sagging neck
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26 Best Exercises for Sagging Neck


A sagging neck, often referred to as “turkey neck” or “neck wattle,” can be a common concern for individuals as they age. This condition is primarily caused by factors such as natural aging, weight loss, and reduced skin elasticity.

While it is challenging to completely reverse the effects of a sagging neck, specific exercises can help improve muscle tone and promote a more youthful appearance. These exercises primarily target the neck, chin, and jaw muscles, aiming to strengthen and tighten the underlying tissues.

When performed regularly and in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, these exercises can contribute to a more toned and lifted appearance of the neck area.

Why does the skin on the neck sag?

The skin on the neck sags for a variety of causes. Due to collagen loss, the skin immediately below your face may begin to lose its elastic qualities and firmness. Aging is evident in this. Your neck may sag and the skin around it may become loose due to weight gain or even quick weight loss.

When the skin around the neck begins to lose its flexibility, neck skin sagging results. The appearance of the jaw can be caused by loose skin around the neck and jawline. Turkey neck, also known as neck skin sagging and excess skin, can be caused by aging, excessive sun exposure, and quick weight reduction.

The loss of collagen and elastin due to aging and sun exposure can lead to loosening of the skin.

Regardless of the cause, working out the muscles directly under your jawbone can help you get rid of a double chin. Twenty weeks of face exercises lasting 30 minutes each helped to reduce loose skin on the face and neck. For information on the most effective neck yoga, exercises, stretches, and massages, see the section below.

Neck Tightening Exercises

Warm-up exercise

Apply two drops of face oil and two pumps of a face on your neck muscles to warm them up before beginning these neck-strengthening exercises. Spend two to three minutes massaging the neck region upward.

Here are some activities to warm up the neck:

Neck rotations:

Make a full circle by slowly rotating your head in a clockwise motion. Each direction should be held for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times, once in each direction.

Bend your neck.

The side slowly by tilting your head to the right and bringing your ear close to your shoulder. Take a 5-second hold. Release gradually, and then repeat on the other side.

Chin tucks in the neck:

Hold your chin against your chest for 5 seconds. Repeat ten times while releasing slowly.

It’s important to be careful and pain-free when performing neck-warming activities. Stop the activity as soon as you feel any pain.

Additional advice for neck warm-up activities is provided below:

  • Through each exercise, take slow, even breaths.
  • To prevent injuries, concentrate on good form.
  • Never hold your breath when exercising.

Prevent having a sagging neck

Your jaw should go forward as you raise your chin toward the ceiling. A slight tightening under your chin will be noticed. The muscles in front of your neck relax as your neck stretches, but the side sternocleidomastoid muscles work harder. Hold the position for 5 seconds, then 10 times.

Exercise the muscles in your chin and mouth to make them smaller.

Reduce the corners of your mouth in an effort to pout or display disgust. Exaggerate the gesture without fear. You’re doing it correctly if you feel a tightening from your chin to your nose. The smile on your face will become more relaxed as a result of your use of your little mouth muscles.

To prevent the droopy sad mouth physical appearance, exercise the muscles that elevate the corners of the lips.

Then, try your hardest to keep smiling while closing your mouth. Put your lips as close to your teeth as you can while doing this. Your lips’ outer edge will become more constricted. It’s a fantastic workout! Even an artificial smile instantly improves your mood! What better method to feel more youthful and fit? For five seconds, maintain the posture as tightly as you can. then carry out the motion 10 more times.

To strengthen the lower half of your face and plump the lips, work the lower lip muscles.

When you can see your bottom teeth and feel tension in your chin, close your mouth and lower your lip. Think of a string pulling your mouth’s sides downward. Ten times in a single motion after holding the position for five seconds.

Tone your lips by working on the muscles around them.

Completely exhale while pulling your cheeks in to create a fish face and tensing your lip muscles to the maximum extent possible. An uncomfortably constricting sensation should be felt around the lips. Ten times in one motion after holding the position for five seconds.

