femoral nerve traction test & compression test

Femoral nerve traction test & compression test:

This test is also known as the crossed femoral stretching test. This femoral nerve traction test is applied in the clinic to check the neurological pain in the thigh. This clinical test is applied by to therapist when the patient is complain about back pain with the neurological pain. Purpose of the femoral nerve traction…

farmers walk everyday

Farmer’s Walks exercise: Muscle worked, Health benefits, How to do?

What are Farmer’s Walks? One such exercise is the farmer’s walk, an exercise in which equipment held in both hands is carried for some distance. The farmer’s walk, also known as the farmer’s carry, is a strength and conditioning exercise in which you hold a heavy load in your hands while walking for a designated…

Shoulder Shrug Exercise: Muscles worked, Health Benefits, How to do?

What is Shoulder Shrug Exercise? Shoulder shrug exercises are the best and easy to perform home exercises to improve the strength of your trapezius muscles. This exercise is also recommended by your Physiotherapist when anyone has a neck to shoulder pain. If you have a desk job, you likely spend most of your time in…

face pulls exercise

Face pulls exercise: Health Benefits, How to do? Variations

What is Face pulls exercise? Face pulls are one of the best corrective exercises for poor posture and shoulder joint dysfunction. This exercise help to strengthen the chronically weak muscles in your upper limb that get stretched out all day as we sit in a slumped position at the computer or driving cars. This is…

Deltoid stretch

Deltoid stretch exercise: Anterior, Posterior, Health Benefits, How to stretch?

Deltoid stretch exercise helps to improve flexibility of the deltoid muscles which are located in the top of shoulder joint which are important muscles you can use for your day to day activity. Regular stretching exercise have many health benefits and also improve your performance and fitness level. What is deltoid muscle stretching? Your shoulders…

Bowstring Sign

Bowstring Sign

The bowstring sign, also known as the popliteal compression test or posterior tibial nerve stretch sign, is performed by the healthcare provider to evaluate the mobility and tension of the sciatic nerve or its branches. What is the Purpose of the Bowstring Sign? What is the Technique of the Bowstring Sign? What is evidence of…