, lightly hug your front ribs and avoid collapsing into the lower back.
Stay in the stretch for around 5-7 breaths while breathing deeply.
Release by returning to the tabletop pose and then standing up in a straight position.

How to do Uttana Shishosana by watching a video?

Uttana Shishosana

What are the Follow-up Poses Uttana Shishosana?

What are the Beginner’s Tips for Uttana Shishosana?

  • If you are a beginner, it is best to begin by practicing the pose against a wall. This will aid you to get the correct alignment and also, make it easier for you to hold the posture for a longer period.
  • Once you have expertise in the pose against the wall, you can then try practicing it without support. Ensure that your hips are higher than your shoulders and chest. Keep your gaze focused on the ground in front of you and keep breathing evenly throughout the asana.
  • Hold the position for at least 30 seconds to experience its full advantages.
  • Always remember to warm up before the puppy pose with gentle back-bends, like cat-cow.
  • Breathe deeply into the stretch, creating more space to flex deeper.

What is the Variation of Uttana Shishosana?

There is a certain variation of Uttana Shishosana:

  • Parivrtta Uttana Shishosana (Revolved Puppy Dog Pose)
  • Puppy Dog Pose Blocks
  • Puppy Dog Pose One Block
  • Quarter Dog Pose
  • Puppy Dog Pose With Chair
  • Puppy Dog Pose Variation Arms On Chair
  • Puppy Dog Pose Hands-On Wall
  • Supported Puppy Dog Pose Bolster Blanket
  • Rabbit Pose
  • Dolphin Pose Variation Knees On Floor

Parivrtta Uttana Shishosana (Revolved Puppy Dog Pose)

Parivrtta Uttana Shishosana Benefits:

  • Stretches and Strengthens: This pose stretches and strengthens different muscles of the body such as the shoulders (Trapezius, Deltoid, Rhomboid, etc), neck and abdomen (core), chest (pectoralis). Keeping these muscles flexible and supple will repair the day-to-day wear and tear due to lifestyle-related stress on the physical body.
  • Chest and Breath: It opens up the chest and in turn expands the rib cage. This results in an increased space in the lungs which inspires the practitioner to breathe deeply and relax. It also aids people who suffer from asthma, bronchitis, seasonal allergies, etc by reducing the symptoms through stimulation of the lungs and respiratory system.
  • Energizing and Destressing: This can not only result in physical illness but can also affect the energy body with symptoms such as lethargy, fatigue, etc. This pose reduces tension in the neck, shoulder, chest, and back muscles which are the prime areas to store stress in the physical body. Thus, it aids in the free flow of the prana and de-stresses, and energizes the body.
  • Therapy and Healing: This pose is a heart opener and hence a really good choice to involve as a therapy option for those suffering from respiratory disorders. It also aids in postural correction in the cases of hunchback (kyphosis) and spine compression due to poor postures on the desk by opening the chest and lengthening the spine. This twist also aids in improving the digestion and the overall metabolism of the body.

How to do Parivrtta Uttana Shishosana ?

Take a position of puppy pose.
Now interlace your hands and slightly twist your body to the right side to look under your right armpit.
You can use a block as you put your hands on a block.
You can only twist if your lower back is comfortable.
Comes with an extra twist to the shoulders, chest, upper back, and upper abdomen.
Now release the pose and the same step on the left side.
Stay in the pose for 20 seconds and increase if you are comfortable.

Puppy Dog Pose Blocks

How to do:
Try utilizing one block between your feet and another between your inner thighs. First, put the block between your feet, firming the big toes into the block without rotating the inner arches. Now, put the second block between your inner thighs and squeeze firmly; visualize pushing the block back toward the wall behind you, generating the effort of internal rotation. This not only aids engage your adductors and keep your hips and legs properly parallel to protect your back, it also adds greater stability and structure to the pose.

