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Golfer’s elbow or Medial Epicondylitis

What’s golfers elbow? Golfer’s elbow is a condition that causes pain where the tendons of your forearm muscles attach to the bony bump on the inside of your elbow. The pain might spread into your forearm and wrist. Golfer’s elbow is similar to tennis elbow, which occurs on the outside of the elbow. It’s not…

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Flatback Posture

What is Flat Back Posture? Flat back posture is when your lower part of back flattens out, losing it’s normal curve in your spine and tipping your pelvis backward. Anatomy of the spine : To Understand Flat Back Posture, You must understand the anatomy and function of the spine. The spine is a column of…

Decerebrate Posture
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Decerebrate Posture: Physiotherapy Treatment

What is Decerebrate posture? Decerebrate posture is an abnormal body posture that involves the arms and legs being held straight out, the toes being pointed downward, and the head and neck being arched backward. The muscles are tightened and held rigidly. This type of posturing usually means there has been severe damage to the brain….

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Opisthotonus Posture

What is an Opisthotonus Posture? Opisthotonus Posture is an abnormal posture in which spastic muscle contraction of the back of muscles of the neck, trunk, and lower extremities that leads to severe abnormal backward arching from neck to heel. Spasms of the muscles cause backward arching of the head, neck, and spine, as in severe…

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Stroke: Physiotherapy Management

What is a Stroke? ANATOMY OF THE BRAIN : The three main components of the brain—the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brainstem—have distinct functions. The cerebrum is the largest and most developmentally advanced part of the human brain. It is responsible for several higher functions, including higher intellectual function, speech, emotion, integration of sensory stimuli…

Posterior pelvic tilt
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Posterior Pelvic Tilt

Definition Posterior Pelvic Tilt: Posterior pelvic tilt: the top of the pelvis is rotated back. The effect of the posterior tilt increases spinal flexion. Anterior pelvic tilt: the top of the pelvis is rotated forward. The effect of the anterior tilt increases spinal extension. What is a Posterior Pelvic Tilt? Posterior Pelvic Tilt Symptoms Posterior…

forward head posture


What is a Forward Head Posture? Forward head posture, sometimes called “Scholar’s Neck”, “Text Neck”, “Wearsie Neck”,” or “Reading Neck”, refers to a posture where the head appears to be positioned in front of the body.Forward head posture is considered to be the most common postural deformity, affecting between 66% and 90% of the population….

Anterior Pelvic Tilt
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Anterior Pelvic Tilt

What is an Anterior Pelvic Tilt? Anterior pelvic tilt is when the front of the pelvis drops in relationship to the back of the pelvis. For example, this happens when the hip flexors shorten and the hip extensors lengthen. The posterior pelvic tilt is the opposite when the front of the pelvis rises and the…

Sway Back Posture
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Sway Back Posture

Introduction: The sway back posture — casually known as the ‘lazy posture’, is identified by shoulders and chest leaning backwards, with hips turned in and pelvis and chin thrust forward. Why Sway Back Happen? This posture is usually due to a lack of support for the hips and pelvis, hinging at the back, thereby applying…