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Calf muscle pain

What is calf muscle pain? What calf pain feels like? Sing and symptoms of calf muscle pain Causes of calf muscle pain Calf pain may result from several different causes and can be associated with other health conditions. While you can often treat calf pain reception, other instances may require immediate medical attention.Here are some…

abdominal muscle strain

Abdominal muscle strain

What is an abdominal muscle strain? An abdominal strain, or pulled stomach muscle, is usually an overuse injury. It occurs when muscles within the stomach stretch or tear. An abdominal strain and pulled stomach muscle are the same conditions. Football and tennis players are susceptible to this injury. But anyone can strain the abdominal muscles….


Proprioception Neuromuscular Facilitation(PNF)

What is Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation? Proprioception:-having to do with any of the sensory receptors that give data concerning movement and position of the body.Neuromuscular:-including the nerves and muscles.Facilitation:-making more straightforward.Proprioception Neuromuscular Facilitation is the activity in view of the standard of practical human life anatomy and uses:proprioceptive cutaneous auditory input to deliver practical improvement…

Kneading Massage Technique

Kneading massage technique

Kneading massage is a technique in the category of petrissage used by massage therapists in which pressure is applied to superficial and deep soft tissues. Kneading is a most commonly used massage technique to treat muscle pain, muscle spasms, and muscle tightness, and to increase flexibility. Kneading can also be used to help reduce emotional…

Trigger point therapy

Trigger point release therapy

What is trigger point release therapy? The trigger point release is a general term that describes procedures that relieve pain and relax tension in the muscles that contain trigger points. they do not usually eliminate the underlying trigger point, so unless further treatment is given relapse is generally inevitable. It generally refers to manual techniques…

Myofascial Release Therapy

Myofascial release therapy

What is myofascial release therapy? Myofascial release therapy is also called myofascial trigger point therapy. Myofascial release (MFR) is a specialized technique used by physiotherapists to treat soft tissue problems. This therapy is a manual therapy technique often used in massage. Myofascial release therapy is a massage technique that focuses on relieving pain and muscle…

hand eye co-ordination


-A coordination exercise is an important exercise to improve your function and do activities with ease. We are performing day-to-day activities such as typing, writing, etc where coordination is required. Coordination exercise also helps to improve sports performances. Definition of coordination -The definition of coordination is the ability to perform movement by using right muscle…

Deltoid Muscle
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Deltoid Muscle

What is deltoid muscle? The Deltoid muscle is a broader, triangular shape shoulder muscle. The deltoid muscle is called based on the shape of the Greek letter ‘delta’ (Δ). The Deltoid muscle is situated at the rounded contour of the shoulder. It is also popular as the ‘common shoulder muscle. The whole deltoid muscle begins…