Exercise for weight gain
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12 Best Exercise for Weight Gain

The best Exercise for weight gain is really helpful to improve your Body mass mainly by increasing your Bone density and muscle that makes you fit.

We all think that exercise and workouts mean to decrease weight, but that is not true actually exercise also can help to gain weight by doing it properly with a diet regimen. As per your body type, helps you distribute the body fat proportionately and builds muscle mass at the right places. If your weight is low and you are looking for ways to gain weight then this article is very helpful to you.


There are many reasons to gain weight but two major reasons why you might be looking for ways to increase weight. The first reason people might want to gain weight is to build muscle mass. The second reason is simply that you are underweight and your present weight is not healthy according to your height.

Doing Exercise is the best natural way of bulking up, just like with weight loss, gaining weight is also possible by exercising only if you follow a regular diet and have a healthy lifestyle. you can increase your weight without the gym but not without doing exercise.

Exercise and your calorie intake should be right and you also do some weight gain exercise at home or in your free space. This will be enough for you to gain weight along with changing your lifestyle. we all think that losing weight is difficult but gaining weight is far more difficult.

For precise estimation of the weight gain try to enter your age and activity rate in the weight gain calculator.

Here is Why You Can’t Gain Weight.

Height and weight are more influenced by your genetics. Not being able to increase weight might also be influenced by genetics. There are three main reasons to not gain weight.

  • ‍Diet: improper diets and irregular eating patterns are a result of the unhealthy lifestyle that most people have nowadays. This is the main reason why your body is unable to gain weight.
  • Lack Of Physical Activity: regular exercise is another important reason for gaining weight. Due to their busy lives, most people miss out on their exercise sessions.
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease: this is a disorder that induces an intestinal problem leading to improper digestion of food.

Now we know the reasons why you are not gaining weight, let us discuss how exercises help you gain weight and that will be beneficial on your bulking-up journey.

How does Exercise Help To Gain Weight?

It is important to know why exercise is helpful to you for weight gain. Exercising is popularly known for burning fat but exercising also helps to develop your muscle size. This is a good form of weight to gain. Regular doing exercise will ensure weight gain and lead you to your desired healthy body weight according to your body mass index.

Which Exercises to Avoid to Gain Weight?

There has also certain exercises that will not be beneficial for weight gain Cardio and aerobics are exercises that are known to be beneficial for burning fat and toning your muscles. If you aim to gain weight, you must either avoid these exercises or perform them with moderate intensity.

You can perform this exercise in later phases but in the early phases of weight gain, you should avoid it, these exercises are high-calorie-burning exercises.

Here we explain different types of Exercise For Weight Gain.


This exercise targets the abdominals, shoulders, chest muscles, triceps, and wing muscles.

  • To do this exercise Start on your hands and knees, and take a high plank position. keep your hands wider than your shoulders, and your legs should be straight. Your spine should be neutral.
  • Your core muscles should be tight, flexed your elbows up to a 40-50 degree angle to lower your chest toward the floor, maintaining a straight line from head to heel.
  • we aim to go as low as you can without losing the support of your core muscles or the alignment of your spine and pelvis.
  • Press your chest away from the floor until your elbows are extended.
  • Repeat, completing 10–20 repetitions. Do 1 to 3 sets.


This exercise mainly utilizes your biceps and latissimus dorsi.

Pull ups
Pull ups
  • To do this exercise you have to step up on a pull bar, grab the bar with the hand shoulder-width apart, shoulders pull away from the ears, and the abdominal is braced. use a step stool or step chair to pull up the bar.
  • Then smoothly move your body upward with the elbow flexed, until the collar bone touches the bar.
  • Your head, shoulder, hips, and feet should be in the same straight alignment.
  • When you doing pull-ups make sure you maintain proper posture and your core and glute muscles should be tightened throughout the movement.
  • Your grip strength should be stronger.in starting phase you have to do pull-up repetitions to your comfort then gradually increase repetitions.
  • You have to complete 1 to 2 sets of 10–12 repetitions per day.


  • This exercise mainly builds muscles around your leg and hip region.
  • For this exercise, you have to stand straight with your back against the wall and shoulder feet width apart.
  • Slowly bend your knees, sliding your back down the wall for a count of 5 to 10 until your knees are bent at a 45 to 55-degree angle.
  • Do not flex too much further than this, as it will put too much pressure on your knees.
  • Hold this for 6 to 10 seconds. straighten your knees by slowly sliding the wall until you are fully upright with your knee straight.
  • Do this 15 to 20 times.


