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40 Top exercise to increase the Height

Height is a major factor influencing our first impression and it can give us power, confidence, attraction, and career opportunities. So, if you are struggling to get your desired height and searching for the exercise which increases the height, then here we explain are 40 effective exercises to increase height that you can bank on. Even if you perform only one exercise to increase height, mind that consistency, plenty of sleep, and good nutrition are essential to increase height.

The human body’s height is affected by multiple things like the environment, hormones, genes, and nutrition. If you want to change this it will be not possible. You can improve your height in also your mid-twenties. Exercising is one of the best ways to grow your height fast.

How To Grow Taller: A Look At The Factors That Affect Height

Children continue to grow until coming in puberty, but their growth plates stop producing bone length, and their height plateaus after rich puberty. So, here are some significant factors that affect the height of an individual:

  • DNA

Your genetic composition leads to how tall you will be as an adult. It also affects your growth plates and hormones.

  • Hormones

Human Growth hormones are produced by the pituitary gland, thyroid hormones are produced by the thyroid gland, and sex hormones testosterone and estrogen are produced by the ovaries, these hormones allow your bones to grow plates.

  • Gender

Gender also affects height. we noticed that generally, males are taller than females. Females go through a growth spurt far sooner than males, usually around the age of 12 to 13 years.

Does Exercise Increase Height?

Regular Exercising and stretching may help you to increase your height. The outcome is dependent on many factors such as your age, gender, genetic makeup, and hormones. However, if your exercise regularly to increase height, you may gain some inches, but it is also important to get enough sleep and eat a healthy diet.

How To Increase Height Fast?

Although human height is largely affected by your genes, lifestyle, age, nutrition, sleep cycle, and environmental conditions, you can increase it naturally by performing some exercises and stretching your body. So, if you are looking for the best exercise to increase height, we are sure you will find these exercises and yoga asanas very helpful.

Here we explain 30 Simple Exercises to Increase Height Fast.

Pelvic Shift

Did you know prolonged sitting also affects height? For a person who sits for long hours his or her spine shape may be changed due to associated muscle imbalance and it leads to pelvic, This exercise helps you to increase the curvature of the lower spine, and that of the upper back; boosting your height.

How to do it?

Pelvic Shift
Pelvic Shift
  • To perform this exercise you have to Lie on the mat with the shoulders flat on the ground.
  • Your arms should be stretched out on the sides with palms down.
  • Flexed your knees and draw your feet close to the hips.
  • Arch your back so that the pelvis is lifted.
  • Tuck the buttocks and let the legs and shoulders support your weight.
  • Hold the position for at least 20 to 30 seconds and Do it again.‍‍

Single Leg Hopping

This exercise plays a big role in increasing height by strengthening your abdominal muscles and promises a thorough workout for your lower limb.

How to do it?

  • Hop on your right leg 10 times. Position your hands straight up pointing towards the ceilings. Hop on your left leg similarly‍

Child Pose


This Pose is excellent at gently stretching the many parts of your body and helps to relieve back pain and increase height. This exercise gently stretches your spine, improves blood circulation in the body, and relieves tension in your back muscles.

How to do it?

  • Kneel on the quadruped with your buttocks pressed up against your heels. 
  • Put your hands on your thighs, lower your body onto your thighs, and bow forward with your arms extended on the ground. 
  • Rest your forehead on the ground, relax your body and focus on your breath.

Puppy Pose

Wondering how to increase height most efficiently? The Puppy Pose is sure to help you out. This exercise to increase height flexes your spine, and leg muscles and makes your bones grow faster.

How to do it?

  • To Start this pose you have to take a quadruped position (on your four limbs)on the mat.
  • Your knees should be exactly under the hips and your hands with your shoulders.
  • Tangle your toes and walk your hands forward 2 to 4 inches.
  • Stretch your hips backward halfway to your feet and feel a good stretch in the lower limb.
  • Hold this pose for 30 to 50 seconds and relax.‍

Tadasana Mountain Pose

Tadasana Mountain Pose
Tadasana Mountain Pose

This is the best Pose to stretch to grow taller since it improves posture, expands your core, and relieves stress in your upper limb, thereby helping you increase height.

How to do it?

