Fat Reducing Exercises for Hip
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Fat Reducing Exercises for Hip

What is Fat Reducing exercises for the Hip?

When it comes to reducing fat and toning muscles, especially around your hips, the right combination of exercise and diet can make a difference. However, since you can’t spot-reduce fat in one area of the body through diet or exercise, it’s important to concentrate on losing overall body fat. Once you begin losing weight, you can concentrate on exercises that can help tone the muscles in and around your hips and core. Having less fat and stronger lower body muscles may give the hips a leaner, more sculpted appearance. Plus, having more muscle and less fat will aid you to burn calories at a faster pace, making it easier to control your weight.

Losing fat around the hips is possible with healthy lifestyle changes. No fad diets or excessive workout routines are needed! By making lifestyle changes that work for you and are sustainable, you can begin to see results that will stick.

Which are the Fat reducing exercises for the Hip?

The list is below:

  • Squats
  • Side lunges
  • Fire hydrants
  • Wall sits
  • Banded walk
  • Step-ups with weights
  • Side-lying leg raise
  • Jump squat
  • Stair climbing
  • High-intensity-interval-training (HIIT)
  • Plies squats
  • Standing Slow Side Kick
  • Squat Kick
  • Single-Leg Circles
  • Single-Leg Squat
  • Hip Lifts On The Ball
  • Three-Legged Dog Pose
  • Butterfly Pose
  • Half Locust Pose
  • Bridge Pose
  • Leg Lifting In Donkey Style
  • Single And Both Legs Up
  • Happy Child Pose
  • Spot running
  • Inchworm
  • Pike push-ups
  • V-tucks
  • Standing Cross Kick
  • Kick Back
  • Wall sits
  • Standing Forward Bend


Stand with the feet a slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
For body-weight squats, you can place your arms out in front of you for balance.
Engage your core, keep your back erect, spine tall, and lower yourself until your thighs are parallel with the ground.
Pause with your knees over, but not beyond, the toes.
Exhale and stand back up.
Do 10 to 15 repetitions.

Side lunges

Side lunges

Also known as a lateral lunge, the side lunge is a alternative of a forward lunge. It concentrates more on the outer thigh and hip area.
Stand with the feet a little wider than hip-width apart. With your body straight, core engaged, and eyes facing forward, take a broad step to the left and squat down.
Lower your body until the left thigh is parallel to the ground.
Pause. Then push off with the right foot and return to the center.
Do this move, alternating sides, 12 to 16 times.

Fire hydrants

Come on your hands and knees, with your knees and feet hip-width apart and your palms on the ground.
Keep the gaze looking slightly ahead and down.
Engage your core, lift your left knee off the floor, and rotate it out to the side and up. Your knee should stay flexed the entire time.
Pause at the top, then lower your leg to the beginning position.
Complete 10 repetitions with the left leg before repeating with the right.

Wall sits

Stand up straight with the back pressed against a wall and the legs a few inches away from the wall.
Slide down the wall until you’re in a sitting pose with your legs at a right angle and your hamstrings parallel to the ground.
Pause in this position for 20 to 30 seconds. As you boost your strength and fitness, try to work for up to 1 minute.
Rise back up to the beginning

Banded walk

Select a wide exercise band with enough resistance to challenge the lower body, but one that’s light enough to complete 10 reps in each direction.
Place the exercise band around your ankles, flex your knees slightly, and widen your stance.
Walk to the side without allowing your feet touch.
Take 10 steps in one direction, then take 10 steps back to your beginning point.
Do it 2 to 3 times.

Step-ups with weights

Stand with the feet about hip-width apart in front of a knee-height bench or step, with a dumbbell in each hand.
Step onto the bench with your left foot, and drive your right knee up while keeping the weights at your side.
Lower down your right leg, stepping backward off the bench.
Finish 10 to 15 reps, leading with your left leg, then switch and do the same number of reps leading with your right leg.
Perform 2 to 3 sets on each side.

Side-lying leg raise

Side-lying leg raise

Lie on an exercise mat on your left side.
Slowly lift your top leg (right leg) as high as you can go. Keep the toes pointed forward.
Pause at the top, then lower your leg to the beginning position. Make sure to keep the pelvis steady and your core engaged.
Do 10 times on each side.