Target abdominal muscles and obliques.

  • To start this exercise you have to come in a supine lying position with your knees flexed placing your hands behind your head or across your chest. If your neck is strained, you can put one hand cradling the head by putting your fingers gently close to your head.
  • Your neck should be supported without taking away from the work of your abdominals.
  • Pull your tummy towards your vertebra to initiate the movement.
  • Slowly contract your abdominals, bringing your shoulder blades about one or two inches off the floor.
  • When you come up you have to breathe out and your neck should be in a natural curve
  • Hold at the top of the movement for 2 seconds, you have to do normal breathing continuously.
  • Slowly lower back down.
  • complete 15 to 20 repetitions with perfect form for every repetition.



Lunges exercise mainly target abdominal muscles, hamstrings, gluteal muscles, calves, and back muscles.

  • Lunges are great exercises for working all of the major muscles group of the hips, buttocks, and thighs. In this basic lunge variation, you are simply dropping your knee down rather than stepping forward or back.
  • To do this you have to Stand with your right foot forward and left foot back so they are about 3 feet apart. You have to flex your knees to lower your body toward the ground.
  • Do not let the front knee extend beyond the toes and lower straight down rather than forward. Try to maintain your torso straight and abdominal muscles in as you push through the front heel and return to a starting position.
  • Don’t lock your knees at the lunges movement. Perform 2 to 3 sets of 17 to 20 repetitions.

Bench Dips

This exercise mainly Focuses on the triceps, chest muscles, and front shoulder joint muscles.

  • To perform this exercise you have to Stand between a set of dip bars with arms extended, and hold the dips using a neutral grip.
  • Slightly go forward with elbows tucked, flex elbows, and lower yourself down until you reach ninety degrees.
  • From here, push up and return to the initial position.

Glute Kickback

This exercise mainly Focuses on Strengthening the buttocks and the hamstrings.

  • To perform this exercise you have to Stand 1–2 feet from a wall, box, or counter, and put the palms of your hands against it.
  • Lean slightly forward and raise your left foot off the floor with your knee slightly flexed. Ensure the core is tight and the back straight.
  • Extend the leg backwards around 70–90 degrees, making sure to contract the glutes.
  • Return your leg to the beginning position. This is one repetition.
  • Do 10–12 repetitions of 2–3 sets on both legs.



This is a great exercise for a full-body workout. this will target the arms, chest, abs, glutes, quads, and hamstrings.

  • To do this exercise you have to stand with a shoulder hip-width apart and then flexed your knees to get a full squat position. your back should be straight. then slowly lower your hands to the ground in front of your body just under your feet.
  • Then your body weight on your hands kicks your foot backwards so your whole weight on your hands and toes is like a plank position. keep your body straight from head to heels, then perform one push-up.
  • Not to let your back sag and stick your buttocks in the air. perform a frog kick by jumping to your foot to get back to the initial position.
  • Stand and move your arms above the head. jump quickly in the air, so you come back to the starting position as soon as you land with your knees flexed and get into a squatting position and perform the next repetitions.
  • Many people can perform about 20 to 23 burpees in a minute, but every person has a different capacity so in the initial phase, you have to complete 12 burpees then gradually you will increase the repetitions.


This exercise helps to increase overall muscle mass. Strengthens upper and lower back.

  • To perform this exercise stand with feet shoulder-width apart (or not much more) with toes under the bar. The feet point straight ahead, or they can angle out slightly. Heels should stay flat on the round. When you lift, the bar will travel close to the shins and may even graze them. the spine should be in a neutral position.
  • Your abdominal muscles should be stabilized by bracing them.
  • Squat down, bending at the knees. The variety of descending bars is similar to squatting, with this your back and shoulder should be straight.
  • Hold the bar just outside the line of the knees with an overhand or mixed grip.
  • Lift the barbell by pushing upward with the legs from the knees. Breathe out on exertion. take care that your hips are not raised so the trunk moves forward and the back becomes rounded. Do not try to haul the bar up with your arms. your arms should be extended under tension while gripping the barbell as the legs push up. Think of the legs and shoulders moving upward to the hips, the balancing point.
  • The barbell should almost graze the shins and rest around the thigh level as you reach full height. Pull the shoulders back as much as possible without bending backwards.
  • Lower the bar to the ground with a reverse motion ensuring a straight back.
  • Do 10 to 20 repetitions of 2 to 3 sets.

Bench Press

This exercise Builds shoulders, triceps, and chest muscles.

