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What is Tachypnea? Tachypnea or tachypneic breathing is fast and shallow breathing. If your breath speed gets quick but then returns to normal speed it is understood as transient tachypnea. Various medical diseases induce tachypnea. Tachypnea can impact newborns and adults. It is considered ordinary among newborns who were born prematurely (preterm) and among adults…


Metabolic Acidosis

What is Metabolic acidosis? Metabolic acidosis is a medical condition characterized by an excessive accumulation of acid in body fluids, resulting in a decrease in blood pH. It occurs when there is either an overproduction of acid, a decreased excretion of acid, or an excessive loss of bicarbonate, a base that helps regulate the body’s…

muscle weakness

Muscle Weakness

What is Muscle Weakness? Lack of exercise, aging, muscular damage, or pregnancy is the most prevalent causes of muscle weakness. It also chronic illnesses like diabetes or heart disease. Numerous additional conditions, such as multiple sclerosis, depression, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome, are also candidates as causes. Why do my muscles feel weak? A basic…

Abnormal Gait

Abnormal Gait

What is an Abnormal Gait? An abnormal gait is a noticeable change in our normal walking pattern. Every person has their natural walking style which is unique in individual. Although, some injuries and medical conditions can cause some changes in our natural walking pattern. Anything which can affect our brain, spinal cord, legs, or feet…