Chin Pushing Smile

Chin Pushing Smile
Chin Pushing Smile


Lie down comfortably on a couch or chair. Your back will be supported by a pillow. Sit upright.
As in the example, place the tips of your fingers on your chin.
By opening the lower jaw, just your chin.
Press your chin gently, slightly open your lips, and grin.
Hold for three seconds, then carefully bring your head back over your spine.
Do this twice daily for 15 times.
Related: 5 Natural Facial Exercises That Will Lift Your Brows

Massage For Natural Face Lift

Massage For Natural Face Lift
Massage For Natural Face Lift


Place a pillow to support your lower back as you sit in a chair.
Add a drop of facial oil and two pumps of a face mist.
Together, rub your palms.
Place your thumbs behind your ear. Your index fingers should be folded and placed next to your mouth.
Move your hands toward your ears while applying light pressure.
After pausing quickly repeat the action while returning your hands to the starting position.
20 times through, once or twice a day.
If you have rosacea, eczema, or acne that is still active, do not get this message.

Kisses Face Exercise

Kisses Face Exercise
Kisses Face Exercise


Get comfortable sitting down.
Your palm should be on your chest, just below your collarbone.
Neck stretched upward, look at the ceiling.
‘O’-shaped mouth opening.
Put your lips together and close your mouth as if you were trying to kiss the ceiling.
For two seconds, maintain this posture, then release.
Before lowering your head to a neutral position carefully and slowly, repeat this motion five times.
Extend your neck up and look to your right.
5 times through this exercise. On the left, repeat the process.
Perform this set twice daily.

Pursed Lips Neck Stretch

Pursed Lips Neck Stretch
Pursed Lips Neck Stretch


Sit or stand straight.
Take a look at the ceiling.

Try to kiss the ceiling with your lips pursed.
Keep your stance for ten seconds.
Controlled head lowering is required.
Ten times each, twice daily.

Extended Neck Face Yoga

Extended Neck Face Yoga
Extended Neck Face Yoga


Sit up straight on a chair or a mat. Look up at the ceiling.
Open your mouth and close it.
Return your head to neutral with control.
Do this 15 times, twice a day.

Neck Extend with jaw 


Sit upright on a couch or chair.
your chin with your index finger.
Your mouth will open and shut.
To prevent your mouth from opening, apply pressure with your index finger.
Keep your lips open and shut while extending your neck up and down, keeping it parallel to your spine.
Do this twice daily for 5 times.

Gargling Face Yoga

Gargling Face Yoga
Gargling Face Yoga


Cross-legged, sit upright on a mat with your heels in contact with your hips.
Imagine holding a glass of water in your mouth.
Blow air from your right cheek to your left cheek and the opposite.
Do this twice daily for 20 times.

Tongue Push

Tongue Push
Tongue Push

Sit upright on a couch or chair.
Put your fist under your jaw.
Your tongue should be in contact with your mouth’s roof.
Your tongue should be pointed toward the roof of your mouth when you raise your fist and lower your jaw.
Relax after five seconds of holding.
While performing this exercise, turn your head in various directions.
Do this twice daily for 15 times.

Neck Massage

Neck Massage
Neck Massage


In front of the mirror, either stand or sit.
Rub your palms together after applying two pumps of face mist and a drop of face oil.
Put your hands on the chin’s sides.
By gently pulling your palms up in the shape of a “V,” you can massage your chin and cheeks.

Bring your hands back to the beginning position after a two-second pause.
Do this twice daily for 20 times.

Neck Stretches

Neck Stretches
Neck Stretches

Save steps with neck stretches

Lie down comfortably on a couch or chair.
Put your fingers on your collarbone and apply light pressure.
Breathe in through your nose, raise your neck, and raise your head to the ceiling. Downshift your shoulders.
Inhale and raise your head.
Bring your head back to a neutral posture and incline your neck.
Do this twice daily for 15 times.
These 10 exercises can help tighten the skin that is relaxed around your chin. Here are some diet and lifestyle suggestions that will help you tighten your neck in addition to these neck exercises.

Neck exercises to reduce turkey and tighten skin Neck
One of the most intimate body locations may benefit from neck exercises to tighten skin and muscle. They are also useful if you don’t have the time or the money to tighten the skin for free at home but can’t afford invasive surgery. Let’s look at your options.

Face Yoga Poses to Firm Up a Saggy Neck

A straightforward exercise that stretches specific muscles is face yoga. Performing facial workouts has helped to lessen neck-area aging indications.

Yoga Pose For Flexibility: Which Poses Will Make You More Flexible?
4 Neck Tightening Exercises, To help target areas other than your neck muscles and skin, perform “tighten under the chin” workouts.

Facial yoga: Facial yoga involves stretching to activate the muscles of the face and neck. A half-hour daily session of face yoga can help tighten the skin and give you a more youthful appearance.