  • To take a pose you have to Stand straight on the ground with your feet together, evenly distributing your weight. 
  • Maintain your spinal curvature by contracting and drawing the muscles of your thighs upward. 
  • Take your shoulder joint upwards towards your ears and then roll them back as much as possible. 
  • The crown of your head rises toward the sky, your neck is elongated and your chin should be in a neutral position. 
  • Now hold this position for 5 to 10 breaths and repeat.

Low Lunge Arch

Your back and upper body bowing will always increase your height. The upper limb is tough to develop, but with the low lunge arch you can strengthen and stretch out your back pretty well. This exercise also works for lengthening your lower limb, and shoulder bones.

How to do it?

Lock your hands by crossing your fingers and stretch your arms to the front of your left leg.

  • Flexed your left leg and stretch out your right leg while you step.
  • Stretch as much as possible by you and you can stay in this pose for 30 seconds. Perform this same on your right side‍.

Lying Down Body Twist

Lying Down Body Twist is also known as a Natarajasana. This is another effective exercise to increase the height that stretches your spine and tones the neck and abdominal muscles. This exercise will also protract and improve muscle tone in the lower back and hips thereby increasing height.

How to do it?

  • To perform this exercise you have to Lie on your back with your arms stretched out horizontally in front of you, parallel to your shoulders.
  • Flexed your knees till they are near to your hips, then swing them until they touch the ground.
  • Turn your head to the left and look at your left palm if your right knee is on the ground.
  • Stretch your body and concentrate on your breathing.


  • This is one of the main exercises to increase height you can not miss out if you are desperate about making your legs longer. 
  • Jogging will helps you to grow your bones in the lower leg naturally and make them stronger.

Jumping and Skipping

If exercising is a tough thing to do for you but you are still wondering how to grow taller easily, then go for something that helps you have some fun while achieving your fitness goals. Jumping is one such thing. The maximum times you jump the more likely you will succeed in making your legs longer. Jumping can be done in different ways – trampoline jumping or skipping a rope. Both can help you reach you to increase your height.

How to do it?

  • While jumping, your both legs should leave the surface at the same time and land on the surface at the same time.

Vertical Bends

The vertical bend is very easy to exercise to increase a height naturally.

How to do it?

  • To perform this exercise you have to Stand up and position your legs slightly apart.
  • Flexed down and try to touch the ground without flexing your knees.

Calf Stretch

Stretching your calf and back of leg muscles by doing the Calf Stretch helps to strengthen your back & core muscles and increase your height. The Calf Stretch also helps to improve the functioning of your entire body. This height growth exercise also helps to relieve tight calves and reduce inflammation.

calf streching exercise
calf stretching exercise

How to do it?

  • Put your hands on a wall about an arm’s length away from you while standing upright. 
  • Place your left foot in front of your right, heel to the floor, and flex your knee slightly. 
  • Push your right leg backward and stretch as much as possible while leaning on the wall with both arms at the wall. Press your right heel into the floor and straighten your back leg while keeping your front leg flexed. 
  • Hold this position for at least seconds before returning to the starting position. Finally, repeat the exercise on the other side.

Camel Pose

This Pose is one of the most effective poses to increase your height fast. The pose involves flexing your neck backward and stretching your abdomen and chest. The pose is highly effective in stretching the deep hip flexors, enhancing the posture, and strengthening back muscles.

How to do it?

  • To perform this pose you have to take a quadruped position.
  • Your back should be arched and your arms straight while sliding your palms over your feet.
  • Hold the position for 2 to 3 seconds and gradually return to the starting position.


  • This is the one height increase exercise that enables you to use your legs, body, and arms to the fullest and thus, develops muscle strength.
  • Especially, if you want to be free from the heat and sweat during your workout sessions, swimming is the best. Breaststroke is the most suitable swimming style to improve your height.

Toe Lifts

Toe lifts are an easy exercise to increase height, this exercise gives you a better result.

How to do it?

  • To perform this exercise you have to Stand on your toes with your back straight and stretch the muscles in your legs while reaching up simultaneously.
  • To get support, you can stand against a wall and place your hands high up trying to reach towards the sky.
  • The exercise is easy to perform and requires no props.

Dry Land Swimming

Swimming improves the flexibility of our body that’s why it will important to increase the height, but in this, we will swim on dry land.

How to do it?