Try positioning each elbow on a block. Begin on the Tabletop and put the blocks shoulder-width apart directly in front of your hands. Place yourself up on the blocks on your elbows, one at a time. Bring your palms together in a prayer pose. Move your palms behind your head, permitting them to rest toward the nape of your neck. If you feel any neck pain, add a third block underneath your forehead.

Puppy Dog Pose One Block

Puppy Dog Pose One Block
Puppy Dog Pose One Block

How to do: Come into puppy pose and place a block in front of your head.
Now rest your elbows perpendicular on the block while your fingers are interlaced.
Rest your head on a block between your elbows.
Hold this pose for some seconds and release.

Quarter Dog Pose

Quarter Dog Pose
Quarter Dog Pose

How to do: Come into the puppy pose.
Now bend your left elbow to 90 degrees and touch your left fingers to your right elbow.
Now put your head on your left forearm.
Hold this pose for a few seconds.
Do the same steps on the right side.

Puppy Dog Pose With Chair

How to do: Take an all four limb pose and put a chair in front of you at your waist level.
Now place your both elbows on the seat of a chair and place your forehead in between your elbows.
Your elbows should be perpendicular to the chair.
Make sure your spine is straight and parallel to the floor.
Stay in this posture for 20 seconds if comfortable.

Puppy Dog Pose Variation Arms On Chair

How to do: Now come into all four limbs.
Place a chair in front of you and it should be forearm length distance.
Now place your forearm on a chair.
Make sure your arms should be stretched.
Now place your head in between your hands and look down.
Make sure to strengthen your spine, it should be parallel to the floor.

Puppy Dog Pose Hands-On Wall

Puppy Dog Pose Hands-On Wall
Puppy Dog Pose Hands-On Wall

How to do: Take an all four limb position in front of a wall.
Now walk your hands and move them to the wall like your hands walking on a wall.
Walk until it reaches above your head.
Make an arch in your spine and look upward towards your hands.
Hold this pose and release by reversing a walk.

Supported Puppy Dog Pose Bolster Blanket

How to do: If you have difficulty in reaching forward then you can use a bolster.
Take a puppy pose and place a bolster beneath your buttocks.
Now support your body into the bolster and stretch forward your hand.
Hold this pose until you feel comfortable.

Rabbit Pose

How to do: Come into puppy pose.
Move both arms backward to touch the ankles.
Tilt your head inwards and try to touch your knees with your head.
Hold this rabbit pose until you feel comfortable.

Dolphin Pose Variation Knees On Floor

How to do: Come into all four limb positions.
Bend your both elbows and draw your hands into the center.
Put your hands in the center and rest your head on it.
Hold this pose for a second as it relaxes your body.
Release by reversing the steps.

What are the Precautions you take While Doing Uttana Shishosana?

  • If you have a knee injury or any leg injury then it is not advisable to do this yoga posture.
  • You must master this yoga posture first to go onto the next level. You will get maximum benefit if you rely on a daily practice of these poses and integrate into your daily yoga routine.
  • Stretch as much as you can and push it. If you feel any discomfort then release the posture.
  • Consult an experienced yoga teacher before performing this yoga posture.

What are the Contraindications for Uttana Shishosana?

Even though this posture is straightforward, there are a few things that should be kept in mind while performing it.

  • If you have knee and hip injuries, then avoid performing this pose as it can increase the pressure on your knees and further worsen your condition.
  • You can avoid Uttana Shishosana if you have stiff arms and shoulders.
  • If you have severe lower back pain, then it is suggested that you don’t practice this posture because it may aggravate your pain and make your back stiffer.
  • Along with that, this asana must not be done in the later stages of pregnancy because the opposite flow of blood can be harmful to the fetus and the mother.

Bottom Line

Uttana Shishosana is one of the best asanas to do if you want to improve flexibility, calm the mind, and decrease stress. It is also best for improving body posture. The steps are easy to follow and can be performed by anyone.

Author: Dr.Nidhiphysio

Physiotherapist in Mobile Physiotherapy Clinic Bapunagar, Ahmedabad

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