Forehead Lifter Face Yoga

Forehead Lifter Face Yoga
Forehead Lifter Face Yoga

Place your interlaced fingers on your forehead.
Try to elevate your forehead while applying light pressure.
Either maintain the posture for 60 seconds or perform it 50 times.

Yoga For A Firmer Jaw And Face

Make the sound “aah” while your mouth expands.
Fold the lower lip’s corners and the lip’s midpoint into your mouth.
Close your mouth while lifting and advancing your lower jaw.
Before opening your mouth again, scoop your mouth closed and advance your chin another inch.
Before your chin rises to the ceiling, scoop your mouth ten times. Each direction should be held for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times, once in each direction.

Yoga swan neck and face

Place your hands on the collarbones on either side,
By directing your eyes to the right at a 45-degree angle,
Put your lips in a delicate, subtle pucker without using excessive pressure,
Keeping the duck face still and breathing normally for five seconds
Go back to your center and take a break,
Use your eyes to perform the same exercise in the opposite way. Do both sides twice to complete a set.

Flex your jaw and neck

Face slightly upwards tilted
Slowly extend one of your shoulders and pull your chin forward and up at a 45-degree angle.
Hold your chin three seconds over your shoulder,
Do 20 shoulder-overs on each side, then turn your head back in the opposite direction.

Additional Effective Sagging Neck Exercises

It’s difficult to get rid of a wattle under your chin in the shape of a turkey. According to the Seattle Times, a turkey neck is caused by weakening muscles and decreased flexibility. Lotions, neck muscle strengthening, and other all-natural remedies might be effective.

Acupressure Push With Slide

Apply lotion to your neck gently by moving your hands upward.
Your thumbs should be beneath your chin, and your knuckles should be there as well.
While gently exhaling, slide your knuckles under your chin until under your ear.
From the under-ear position, softly slide your knuckles down the sides of your neck.
Before repeating the glide five times, reset.

Chew Lift

Sit firm in your chair and slowly tilt your head back to look up at the ceiling.
As if you were chewing gum, move your mouth into a chewing position.
Hold the position with your mouth shut for ten seconds, then 20 times, repeating the chew lift.
View also Wide Grip Bench Press: Techniques & Advantages.

Head tilted

Stand with your hands by your side and your eyes straight ahead.
Bring your chin as near to your chest as you can by slowly bending your neck forward,
If you get neck or back pain, stop.
Hold your chin as low as you can for ten seconds, then up to five times, repeat the head tilt.

Neck Lift

Lie flat with your back to the bed and hang your head over the side.
Raise your forehead gradually until it is parallel to the bed.
Before taking a break, elevate your head using your neck muscles five times.
If you start to feel any neck or back pain, cease right away.

Exercise for the Upward Dog Pose:

With your feet flat on the ground, lie on your back. In order to slowly stand up, use your forearms. In a straight line, the elbows must be positioned directly beneath the shoulders. Now raise your body such that it creates a reverse “C” shape. Tilt the chin out and hold it there for around 30 seconds.

Practice the Fish Face Pose

To perform this exercise, sit comfortably in a chair with your back straight and shoulders relaxed. As much as you can, point your chin upwards while looking up. In order to completely enclose it, softly slide the lower lip toward the upper lip. You will have tightness in the neck muscles as a result of performing this. For best results, hold this posture for around 10 seconds and then repeat approximately 10 times.

Gum Chewing Exercise:

This is possibly the simplest and most effective workout for the turkey neck. All you have to do is move your mouth as though you were chewing gum. As you perform this exercise, try to turn your head as much to the left and right as you can.

Exercise for tongue pressure:

You must sit in a comfortable position and relax your shoulders before beginning this exercise. As much as you can, look upward while maintaining a relaxed expression and a closed mouth. Now stretch the neck muscles directly behind the jaw and press the tongue firmly onto the roof of the mouth. Now keep the tongue pressure while attempting to lower the chin toward the chest.

Exercise with the Tongue in a Circle: 

Sit in a chair and close your mouth to perform this exercise. Now, rotate the tongue in a circle 15 times on the right side and 15 times on the left.

Lip Pursing:.

In order to feel a stretch on the neck muscles and make them tight, purse the lips as far as possible while also extending the chin forward. Maintain this pose for around 15 seconds.