  • To perform this exercise you have to Lie on the bench, under the rack that holds the bar. Your buttocks, shoulders, and head are flat on the bench and your spine should be neutral. Your feet are flat on the ground and relatively wide apart.
  • Now Draw your shoulder blades back behind you to keep from pressing with rounded shoulders.
  • Hold the barbell using an overhand grip, placing your thumbs on the outside of your closed fist. Your arms are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and the angle of your upper arms is about 40 to 45 degrees to the body.
    • Take the barbell out from the rack, locking your elbows.
  • Breathe while lowering the bar to your chest, at the nipple line.
  • Exhale as you press the bar above your chest, extending your arms. Do not watch the bar focus on the ceiling.
  • Lower the bar so it is just above your chest. This is the initial position for the next bench press. when you completed the prescribed repetitions then place the barbell on the rack with the elbow in the lock position.
  • Move the barbell backward gradually until you feel the rack uprights, then lower the bar to the barbell rest.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

  • This exercise is helpful to a person who has muscle imbalances.
  • Holding two dumbbells instead of one barbell help you to strengthen your weaker side and avoid letting the strong one arm and one weaker.
  • When doing a dumbbell shoulder press, grab the dumbbell at your shoulder level. Your elbows should be flexed up to ninety-degree angles with your palms facing forward side.
  • Your core muscles should be tight and avoid forward bending from the back.
  • Do not use the leg. your hip and knee should be locked. push the weight until it is a few inches apart from each other. Breathe in and lower the weight back to the initial position.
  • Do 10 to 15 repetitions of 2 to 3 sets with moderate weight.

‍Banded Side Steps

‍Banded Side Steps
‍Banded Side Steps
  • For this exercise, you need a resistance band. Keep the resistance band flat, not bunched, round the resistance band above the ankle, and wrapped around both lower limbs.
  • You have to Stand with shoulder foot width apart. a resistance band is taut but not stretched. bend your knees slightly and go into a half-squatting position to activate the buttock muscle. your body weight is similarly distributed in both legs.
  • Now move your leg in and out, sideways, for 10 to 15 repetitions. your hip should be at the same level during the exercise.
  • Your back should be in a neutral position throughout the walking.
  • Smoothly shift your weight and do the same on the other leg.

What to eat to bulk up?

It is not hard to gain weight by eating more. But be aware of what you have to eat to gain a healthy weight. your diet should consist of healthy fats, proteins, and complex carbohydrates that will help you to build muscle mass and use fat to burn energy.

you can also some of the food listed below:

  • Eat lean proteins like chicken and fish red meat with no growth hormones, such as grass-fed beef eggs full-fat dairies like whole milk and full-fat Greek yogurt fat-rich fruits, such as avocados nuts, such as almonds whole-grain pieces of bread
  • Take notes of what you eat on your phone or in a book that tracks nutrients. It is surprisingly hard to know exactly how much you have to eat unless you write it down in your daily book. You may notice that you are not consuming enough calories or that your food choices are not nutritious enough for a healthy diet.
  • Keeping track of your habits in a journal can help you optimize your intake of healthy fats and proteins, stop to take junk food, and track your calorie consumption over time.

Lifestyle changes

If you want to gain Weight gain then it requires a holistic approach, not just exercise and eating healthy. Here we explain some things you need to keep in mind:

  • Be Practical: Set a realistic goal for your weight-gain training.
  • Sleep Quality: Focus on getting quiet and peaceful sleep for 6-7 hours. proper sleep enhances muscle recovery and improves your mood.
  • Decrease Stress: Cortisol is the main culprit behind your stress levels and low mood. you can lower it with deep breathing, meditation, or deep tissue massage to relax your whole body.
  • Stay Away From Bad Habits: Do not indulge in unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking.


Which is the fastest way to gain weight?

To increase the weight you can eat frequently and exercise regularly with a proper diet regimen on a regular schedule.

What types of exercise are helpful to gain weight quickly?

Bench Dips
Glute Kickback

Why do you not gain weight?

Not being able to increase weight might also be influenced by genetics
Lack Of Physical Activity
Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Which types of exercise avoid gaining weight?

Cardio and aerobic exercise are well known for fat burning so, that is not used for weight gain.

Which foods are eaten to gain weight?

sweet potatoes
Dark chocolate

Which time is best to do weight gain exercise?

In the morning exercise is mostly prescribed for weight loss so, the evening is the best time to do exercise for weight gain.

Priti Tirgar
Author: Priti Tirgar

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