  • To perform this exercise you have to lie down on the ground. raise your leg one by one.
  • Stretch your hands out to the front and imitate your position similar to swimming. 
  • The posture should be the same except that you are on the ground and not in the water.

Legs Up

Legs up are a very effective exercise to increase height. In this exercise, you have to Raise your legs simply. While performing the legs up exercise, your body will be fully relaxed. During the exercise, your legs go through a strenuous process of stretching, and you will see a significant improvement in your height.

How to do it?

  • To perform this exercise you have to take a prone lying position. Put your palms onto the sides of your chest.
  • Elevate both your legs as much as possible while keeping your feet extended together.
  • Support your back with your hands if required.
  • Repeat the same for about 10 to 15 minutes with each repetition lasting for 40 seconds.‍

Alternate Leg Kick

This exercise helps to extend your body muscle mainly the legs.

How to do it?

  • To perform this exercise you have to take a standing position on the mat in a straight posture. Stretch your body to the maximum while extending your leg up.
  • Your hands should be close to your chest with your fists tight.
  • Start kicking towards the ceiling for about 40 seconds and repeat this process with your right leg.

Wake Up Stretching

Stretching will helps your muscle to take flexibility. They are more effective when you perform them as soon as you wake up. Performing stretching in the morning allows the free-flowing of the fluid in the intervertebral discs of the spinal cord. If these discs are already compressed, then the space between your vertebrae shrinks which will do no good to your height growth. If the discs expand, then you grow a little bit taller.

How to it?

  • Extend your both arm over your head. Use enough force and stretch to feel the elongation. Hold this stretch for 30 to 40 seconds, relax your body, and stretch again.
  • Do this stretching while lying down straight on your back. straight your arms and legs to reach the sky. Hold for 15 to 20 seconds and repeat.

Glutes And Hip Bridge

This bridge exercise helps you to improve flexibility in the groin and back muscles. While doing the bridge, you stretch the hip flexors, which helps in elongating your lower back and the posterior thighs.

How to do it?

  • To perform this exercise you have to take a supine lying position with extended arms by your side and both knees should be flexed up to 90 degrees.
  • Now lift your trunk from the ground towards the ceilings so that you are stretching your back.

Forward Spine Stretch

How to do it?

  • To perform this exercise you have to Sit up tall with your legs extended. 
  • Place your legs a little wider than your feet hip-width apart. Sit up as much as you can from the base of your spine. 
  • Stretch your arms and reach through your heels to contract your leg muscles. 
  • Pose in such a way that your back forms a C giving an illusion like scooping out your low belly.

Cat Camel Backstretch

Cat Camel Backstretch
Cat Camel Backstretch

This exercise will strengthen your back.

How to do it?

  • Take a quadruped position. Rest on your hands and knees, and slowly arch your back so that your spine-lumbar (lower), thoracic (middle), and cervical (upper)-extend together. Do this slowly and gently.
  • Stay in the position for three to four seconds and repeat the stretch five or six times.

Tree Pose

Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)
Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

This is the magic pose for increasing height. this exercise strengthens your core and back muscles Tree Pose (or Vriksh Asana) is like a magic potion for increasing height. This pose helps you to strengthen your abdominal and back muscles, improve your posture and balance, and stretch your spine to increase height.

How to do it?

  • Stand straight, fold your right leg, place it over the left thigh, and ensure the second leg bears your full body weight.
  • Elevate both arms over your head without flexing your elbows and join your palms together while balancing on your left foot.



Riding a bike is easier than cycling for going from one place to another but cycling has more benefits to your health it will use major muscle groups in your legs. so it helps increase the height.

Jump Squat

Squat jump
Squat jump

Jump squats are one of the best exercises to increase height. It supports the conditioning of the muscles and joints of the lower limb and improves the height of the body.

How to do it?

  • To perform this exercise begin with a normal standing position, with your body facing forward. 
  • Lower yourself into the squatting position by lowering your hips back and down while flexing your knees. 
  • Drive hard with your legs as you come up out of the squat while doing a jump.

Seated Forward Bend

seated forward bend
seated forward bend

If you have slipped disc or back pain then avoid this exercise.

How to do it?