Natural Alternatives for Tightening Saggy Neck Skin

In addition to being annoying, sagging neck skin can also make us feel at risk. As a mobile physiotherapy clinic team, we aim to make our patients feel better about themselves and more secure in their own skin. Here are 10 methods to tighten sagging neck skin without surgery that make use of several nearby natural materials:

  1. Hot massage
  2. Exercise
  3. Manage weight
  4. Cucumber pastes
  5. Almond oil massage
  6. Skin-tightening cosmetic creams
  7. Drink mineral water
  8. Balanced diet
  9. Banana peel neck masks
  10. Non-surgical skin tightening

Tightening Saggy Neck Skin:

warm massage.

Receiving a heat massage can nourish the skin while also repairing wrinkles and dryness. After applying it, your skin will be moisturized, soft, and supple. Increased collagen production from hot massages helps with new cell growth and repair. This causes the skin on your neck to tighten and retract.

Physical activity.

Stretching and strengthening activities have major effects on drooping skin. Your lower face’s tissues and muscles may become active due to frequent stretching and relaxation. Additionally, this may activate the creation of collagen, minimizing aging and sagging signs.

Control weight

Maintaining a healthy weight serves more as a preventive measure than as an effective treatment. Skin can expand as a result of weight gain, so when you lose weight, sagging skin can show up. Whether you deal with it now or in the future, maintaining your weight will help prevent stretching if you are worried about having drooping neck skin.

Cucumber pastes

Cucumber pastes are incredibly moisturizing and moisturizing. It totally revitalizes the cells while profoundly conditioning the loose and worn skin. Your skin will appear more firm, full, and plump.

Massage with almond oil

Vitamin E, which serves as vital for anti-aging, is included in almond oil. Additionally, it encourages the synthesis of collagen to help tighten and tone the sagging skin around your neck and improve blood circulation there.  

Cosmetic lotions that tighten the skin

Because they contain potent tissue-firming and restoring vitamins and minerals, wrinkle-lift skin creams can also aid in the reduction of drooping skin. You can apply any face creams, moisturizers, or anti-aging serums on your neck as well

Consume mineral water

Drinking mineral water can help your body’s chemical balance return. Premature aging can be caused on by various hormonal and chemical imbalances, which can be identified by wrinkles and other signs like drooping neck skin. Your hormones can be adjusted by restoring those reduced chemicals with the aid of mineral water..     

A healthy diet

A balanced diet can assist, even though it might seem too easy. Salads, green leafy vegetables, and fresh fruits can all help restore the vitamins your body is missing to promote healthier skin and overall wellness. Although it takes time, the cure is effective.

Neck mask made of banana peel

Antioxidants and lutein, which make cells elastic, active, and even stronger, are increased by bananas. Banana masks are available in beauty supply stores, or you could try making your own.

Non-surgical skin tightening method

Consider a non-surgical skin-tightening technique to pull the sagging neck skin in order to achieve the best and quickest results. Non-surgical procedures are not only non-invasive but also have very little negative side effects. They use ultrasound and radio frequency technology, and occasionally even both! For instance, it combines both technologies, for skin tightening.

Lifestyle changes:

It is simpler to avoid drooping neck skin than to correct it. Sagging neck skin and other signs of ageing may be avoided by moisturizing your décolletage and neck skin, drinking plenty of water, eating a diet high in antioxidants and vitamins, minimising your sun exposure, and getting plenty of restful sleep. Keeping your weight constant may also help you prevent having too much skin.

Tips for Reducing Turkey Neck in Your Lifestyle:

Reduce your intake of sugar and sugary meals to assist you lose weight.

Reduce your salt consumption to avoid storing additional fluid.

To lower inflammation, consume healthy fats such as fatty fish, olive oil, avocado, nuts, and seeds.

Consume a source of protein with each meal to maintain muscle and keep you satisfied.

To avoid overeating, practice portion control.

prevent eating junk food, frozen meals, and canned foods to prevent “empty calories.”

Four or five times a week, work out.

Combine aerobic and weight training.

Develop a pastime to relieve stress.

Get regular and enough sleep (7 to 8 hours) each night.

With the correct neck massage techniques, exercise, and lifestyle modifications, you may increase neck flexibility and tighten the region. Remember that observable benefits may take at least 2 to 3 months. If you need a quick fix and have clearance from your doctor, you can consider cosmetic surgery.To maintain the benefits, you must adjust your food and lifestyle in addition to performing the ten workouts.


