Thomas Test

Thomas Test for contracture of the hip

Purpose of the Thomas Test : What is the Technique of the Thomas Test? Interpretation of the Thomas Test : Sign Structures affected Abducted hip Iliotibial band, Tensor fascia lata Flexed hip Psoas muscles Tibia lateral rotation Biceps femoris Extended knee Extended knee Quadriceps, rectus femoris Interpretation of the Thomas Test Modification of the Thomas…

Special test for the infraspinatus tear or bicipital tendinosis

Special test for the Infraspinatus Tear/ Bicipital Tendinitis

A special test for diagnosing an infraspinatus tear or bicipital tendinitis involves specific maneuvers that target the affected muscles and tendons. These tests can help identify potential injuries and guide appropriate treatment. Name of the special test for the infraspinatus tear : Purpose of both tests: Dropping sign: How do you perform this dropping sign?…

Biceps curls dumbbells Exercise
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Biceps Tightness: Cause, Symptoms, Exercise

Introduction: Biceps Muscle tightness refers to a tight decent feeling in the front of your arm and also you feel discomfort while bending or extending elbow joints. Biceps muscle tightness constantly arises after changing exercise routines, stereotyping of the muscles, or being physically inactive for long ages of time. Else, muscle tightness can be caused…

Ober's Test

Ober’s Test

Purpose of the Ober’s Test How do you perform the Ober’s Test? Position of the Ober’s Test : Test performance of the Ober’s Test : Results of the Ober’s Test : Modification of the Ober Test : Test position of Modification of the Ober Test: Test performance of Modification of the Ober’s Test : Results…

Hamstring Injury Rehabilitation
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Hamstring Injury Rehabilitation

A hamstring injury can also be named as a hamstring strain. It can be defined as an overextension or overexertion of the hamstring muscles causing tear or strain to the back of thigh or tendon muscles; hence affecting the muscles that help in leg or knee bending. It is observed that the athletes are at…

What is Quadriceps Tendonitis?
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What is Quadriceps Tendonitis?

Quadriceps tendonitis can be defined as a condition of quadriceps muscles in thighs being inflamed due to excessively using the leg muscles or knee joints, causing pain in the upper knee, and using the joint of the knee. However, Quadriceps tendonitis is a treatable condition through rest or few other treatment options that would be…

scapular stabilization exercises

Scapular stabilization exercises: Health Benefits, Variations, How to do?

What is Scapular stabilization exercise? scapular stabilization exercises is the exercise that helps to strengthen the muscles that helps to stabilize the scapula. Benefits of doing Scapular stabilization exercises : Following are the few benefits of the exercise, these are: Which muscles are involved in scapular stabilization? The following listed muscles are strengthened during the…