Low Back Extension Exercise
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Low Back Extension Exercise :

Low Back Extension Exercise are the important part of Treatment in Low Back pain related Condition like Disc Prolapse, Ankylosing Spondylitis, scoliosis etc. These Exercise are Helps in improving strength and stamina of Low Back and also improve flexibility mainly extension range of motion and also improve overall posture of spine. Low Back Extension Exercise…

Low Back Flexion Exercise
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Low Back Flexion Exercise ( William’s Flexion Exercise)

Low Back Flexion Exercise also Called William’s Abdominal Exercise is Help to improve the Strength Of the Flexor Group Of Muscles of the lumbar spine And overall Mobility of the lumbar spine mainly through Flexion movement. This Exercise helps improve the strength of the abdominal and gluteal musculature in an effort to manage low back…

How to Treat Shoulder Pain

How To Treat Shoulder Pain?

Any pain in or around the shoulder joint is shoulder pain and treating shoulder pain involves strengthening and soothing inflammation. Easy Remedies to Follow at Home to Treat Shoulder Pain Here are some ways you can take care of yourself and treat your shoulder. Anti-Inflammatory medication Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication (NSAIDS) helps to treat and relieve…

REFLEXES Types and Testing

REFLEXES : Types and Testing

Introduction A reflex is an involuntary and relatively stereotyped response to a specific sensory stimulus. There are many types of reflexes and every healthy person has them. In fact, we’re born with most of them. eg. When a person accidentally touches a hot object, they automatically jerk their hand away without thinking. Reflex arcs act…

Knee Pain
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Knee Pain: Physiotherapy Management

What is a Knee Pain? Knee Pain are the most common condition seen in India. People in India highly uses knee joint, This high usage may lead to more wear and tear around the Knee joint. Knee joint is also weight-bearing joint, so on relieving pain takes more time. The knee is a complex structure…