Piriformis strengthening exercises: Health Benefits, Types, How to Do?
Piriformis strengthening exercises is a great way to increase strength of gluteal region mainly external rotators and if you are performing this exercise at regularly, it may have many health benefits and improve your Physique and performances and also reduces the risk of injury.
What is Piriformis strengthening exercise?
Piriformis muscle is a very small muscle in your glutes that is flat and band-like. It arises internal surface of the sacrum and inserts at the superior border of the trochanter of the femur.This is also why issues related to piriformis can be described as pain that you feel in your hip or buttocks. The piriformis assists us with lower limb movement since it stabilizes our hip joint and lifts and rotates our thighs away from the body.
The piriformis muscle rotates the femur during the hip extension and abducts the femur during the hip flexion.If your piriformis muscles are weak then it will put extra strain on your knee joints by making the inner side weak and the outer side tight. this will make your joint unstable.
Health benefits of Piriformis strengthening exercise.
- Helps relieve the pain of the sciatic nerve
- Helps you run more efficiently and avoid injury.
- The piriformis muscle rotates the femur during the hip extension and abducts the femur during flexion of the hip A healthy piriformis can ease knee and ankle pain.
- Helps to relieve piriformis syndrome pain.
- Helps to improve hip and knee range of motion.
Different types of strengthening exercises for your Piriformis muscle
Resistance band abduction
How to do it?
- To do this exercise you have to stand on one end of the resistance band and it’s tied around the ankle and the second end is attached to a stable object, close to the ground. Move the leg out to the side, away from the body, your knee should be straight.
- Once you get as far as is comfortable, slowly return the leg to the starting.
- Repeat 15 to 20 times and gradually increase the repetitions up to 2 sets of 20 reps.

Side-lying clam exercise
How to do it?
- For this exercise, you have to Lie on your left side with the hip to be worked on top.
- Flexed your knees and position them forwards so that your feet are in line with your spine.
- Make sure your right hip is directly on top of the other and your back is straight.
- Your ankles should be together, raise the right knee away from the bottom one.
- Remember, do not move your back or tilt your pelvis, all the movement should be started from the hip.
- Slowly return it to the initial position. Repeat 15 to 20 times initially and gradually build this up to 2 sets of 25 on both sides.

How to do it?
- Start this exercise while lying on your back with both knees flexed at about a 45-50 degree angle and both feet flat on the ground.
- Put your arms rest at your sides.
- Slowly raise the hips by pushing on the ground with your feet until your knee, hip, and shoulder are in a straight line.
- Repeat for 12 to 15 repetitions.
Seated Abductions
How to do it?
- For this exercise, you have to take a sitting position. your back should be straight.
- Wrap the resistance band around the ankle joint. Support your upper limb with your arms.
- Then Slightly rotate your feet out. Make sure you are not lifting your feet out to help pull the band.
- Complete 8-14 slow and controlled repetitions.
Leg Raises
How to do it?

- For this exercise, you have to stand against the wall.
- Elevate your leg up along the wall while externally rotating your foot when you reach the up movement.
- Now slowly Lower your leg down and internally rotate the foot on the way down.
- Your hips are not rotating forward. Repeat 1o to 20 times initially and gradually build this up to 2 sets of 25.
Side lying Hip Abduction
How to do it?
- For this exercise, you have to lie on your left side.
- Then slowly lift your right leg towards the sky.
- Now lower it back to the initial position.
- Your knee should be straight and don’t let your hips roll backward or forward during the exercise.
- Repeat 10 to 15 times initially and gradually build this up to 2 sets of 25.
Prone Hip Extension

How to do it?
- Begin by lying on your stomach with both Legs stretched straight behind you.
- Slowly lift one leg upward as far as you can
- Without arching your low back, then lower It back to the starting position.
- Your knee should be straight and your torso steady during the exercise.
- Repeat 10 to 15 times initially and gradually build this up to 2 sets of 20.
How To Effectively Strengthen The Piriformis Without Triggering Pain?
- It is essential to do these routines without pain. Do not push through the pain if you feel the muscles are getting to spasm.
- That’s why I broke down the exercises into 3 separate routines.
- To make sure you are not triggered by the pain, make sure you always start by activating the Gluteus Medius and Maximus first (and we perform that in all the workouts above).
- Gluteus maximus and medius are primary hip stabilizers, and when they are inactive, compensation happens when the piriformis is doing more than it should.
When did you not do this exercise?
- If your healthcare provider advised you to take a rest.
- If your leg bone is recently fractured then avoid these exercises.
- If you feel any pain or discomfort during these exercises then stop immediately and consult your therapist