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  • Dr.Riya Mandaliya


The 51 Best Bodyweight Abdominal Exercises

Introduction Bodyweight abdominal exercises are incredibly efficient to move your body and maintain your strength, muscular endurance, balance, and coordination no matter where you are....

40 Best Exercises After C Section

Introduction After a c-section exercises play a key role in helping you regain strength, improve mood, and boost energy levels all of which are essential...

50 Best Shoulder Exercises for Dislocation

Introduction The shoulder exercise for dislocation outlined here can help you maximize your shoulder’s functionality ease pain and progressively increase range just like any other...

Powerful Exercises to Keep Your Digestive System in Top Shape

Introduction The process of removing stool from the body is called bowel movement. It can occasionally be challenging or uncomfortable, but it is a normal...

Knee Rehab Exercises: The Complete Guide

Introduction Knee rehabilitation exercises play a crucial role in promoting recovery and restoring function following knee injuries or surgeries. Whether you’re dealing with a strained...

Compound Exercises

What is a Compound Exercise? Compound exercises are a fundamental component of many strength training and fitness regimens. These exercises involve multiple joints and muscle...

52 Best Exercises for Huge Arms

Introduction Having big, strong arms is a desire for many people because your arms are one of the most noticeable muscular areas on your body....

35 Best Bicep Exercises for Mass and Strength

Introduction Most men who are interested in bodybuilding want to grow as much muscular mass as they can. Many people who labor toward this objective...

47 Essential Cool Down Exercises for a Post-Workout Recovery

Introduction We all understand how important it is to warm up before exercising, but we rarely spend the time necessary to cool down afterward. I...

29 Best Exercises for a V-Cut, According to Personal Trainers

Introduction V-cut abs are a creative choice for many people, but they require hard work and dedication to achieve. To get a V-cut, you need...