In the section that follows, we’ve covered the many cosmetic surgery and therapy choices.

Options For Surgery And Medicine
: The Nefertiti lift is another name for Botox. A plastic surgery center offers Botox injections from qualified specialists. Young adults in their late 20s or early 30s are suitable for the effect, which lasts for around 4 months.

A clinic may also offer laser skin tightening and neck reshaping treatments. An expert professional performs it. You require several sessions spread out over 4 to 6 months.

Hyo Neck Lift: A qualified and experienced plastic surgeon will do this surgical neck lift operation. It lessens neck drooping and aids in skin tightening around the neck.

MST: Barbed threads are used in this minimally invasive neck rejuvenation procedure. It assists in lifting the neck and lessens the visibility of sagging neck skin.

When Should You Do Neck Exercises?

Three to four times a week is advised for neck workouts. Ten to fifteen times each exercise should be done.

How to Make the Most of Neck Exercises??

  • The following advice will help you get the most out of your neck exercises:
  • Before performing neck exercises, warm up. This can be done by doing some light neck stretches or by going for a short walk or jogging.
  • Maintain proper protocol. Keep your back straight and your neck muscles active while performing neck workouts.
  • Be dependable. Regularly performing neck exercises is the greatest way to observe results.

What foods should be consumed to prevent neck sagging?

There is no one diet that will cure or stop a sagging neck. The overall health and beauty of the skin can be enhanced by a variety of meals and nutrients, too.

The following foods may aid in minimizing the look of a sagging neck:

Fruits and veggies: Fruits and vegetables are abundant in antioxidants, which can aid in preventing free radical damage to the skin. Unstable chemicals called free radicals have the potential to harm cells, including skin cells.

Grain: Grain is a good source of vitamin B5, which is necessary for the creation of collagen. Collagen, a protein, aids in keeping the skin firm and flexible.

Lean protein: Lean protein is necessary for tissue growth and repair and can be found in foods like chicken, fish, and beans. The tissues of the skin are included.

Healthy fats: Good fats, such as those in nuts, avocados, and olive oil, are important for maintaining the health of your cells. They also support healthy skin hydration and skin elasticity.

Water: Water is important for overall health, especially the condition of the skin. It contributes to maintaining the skin’s hydration and elasticity, which can lessen the look of a sagging neck.

Consult your doctor if your sagging neck worries you. They can evaluate your particular requirements and make a treatment plan recommendation that is suitable for you.

what should a drooping neck avoid?

You can avoid the following items to assist in making your neck look less sagging:

Smoking: Smoking reduces the collagen and elastin in the skin, causing drooping and early aging.

Excessive sun. exposure can harm the skin’s collagen and elastin, which can cause wrinkles and fine lines to appear.

Rapid weight loss or growth. can strain the skin, increasing the likelihood that it will sag.

Poor posture: Poor posture can strain the muscles in the neck, which can cause the skin to sag.

Dehydration: Dry, wrinkled skin can result from dehydration.

You can also take actions that improve the appearance of a drooping neck in addition to avoiding these factors, like:

Eating a nutritious diet: Eating a diet full of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will assist with improving skin health in general.

Getting enough rest is important for skin regeneration and restoration. Sleep for 7-8 hours every night.

Taking care of your stress: Stress can harm your skin and hasten the aging process. See healthful tension-reduction practices like yoga, meditation, or activity.

Sun exposure is a major contributor to skin damage, including accelerated aging, thus it is important to protect your skin from it. Wear sunscreen every day, even on cloudy days, that has an SPF of 30 or higher.

Making use of neck exercises: Neck exercises can assist in toning and strengthening the muscles in the neck, which helps lift and tighten the skin.

Utilizing neck creams and lotions: A variety of neck creams and lotions on the market promise to help minimize the appearance of a drooping neck. Some of these chemicals, like retinol, hyaluronic acid, and collagen, can assist in improving the appearance of the skin.


Exercise is not recommended for neck sagging if:

Neck discomfort or injury: You need to stay from neck exercises until your neck has recovered if you are experiencing neck pain or an injury.

Neck arthritis: If you have neck arthritis, you should see your doctor before performing any neck exercises because some of them could make your condition severe.

Osteoporosis: Neck exercises that involve jerking or twisting the head should be avoided if you have osteoporosis since they may result in a fracture.

