

What is Yoganidrasana?

Yoganidrasana is a reclining forward turn in a supine position. Originating from the Sanskrit language, in which yoga means” to unite,” nidra means “sleep” and asana means “pose.”

To enter the posture, lie down face up with your legs extended. Bend the legs and position the feet on the ground floor a few feet from the hips.

Get the left leg toward the head by maintaining the foot with both hands, lift the head off the ground floor, and place the left ankle under the head on the ground floor.

Bring the right leg toward the head and set the right foot beneath the left foot so that the ankles are one above the other and the feet interlock. Place the head on the feet. Obtain the hands after the back and lock the fingers.

The sleeping pose may even be referred to as a yogic sleep pose in English.

Steps of Yoganidrasana (Sleeping Yogi Yoga Pose)

The following are the steps:

  • First, come into the Savasana (Corpse pose) after that breathe in along with maintaining your knees to the chest.
  • Then, cross your one ankle over the other ankle and create a few spaces at the knees.
  • Set your legs towards the direction of the head and reach your hands forward among your legs.
  • Keep your hands on your ankles or your lower calves and support to pull your legs towards the crown of the head.
  • After that, raise your head with your shoulders off the ground floor.
  • Make sure, to keep your neck free from stress and note not to crowd your shoulders upward.
  • Breathe in as you position your feet and ankles over your head (for drawing your head and shoulder by the space in the legs).
  • Currently, push your feet towards the direction of the ground floor over your head and maintain the shoulders forward for pressing into the backs of the knees.
  • Hold your heels in a path that you relax your head on them for support and comfort.
  • Next step, create the blessing position by hands close to the sternum. Interlock your fingers together to stay in the position. Expand your chest to open the lungs slowly.
  • Look upward and stay in the position for thirty to sixty seconds with controlled breathing. When you are performing the sleeping pose recreate relaxing music or music connected to Yoganidrasana.
  • One by one focus on your body regions and believe that all parts of your body are relaxed and your body weight is very light as a feather.
  • You discover few complications in breathing but once you are comfortable in this pose, breathing evolves easier.
  • For discharging, release your hands and maintain them back to the ankles.
  • Set your elbows and shoulders back to the ground and arrive at the place of Savasana.

Replicate the same steps with your other ankles crossed in the next session of Yoganidrasana.

Yoganidrasana Pose Video

Benefits of Yoganidrasana (Sleeping Yogi Yoga Pose)

  • Stretches the small muscles and ligaments in the neck parts.
  • Perfectly enhances spinal flexibility to a great stretch.
  • Stretches the lungs, chest, upper and lower back, shoulders, and hip flexors.
  • It strengthens and extends the vertebrae or the bones in the spine.
  • Hip flexors are even stretched.
  • Stimulates the central nervous system.
  • Helps in the digestion system.
  • It strengthens by creating a better posture.
  • It strengthens the abdominal organs such as the adrenal glands, pancreas and liver thyroid gland, kidney, and lungs.
  • Stretches the lungs and chest.
  • It can slow and steadily reduce menopause and menstrual cramping for females.
  • Relieves mental stress and physical tension.
  • Perfectly comforts the mind.
  • Enhances blood circulation in the body.
  • It supports to shape of the abdomen.
  • Lengthens and strengthens the feet, legs, thighs, hips, waist, stomach, and neck.
  • It shapes the abs and abdomen.
  • Decreases the severe ache in the entire body.
  • Relieves the pain in the legs.
  • It strengthens and stretched the back.
  • Enhances the nervous system.
  • Greatly extends the spine.
  • It largely relieves anxiety, stress, and fatigue.


Here are a few differences you can try:

If you discover it complicated to perform the pose, you can use a folded blanket to avoid direct contact with the ground floor.

You can even practice this asana against the wall if you discover it is to complicated perform the asana.

Utilize an asana strap to hold the leg behind the shoulder for longer.
A few deviations you can try:

If you discover it too complicated to position both your legs behind your neck, you can position either of the legs behind the neck to create it easier.

This is learned as Ek Pada Sirasana or One Leg After Head Pose.

To create the asana additional challenge, you can even progress into Dwipadasana, wherein you hold both your legs after the head pose with your hands on the ground floor for either balancing or near the chest.

Yoga sleep pose Precautions –

If you accomplish not bring precautions while creating back motions, backache can occur.

A person with Hip Injuries and slipped discs should accomplish this posture carefully.

Pregnant ladies should not accomplish this asana at all.

Cervical patients and a person suffering from a headache should not accomplish this pose.

The patient of piles should not accomplish this pose.


Yoganidrasana is an influential technique to supply a space filled with relaxation, happiness, and wellness that reconstructs the mental, emotional, and physical structure of human beings.

Practitioners running through a hard step of life should once enroll themselves to see the difference in their life.


1. What is the meaning of Yoganidrasana?

Yoganidrasana is a reclining forward turn in a supine position. Originating from Sanskrit, yoga means” to unite,” nidra means “sleep” and asana means “pose.”

2. How To Perform Yoganidrasana?

Bring into the Corpse Pose (Shavasana) with your hands beside your hips and keep your feet one-two feet distance apart and breathe slowly.
Turn both of your knees and get your feet to the area of the hips. Now, bring both of your hands and draw your feet back toward your chest.

3. What are the benefits of Yoganidrasana?

Relieves insomnia symptoms: As noted earlier, The Yogic Sleep pose can encourage better quality sleep. Increases blood circulation, Creates the body more flexible, Encourages digestion, Decreases anxiety and stress, and Aids weight loss.

4. Can you sleep in Yoganidrasana?

Yoganidrasana is complete your sleep strengthens your muscles and enhances your flexibility. In 40 minutes (Performing thirty minutes of Yognidrasana is for the evolved practitioner ) you can bring peaceful and comfy yogic sleep in YogNidra but even Yoganidrasana.

5. What are the disadvantages of Yoganidrasana?

Practitioners with the condition of High blood pressure should avoid accomplishing this pose as it might increase the blood pressure, which would be fatal. Ladies with pregnancy should avoid Yoganidrasana.

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