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Core Muscle Repair Rehabilitation

Core muscle repair rehabilitation is one type of physical therapy used to treat injuries to the core muscles. The term “core muscles” refers to the muscles that support the spine and pelvis. They are essential for stability, balance, mobility, and posture. The term “core muscles” refers to the group of muscles that support the spine…

Bone Cancer
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Bone Cancer

Introduction Bone cancer is a rare and serious disease that forms in bones. It occurs when normal cells in the bone transform into abnormal cancer cells that multiply uncontrollably. Primary bone cancer means the cancer starts in the bones, while secondary bone cancer means the cancer spreads to the bones from elsewhere in the body….

how long does pinched nerve last
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How Long Does a Pinched Nerve Last?

A pinched nerve, medically known as nerve compression or radiculopathy, occurs when there is increased pressure on a nerve, leading to pain, tingling, or numbness. The duration of a pinched nerve varies widely depending on the underlying cause, severity, and how effectively it is managed. In many cases, symptoms may resolve on their own within…

The Best Sleeping Position During Pregnancy

The Best Sleeping Position During Pregnancy

Introduction Pregnancy is a transformative and delicate period in a woman’s life, characterized by numerous physical and hormonal changes. Among the various factors contributing to a healthy pregnancy, sleep plays a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of both the expectant mother and the developing fetus. Choosing the right sleeping position during pregnancy is a…

Swollen Calf
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Swollen Calf

What is a Swollen Calf? Swollen calf refers to the abnormal enlargement or puffiness in the lower leg area between the knee and ankle mainly the backside. This condition can be caused by various factors, ranging from minor injuries to serious medical conditions. The swelling may be accompanied by pain, tenderness, and restricted movement, impacting…

Best Posture For Sleeping
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Choosing the Best Posture For Sleeping for Your Body

Introduction Achieving the best posture for sleeping is crucial for overall well-being and quality rest. Proper sleeping alignment not only promotes spinal health but also enhances comfort, reduces the risk of pain and discomfort, and contributes to a more restorative sleep. You are aware of the health benefits of sleep; a new investigation determined that…

exercise for pulled hamstring muscles
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36 Best Exercises For Pulled Hamstring Muscles

A pulled hamstring, also known as a hamstring strain, is a common injury that occurs when the muscles at the back of the thigh are stretched beyond their limits or torn. This injury can result from activities that involve sudden acceleration or deceleration, as well as improper warm-up or muscle imbalances. Recovering from a pulled…

Alkaline Phosphate
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What Level of Alkaline Phosphate is Dangerous?

What is Alkaline Phosphatase? Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme found in many parts of the body, with high concentrations found in the liver, bile ducts, and bones. It plays an important role in multiple physiological processes. A blood test can show if you have normal or abnormal alkaline phosphatase levels. But What level of…

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High Vitamin B12 Level (Hypercobalaminemia)

High vitamin B12 levels, also known as hypercobalaminemia, refer to elevated concentrations of vitamin B12 in the blood. Vitamin B12, also called cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin essential for various physiological processes in the body, including the formation of red blood cells, DNA synthesis, and proper functioning of the nervous system. What is Vitamin B12?…