High blood pressure: Before beginning any neck exercises, if you have high blood pressure, consult your doctor first because some exercises may cause your blood pressure to increase.

Neck activities that require turning the head should be avoided if you experience vertigo because they can aggravate your symptoms.

Before performing neck exercises if you have any of these conditions, it is important to consult your doctor. They can assist you in creating a personalized workout routine that is both effective and secure.

Here are some more pointers for performing neck workouts safely:

  • Begin by progressively increasing the time and intensity of your exercises.
  • Pay attention to your body’s signals and cease any exercise that hurts.
  • Through each exercise, take slow, even breaths.
  • To prevent injuries, concentrate on good form.
  • Never hold your breath when exercising.
  • Exercises for the neck should not be performed if you are feeling weak or unsteady.

Exercises for the neck should be stopped right away if you feel any pain or discomfort, and a doctor or physical therapist should be consulted.


The appearance of a sagging neck can be improved with neck workouts. Neck workouts can aid in lifting and tightening the skin by toning and strengthening the muscles in the neck. Additionally, they may aid in improving blood circulation to the neck, which may improve the skin’s overall look.

Consult your doctor if you are worried about a sagging neck. They can help you create a regimen that works for your lifestyle and recommend neck exercises that are perfect for you.

If you’re getting tired of the drooping skin under your chin, neck skin-tightening exercises are certain to benefit you. You surely don’t deserve to resemble a turkey; nobody wants to appear like one. Thankfully, there are a variety of exercises you may do to tighten drooping skin. Therefore, you don’t have to be self-conscious about your turkey neck, double chin, or loose skin. Instead, you might discover useful strategies to restore what lost flexibility.


Does losing weight make your neck more rigid?

A younger individual with tightly stretched elastic neck skin might be able to eliminate extra fat in the neck by merely decreasing weight. With the right exercises, neck muscles can be strengthened, and following weight loss and a thinner neck, youthful skin may naturally tighten.

Why is my facial skin aging so quickly?

One of the leading causes of early aging is exposure to light: Many skin issues come on by sun exposure. When exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light and sunlight, your skin ages faster than it would otherwise. Premature aging is responsible for 90% of the changes you observe in your skin as a result.

Which vitamin is best for aged skin?

E vitamin
Tocopherol, another name for vitamin E, is one of the most effective anti-aging nutrients. It is important to many bodily functions and systems, including the immunological system, the brain, the eyes, and the immune system. Due to its important role in preserving the health of the skin, vitamin E is essential for older persons.

How can I make my neck’s collagen grow?

Put on some vitamin C.
Beginning your daily neck regimen with a serum containing L-ascorbic acid, a kind of vitamin C that is quickly absorbed by the skin and stimulates collagen formation for a firmer, more elastic neck, is advised by a dermatologist.

How can I have a younger neck on my aging body?

Here are some tips for promoting a younger-looking neck and preventing future skin sagging.
Sunscreen: Protect Your Skin from the Sun.
Include a retinoid in your skincare regimen.
Reduce Your Double Chin.
Reduce Sun Damage and Aging-Related Wrinkles.
Improve Sagging Skin by Using Technology.
Don’t use the knife; go under the laser.

What foods boost collagen?

Citrus fruits
Vitamin C has a major role in the body’s production of pro-collagen, which is a type of collagen. Consequently, it’s critical to get enough vitamin C. Citrus fruits including oranges, grapefruit, lemons, and limes are rich in this vitamin, as you are surely aware.


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  • 5 exercises to tone your neck. (n.d.). Brunet.
  • Cirino, E. (2023, February 3). Can You Treat Turkey Neck? Healthline.
  • Saggy Neck? Do These 10 Neck Tightening Exercises At Home. (2023, September 5). STYLECRAZE.
  • A. (2023, May 8). 10 Ways to Tighten Neck Skin. Skin Cancer Specialists.
  • 5 best face yoga exercises to fix turkey neck. (n.d.).
  • Lambert, C., & Grebeniuk, I. (2023, July 21). 13 Exercises To Tighten Neck Skin And Reduce Sagging. BetterMe Blog.
Dr.Karishma Tadvi
Author: Dr.Karishma Tadvi

Physiotherapist, Content Writer, Blogger, working Current in Mobile Physiotherapy Clinic, Bapunagar Branch, Ahmedabad

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