Subscapularis stretch: Health benefits, How to do ?
Subscapularis stretch is an important to improve flexibility of your shoulder region, This will reduce the risk of injury and improve your overall fitness level.
What is subscapularis stretching?
The subscapularis is a muscle that stands between the scapula and the rib cage. The subscapularis is the largest a muscle in the rotator cuff, which is a group of 4 muscles that attaches your upper arm to the shoulder. These muscles help you raise and rotate your arm.
The subscapularis joins from your scapula to your humerus. The biggest problem of the subscapularis is its tightening and restricting the range of motion that resolves by stretching of that muscle.
What is the importance of subscapularis stretching?
There are certain benefits you gain from subscapular stretch:
- It improves the range of motion of the shoulder joint.
- It makes good blood circulation.
- It improves the flexibility and mobility of muscles.
- It improves daily activities like lifting.
- It increases the internal rotation of the shoulder joint.
- It relieves tightness and pain in the sub scapular muscle.
What are the types of subscapularis stretching?
There are certain types of subscapular stretching:
- Broom-stick subscapularis stretch
- Doorway stretch
- Internal rotation stretch
- Internal rotation with abduction
- The reverse Lawnmower starter
- Bear hugs
- Towel Subscapularis Stretch
Broom-stick subscapularis stretch

How To: This stretch needs a prop like a thick stick-broom stick.
To perform this stretch, hold the stick with your right hand and rest it along the right upper arm.
Using the left arm grasp the stick down low, then draw it away from your body.
Your left arm should begin to be forced into an external rotation.
When doing this stretch make sure to keep the scapula on the right side that you want to stretch plugged into the socket.
With good posture, you can give more pressure to the lower arm to feel a deep stretch.
Hold for up to 30 seconds.
Doorway stretch for subscapularis stretch:

How To: Stand straight between the doorway.
Place left arm up at a 45-degree angle and rest it on the wall with the body in the doorway.
Your right arm hanging by your side.
Now push your chest forward or put one leg in front of the other and lean forward to feel a stretching.
When you feel stretched, hold it for 30 seconds.
Repeat on the right side.
You can do it on both sides at a time, by placing both hands at a 45 degrees angle.
Internal rotation stretch

How To: Stand straight. you need a resistance band for stretching.
Grab one end of the resistance band by your hand and the other end tie around a static object.
Next, your elbow is bent and your arm is by the side.
Now rotate your arm across your abdomen against the resistance band.
Make sure to maintain your elbow stick to your side.
When you feel stretched, hold it for 30 seconds.
Now perform on another side.
Internal rotation with abduction
How To: Stand tall with your back facing the static object where you have to tie up the resistance band’s one end just above your head.
Another end is grabbed by your hand.
Move your at 90 degrees angle and your arm should be out to your side.
Start with rotating your arm downward, so that your palm is even with your hip, against the resistance of a band.
Slowly return to the beginning position and repeat it on other hand.
The reverse Lawnmower starter
How To: You need a resistance band. Stand straight.
Attach your resistance band in a doorjamb well just above your head.
Turn so you are parallel to the doorjamb.
Begin with the arm above your head and outward to your side.
Grasp the other band in your hand.
Now pull the resistance band towards your opposite pocket like the reverse motion of starting a lawnmower.
If you feel stretched, then hold it for 15-30 seconds and do it 2-3 times.
Perform it on the other arm.
Bear hugs
How To: Stand in front of a door.
Attach your resistance band around the doorjamb just above your head.
Now hold your arm forward in front of your body with an elbow that is 90 degrees bend.
Another end of the band is grabbed by your bend hand.
Draw the band towards your other shoulder just like you are giving a hug to someone around their neck level.
Hold the stretch, when feeling a stretch.
Holding time is 30 seconds and do it 3-4 times.
Towel Subscapularis Stretch

How to: Stand straight. You can use a towel for stretch.
Hold one end of a large towel in your left hand and reach over your left shoulder.
Grab the other end of the towel behind your back, with your right hand.
Slowly lift your left-hand overhead, allowing your right hand to slide up your back.
You should feel a stretch.
Hold it for 15-20 seconds and repeat 3 times.
Now change the position of the hand to each other.
Common mistakes are done during subscapularis stretch:
There are certain mistakes you can’t do during stretch:
- Don’t give extra pressure to feel a deep stretch that causes pain and injury in your muscles.
- When you have prior injuries, you can’t perform stretching.
- People think that doing so many repetitions makes you feel better or gives you a good stretch, but that is not possible. It only fatigue your muscle.
- Don’t perform deep stretching before a workout.
- Give long enough stretching to your muscles gives you benefits.
- When you feel discomfort or pain during the stretch, stop right there and consult your therapist.
- Consult your physical therapist before stretching to make sure that you are doing the right stretching.