Search Results for: LOW BACK PAIN

20 Best Exercises for Sciatica Pain
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20 Best Exercises for Sciatica Pain

Sciatica pain can be excruciating, often radiating from the lower back down through the buttocks and legs. It occurs when the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back through the hips and down each leg, becomes irritated or compressed. This condition can be caused by various factors such as a herniated disc, spinal stenosis,…

Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure)

Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure)

Defination Hypotension is defined as a blood pressure that is considerably lower than normal and might be a cause for symptoms like lightheadedness or dizziness. Blood pressure is measured in measured in millimeters of mercury(mmHg) and includes two numbers: Systolic pressure: the highest value that shows the force generated by a heartbeat. hypotension is defined as…

Hand Joint Pain
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Hand Joint Pain

What is a Hand Joint Pain? Hand joint pain is a common complaint that can significantly impact daily activities and quality of life. The hands are intricate structures composed of numerous joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscles, facilitating a wide range of movements essential for various tasks. Joint pain in the hands can arise from a…

Quadriceps Muscle Pain
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Quadriceps Muscle Pain

What is a Quadriceps Muscle Pain? Quadriceps muscle pain can arise from a variety of causes, including overuse, strain, direct trauma, muscle imbalances, and underlying medical conditions. Athletes, particularly those involved in sports that require repetitive leg movements or sudden changes in direction, are especially prone to quadriceps muscle injuries. Additionally, individuals who engage in…

Back Brace For Anterior Pelvic Tilt
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Back Brace For Anterior Pelvic Tilt

Introduction Although a back brace for anterior pelvic tilt may not directly address anterior pelvic tilt (APT), some people feel that it helps by supporting better posture and offering support, both of which can aid with APT indirectly. It’s crucial to remember that treating APT may require more than just a back brace; a whole…

Shoulder Pain: Causes, Treatments & Diagnosis
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Shoulder Pain: Causes, Treatments & Diagnosis

Shoulder pain is a typical symptom that has multiple possible causes. Your shoulder helps you to move your arms. Its wide range of movement makes it more at risk of damage. Some of the most typical causes are arthritis, muscle strain, or dislocation. Therapy could include rest, medications, or surgery but it varies by the…

Diabetic Nerve Pain
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Diabetic Nerve Pain

Introduction Diabetic nerve pain, also known as diabetic neuropathy, is a common complication of diabetes mellitus that affects the nerves throughout the body. It arises when prolonged high levels of blood sugar associated with diabetes damage the peripheral nerves. These nerves play a crucial role in transmitting signals between the central nervous system and various…