Jump squat

Get in a basic squat pose with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Keeping your weight on the heels, squat down until your thighs are parallel with the ground.
From this pose, explode upward and come back down.
Upon landing, lower yourself back down to the squatting pose. Make sure to land softly with the balls of your feet hitting the floor first, then transferring the weight back to the heels.
Do it for 30 seconds or 10 to 12 repetitions.

Stair climbing

Stair climbing is a great way to tighten and tone the glutes and hips and get an excellent cardiovascular workout all at the same time. If you have entry to a set of bleachers or a multi-level parking garage, you can run or jog up and down the stairs.
Run or jog up to the top of the stairs, then walk back down. Try to repeat for four minutes. You can also utilize a StairMaster or a step mill machine at the gym for a stair-climbing workout.

High-intensity-interval-training (HIIT)

High-intensity interval training, also called HIIT, is a type of cardio workout that needs you to do short bursts of intense exercises, followed by a short rest period.
You can burn a lot of calories rapidly with HIIT, and it’s an effective way to burn body fat. One example of HIIT is to perform 30 seconds of fast sprinting on the treadmill, followed by 15 seconds of walking on the treadmill. Or, you could perform jump squats or burpees for 45 seconds, followed by a 15-second rest period. There are many alternatives and options with a HIIT workout.
A HIIT workout will typically range from 15 to 30 minutes in duration. Goal to do a HIIT workout at least two times per week.

Plies squats

Stand with feet a slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Point your toes at a 45-degree angle away from the body. Put your hands in prayer pose in front of your chest or put your hands on your hips.
Lower your body down keeping your head, upper body, and buttocks in a straight linear line from ceiling to floor.
As you lower your body down, your knees should be flexing out away from your body. Lower yourself as far as you can comfortably go.
Slowly lift your body back up to the starting position, utilizing your inner thighs and buttocks to push yourself back up. Do it as many times as necessary.

Standing Slow Side Kick

Stand tall, keeping your hands on your hips.
Now slowly lift your left leg upward at a 70 degrees angle.
Keep your opposite leg straight in the process.
Come back to normal pose.
Do the same with the alternate leg 10 to 15 times per leg.

Squat Kick

Squat Kick
Squat Kick

Stand tall with a shoulder-width gap between your legs.
Bend your elbows, with your palm forming fists.
Now slowly flex downward, forming a squat.
Come back up and push your left leg out as if you are kicking something.
You can repeat the same process with the opposite leg.

Single-Leg Circles

Lie down on the back with your hands on the sides with palms facing downwards.
Slowly lift your left leg upward, perpendicular to the floor.
Now rotate the leg clockwise, keeping your other leg straight.
Bring the leg back into the resting position.
Do the same process with the opposite leg.
Keep changing between legs.
Do it 10 to 15 times per leg.

Single-Leg Squat

Stand tall with feet width apart and hands resting on either side.
Place your left leg across your right knee.
Slowly flex your knees, and form a squat, putting your hands forward.
Stay in that pose for 12 to 15 seconds.
Put the leg down and come into a resting position.
Repeat the same with the opposite leg.
Perform 15 times on each leg.

Hip Lifts On The Ball

Sleep with your back on the ground and your heels on the big exercise ball with your hands resting.
Slowly raise your hips putting pressure on your hands and your feet fully touching the floor.
Then slowly bring the hips down, bringing the heels onto the ball.
Do this exercise in 2 to 3 sets with 10 to 15 repetitions.

Three-Legged Dog Pose

We all are familiar with the downward dog pose where you create an inverted V with your body by lifting your hip and head touching the floor.
This is a similar pose but with a little variation.
The three-legged pose includes a raise of the other leg high and straight.
It aids your inner thigh muscles and gives you toned hips.
This is an effective way to decrease hip and thigh fat.

Butterfly Pose

Butterfly Pose

Sit down on a mat by crossing the legs.
Keep a distance between your legs in such a way that the toes touch each other.
Now, keep the hands on the feet, holding them together.
Utilize your thighs like a bird’s wing moving them in an up and down motion.
It might be hard at first, and you can slowly ease into it.
It is a fast and easy way to reduce fat in the hips and thighs.

Half Locust Pose

Sleep on the mat, facing a downward direction.
Raise your legs, forming a diagonal as far as possible.
Throw your hands at the back using your torso weight and try to curl up.
Try to remain in the pose to the count of 40.

