Test for the posterolateral rotary instability of knee

Test for the posterolateral rotary instability of knee :

  • This test is apply by the therapist or doctor for the check the instability of knee.
  • This test is apply when the patient is complain of Knee pain around to knee area .
  • Test is do the during of the examination part of the assessment .
  • Two test for this instability :-
  • Active posterolateral drawer sign
  • Dynamic posterior shift test

Purpose of the both test :

  • This both test are used to for to check the posterolateral rotary instability of knee .

Some instruction for both test :

  • During to performing of both test examiner is must looking for the abnormal posterior of the lateral side of the tibia .
  • As with to posteromedial rotation , the examiner must always be aware that positioning the leg because gravity may cause the lateral tibia to drop back .
  • So that this condition is lead to false – positive ALRI means anterolateral rotary instability .
  • But in fact the problem is actually a PLRI means posterolateral rotary instability .

Active posterior lateral drawer sign :

Technique of performance of test :-

  • Patient position for to test is sitting .
  • In the sitting foot is on the floor in neutral position .
  • Then do the knee flex up to 80′ to 90′.
  • After that asked to patient do the isometrically contract to hamstring muscles mostly of lateral one means biceps femoris muscle .
  • On this time examiner is stabilizes the foot .

Interpretation of the test :-

  • A positive test is indicate to posterolateral rotatory instability .
  • It is also indicate to posterior sublaxions of the lateral tibial plateaus .

Dynamic posterior shift test :

Technique of performance of test :-

Dynamic posterior shift test
Dynamic posterior shift test
  • Patient position for the test is supine .
  • Then the examiner is flex the hip &knee of the test leg to 90 ‘ with the femur in neutral rotation .
  • With the one hand of examiner is stabilizes the anterior thigh while the other hand is extended to knee .

Interpretation of the test :-

  • A positive test is indicate to posterolateral rotatory instability .
  • It is also indicate to posterior instability of knee .
  • If the patient complain to pain around of knee before to accomplished of the knee extension ; so decreases to hip flexion but must be keep to hamstring tight .

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