  • To perform this exercise you have to Sit on the ground, stretch your legs, flexed forward, and try to hold your toes with your hands. 
  • Now, your back should be straight, and try to rest your head on your knees.
Locust Pose
Locust Pose

Locust Pose

How to do it?

  • Put your arms by your sides and your forehead on the floor while lying flat on your tummy. 
  • Breathe out while gently pressing your pubic bone into the ground, lengthening your lower back, and pulling your navel in towards your spinal curve. Lift your head, chest, arms, and knees slightly off the ground thereby broadening your chest.  
  • Maintain a hip-width distance between the feet, lift the upper body, and hold the pose for 3 to 4 breaths. Lower yourself and repeat.



Burpees are undoubtedly challenging, especially if you’re new to them but with consistency, you’ll be powering up your height in no time! Although this exercise works your entire body and helps build strength & endurance; it is most effective for increasing height and shedding those extra pounds.

How to do it?

  • For this exercise, you have to stand with a shoulder hip-width apart and then flexed your knees to get a full squatting position. your back should be straight. 
  • Then slowly lower your hands to the ground in front of your body just under your feet. 
  • Then your body weight on your hands kicks your foot backward so your whole weight is on your hands and toes, as in a plank position. keep your body straight from head to heels, then perform one push-up. 
  • Not to let your back sag and stick your buttocks in the air. 
  • Perform a frog kick by jumping to your foot to get back to the initial position. Stand and move your arms above the head. jump quickly in the air, so you come back to the initial position as soon as you land with your knees flexed and get into a squatting position and perform the next repetitions. 
  • Many people can perform about 20 to 25 burpees in a minute, but every person has a different capacity so in starting phase you have to complete 10 burpees then gradually you will increase the repetitions.

Inversion Table Exercise

How to do it?

  • To perform this exercise you have to Lock your feet on the base of the inversion table.
  • Slowly elevate your arms and rotate your whole body up and down.
  • Stay in this position for 20 – 25 seconds before coming to the initial position.

Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar
  • Surya Namaskar is the most known yoga. which consists of 12 poses. 
  • Every single pose stretches your back, shoulders, and legs and helps you to increase your height.

Side Planks

How to do it?

Side Plank
Side Plank
  • To perform this exercise you have to Lie down on your left side with your shoulder straight below your neck. 
  • Stretch out your legs straight and place your right hand on your right hip.
  • Support your abs while raising your waist off the ground until you reach the level of your right hand.
  • Make your body diagonal to the floor and stay in position for 30 seconds.

10 Effective Stretching Exercises To Bank On: How To Increase Height Effectively and Quickly

At some stage your bones have stopped growing, then it is difficult to increase your height but some stretching and working on your posture can help you appear taller. So, we describe some stretching to get taller.

Bar Hanging

How to do it?

  • To perform a Jump up and hang on to the bar. your arms and spine should be straight. 
  • Remain in the position for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat the same at least 3 to 4 times daily.

Standing Forward Bend

How to do it?

Standing Forward Bend
Standing Forward Bend
  • To perform this exercise your legs should be spread wide apart, stand straight and take your hands straight over your head. 
  • Now, curve your hips forward and touch the ground with your hands and place them between your legs. 
  • Return to the starting position and repeat while trying to bring your feet closer together each time.

Downward Facing Dog

How to do it?

  • Stand up and bend your body such that your hands are at your shoulders-width apart and your feet are at hips-width apart.
  • Push the ground away and engage the shoulders and the upper limb while elongating your tailbone upward.
  • Feel a mild stretch in your arms, shoulders, lats, and spine.

Bird Dog

How to do it?

Bird dog exercise
Bird dog exercise
  • To do this exercise, you’ll need an exercise soft mat. Place a small cushion or folded towel under your knees for extra cushioning. You can also use a mirror to check your posture and progression.
  • You can by taking a quadruped position on a soft mat, with wrists under your shoulders and knees under your hips, and try to keep your as straight as possible. 
  • Elevate your left arm and right leg, and maintain your shoulders and hips parallel to the floor. 
  • Stretch the back of your neck and tuck your chin into your chest to look down at the floor. 
  • Hold this position for 5-10 seconds, then lower back down to the quadruped position. 
  • Raise your right arm and left leg, holding this position for 5-10 seconds. Return to the starting position. 
  • This is one round. Do 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Cobra Stretch

Prone cobra exercise
Prone cobra exercise

How to do it?