Bridge Pose

Bridging exercise
Low Back Exercise- Bridging

Lie down on the back with arms resting on either side.
Keep your feet and upper body nailed to the floor, raise your hips, and maintain the stance.
You can feel the pose working when you begin feeling a slight sensation in your waist muscles.
For best results, practice this exercise regularly for three months.

Leg Lifting In Donkey Style

Come down on all fours on the ground.
Your knees and palms should touch the floor.
Keep the palms straight and fingertips facing the wall.
Slowly lift your left leg parallel to the ground and push it above as much as possible.
Bring the leg back to the starting position.
You can change between the legs.

Single And Both Legs Up

Sleep on the ground with your body straight and hands resting on either side.
Slowly lift your left leg upward till it is perpendicular to your right leg.
Try to keep your right leg straight.
Repeat the same with the opposite leg and come into the resting position.
Now change both the legs upward perpendicular to the ground.
Repeat the entire process 10 to 15 times for effective results to lose fat in the thighs and hips.

Happy Child Pose

Lie straight on the back.
Slowly bring the knees pressed against your chest, creating pressure on your lower back.
While keeping the knee fixed on the chest, stretch your hands forward to reach the toe.
Stretching your arms will give pressure on the upper body.
This exercise is easy to perform and includes in your regime.

Spot running

Begin running in a place while maintaining a comfortable position. Try to bring the legs as high as you can and speed up your move.
The faster the better! Perform on the spot running for 1 to 2 minutes. And if you’re a beginner, try jogging as quickly as you can for 15 to 30 seconds. You require to repeat this cardio circuit four 4 times at least.



Straighten the legs as you stand. Keep your core engaged as you lean forward and place your hands on the floor. Slowly start to step forward with your hands while keeping the legs still straight.
You can flex your knees a little just in case. Walk your hands forward until they are in front of the head in a high plank position. The feet should still be at the back of the mat. Now start moving your feet in the direction of your hands. Take small steps. This finishes the exercise. Repeat.

Pike push-ups

Start in the yoga pose of the downward dog.
Make sure the hands and feet are positioned slightly wider than shoulder width.
Keep your heels low, your hips lifted, and your body in an “inverted-V” shape.
In between your hands, lower your head toward the ground while bending your elbows.
For one repetition, push yourself back up to the beginning position. Repeat this at least 10-15 times.


V tuck is a double knee tuck that is a recent core exercise. This targets belly fat, the core, and your hips. In actuality, a V-tuck might aid your shoulders.
Starting with your knees up and your back long, adopt a v-sit position.
Lean back and spread the legs while keeping a tight core.
Pull the knees back in, fully contract your abs, and repeat.

Standing Cross Kick

Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lift your arms to your side. Your palms must be facing the ground.
Lift your left leg and kick it up in the air on your right side. Simultaneously, bring your right palm near your left foot as if you are trying to touch it. You can support the body on the balls of your right foot.
Swing your left foot back in place. Lift your right leg, kick it up, and try to touch the left palm.
Perform this at medium speed for 3 sets and 15 reps.

Kick Back

Get into the Cat Pose on the mat. Keep your palms flat on the ground, arms shoulder-width apart, and spine neutral.
Lift your left leg and extend it at the back with the toes pointing out.
Supporting your body on your palm and right knee, kick your left leg up and slowly lower it. Do this 15 times.
Bring your left leg down. Lift your right leg off the floor, extend it behind you, and kick it up. Do this 15 times.
Perform this at medium speed for 3 sets and 15 reps.

Wall sits

Wall sits
Wall sits

Stand up tall with your back pressed against a wall. The legs should be a few inches away from the wall.
Now, flexing at your knees, slide down the wall until you’re in a sitting pose with your legs at a right angle and your hamstrings parallel to the ground.
Hold this pose for 20 to 30 seconds. Make sure to keep breathing while you hold the pose.
Rise back up to the beginning position.
This is one rep.
Do 3 repetitions.
As you boost your strength and fitness, try to work for up to 1 minute.

Standing Forward Bend

Stand tall on the floor with your feet together. Keep your body in a relaxed pose and hands by your side.
Bend your torso forward and slowly go down.
Try to touch the floor or mat in front of you with your hands. Your head should be touching the knees.
Hold this pose for a few seconds and slowly come back to the starting position.

Author: Dr.Nidhiphysio

Physiotherapist in Mobile Physiotherapy Clinic Bapunagar, Ahmedabad

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