Cobra Stretch

  • The cobra pose helps to open up your hips and gives your abdominal muscles a gentle stretch. To perform this stretch you have to lie with your face facing downward on the ground or on an exercise mat.
  • This is your initial position. With your hips flat on the floor, push your upper body upward, while looking straight ahead. 
  • This will stretch the abdominal muscles. Hold the position for 20 seconds, then return to the initial position. Repeat 3 to 4 times.

Mermaid Stretch

Many people have the habit of walking with bowed shoulders, and improper postures make them look short. 

  • So, the mermaid stretch is one of the best stretches to get taller as it primarily stretches and engages your intercostal and shoulder muscles, thereby helping you in posture corrections. 
  • It can also help you walk straight and look taller.

How to do it?

  • To perform this exercise you have to Sit down with your knees flexed underneath on the right side
  • Hold on to your ankles with your right hand
  • Raise your left arm, extend and reach over your head
  • Feel a good stretch along the left side of your trunk. Hold for 30 to 40 seconds.

Standing Stretch

  • This stretching is similar to the vertical bend exercise and is mostly regarded as the best height-increase exercise after 18 years. 
  • The main difference is that while standing instead of placing your legs wide, you should keep them attached. 
  • As the next step, flexed and try to touch your toes. Do not forget to keep your knees straight while you perform the exercise.

Side Stretch

How to do it?

  • To perform this stretch you have to Stand straight with your feet together. 
  • Hold your hands together stretching over your head. flexed your upper limb to the left. 
  • Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and get back to the initial position. 
  • Repeat the stretch 2 times and switch sides to do the stretch in the left direction.

Side Bends

Side Bends
Side Bends

How to do it?

  • To perform this exercise you have to Stand vertically with your feet flat on the ground.
  • Flexed your body sideways and stretch as much as you can.
  • Hold the position for 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Repeat it with the other side of the body.

Pilates Roll Over

How to do it?

  • To perform this exercise you have to Lie down on your back with your arms at your sides and your hands facing down. 
  • Stretch your legs up and behind you until they touch the ground. 
  • You may find it tough at first, and you may not be able to touch the floor on the first try, but with perseverance, practice, and consistency, you will eventually be able to touch your legs on the ground.

How To Increase Height In 1 Week: Tips To Help You Grow Taller Fast Other Than Exercises To Increase Height

  • We hate to break it to you but there is no shortcut to increasing your height magically within a week. However, here we explain some helpful tips you may follow along with height growth exercises to help ignite your height growth.
  • Eat a nutritionally rich diet to get healthy. 
  • Get enough sleep along with doing exercise regularly.
  • A good night’s sleep of about 8 hours is a must for your body’s development, but it is also crucial to sleep in a quiet and peaceful environment.
  • Many times we are not short but our posture makes us appear shorter than we are. So, maintain your posture in normal alignment and try to do some yoga stretches to help improve any postural deformities and align your spinal curvature better.
  • Also, if you are looking for easy ways how to increase height fast, make sure you are strictly away from the consumption of alcohol and drugs.
  • Caffeine is also a factor affecting height growth in human beings. So, if you regularly consume too many caffeinated beverages, try to reduce them.
  • Most importantly, if you have any underlying medical conditions, do not start doing any exercise without seeking the guidance of a medical professional or certified trainer.

‍Height growth age limit: Till what age does height increase?

  • Height is one of the more concerns of people when considering their personality and appearance. Although similar to age, height is just a number, but it affects the appearance and confidence of the individual.
  • According to science, among different factors’ genes play the main role, and the genetic background determines 60 to 80% of height growth. India’s average height growth age is around 12 to 18 years. However, according to some studies, the male height growth age limit is around 13 to 16 years. This age limit is slightly more compared to females.
  • The female height growth age limit is around 7-14 years. height growth stops in females after puberty. But still, some of the females show height growth till 14-16 years. Males, after 18 years, resemble muscular development; a significantly less ratio represents any growth in height.
  • This ratio varies according to different factors related to the human body. In addition, the age and speed of height growth can vary among males and females. Every single person’s height depends on standard factors like genetics, sex, nutrition, exercise, and comorbidity.
Priti Tirgar
Author: Priti Tirgar

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