Windshield Wipers Exercise
What is the Windshield Wipers Exercise?
The windshield wipers exercise is a core-strengthening and flexibility exercise that primarily targets the muscles of the abdomen and lower back. It gets its name from the movement, which resembles the motion of windshield wipers on a car. This exercise engages multiple muscle groups, including the obliques, rectus abdominis, and transverse abdominis.
You can develop a strong core and burn calories by working out with windshield wipers. Lower back discomfort is less likely to occur in those with stronger cores.
This is how you do it:
- Raise your legs to a 90-degree angle while lying on the ground.
- For support, extend your arms straight forward to your both sides.
- Move your legs in a single direction, stopping just short of the floor, and then in the other direction.
- Bring your arms closer to your body as your master of the stance, providing less stability.
- Try performing 3 sets of 10 repetitions (5 on each side).
Even those with very high levels of fitness can benefit from the windshield wiper workout. This exercise should be modified or avoided by beginners, those with weak cores, lower back problems, or those with limited mobility, since improper execution can worsen back strain or even cause injury.
Which Muscles Are Involved in Windshield Wipers Exercise?
Using the wipers on your car is a full-body workout that works all of your muscle groups. The main muscles worked in this workout are the following:.
- Rectus Abdominis: Workouts like windshield wipers work the abdominals, both lower and upper. It also strengthens the abdominis recti muscle at its core. Another name for the Rectus Abdominis muscle is the “six-pack.”
- Obliques: The windshield wiper exercise mainly targets your oblique muscles and works the abdominal muscles on the side of your body when done correctly.
- Erector Spinae: By supporting your lower back muscles, the windshield wiper exercise helps you develop a strong core on both sides of your body.
- Hip Flexors: During the windshield wiper exercise, your hip flexors are engaged as you rotate your hips through their complete range of motion.
Who Should Use the Windshield Wipers Exercise?
As a somewhat demanding workout, windshield wipers are best suited for more seasoned athletes. It is preferable to develop a solid degree of strength and coordination with simpler, less difficult core exercises before opting to try them.
They are a great choice for anyone who wants to add some variety to their routines and is between an intermediate and expert level of fitness.
This is due to the fact that using windshield wipers is an enjoyable and difficult workout that will advance their fitness.
This is particularly true because there are several kinds of windshield wipers, so there is an opportunity to advance even during the workout.
This is particularly true because there are several kinds of windshield wipers, so there is an opportunity to advance even during the workout.
For those who participate in sports like rock climbing, gymnastics, and callisthenics, windshield wipers are also a fantastic option.
These exercises directly apply to the strength, coordination, and control you develop over your body, as well as the actions themselves.
This implies that practicing windshield wipers won’t simply help you gain amazing abs; it will also help you perform better in these other areas.
How to Perform the Windshield Wipers Exercise?
There are two primary ways to conduct the windshield wiper exercise: one is to lie down, and the other is to hang with your arms.
The latter is a more sophisticated option for individuals looking for a bigger challenge, while the former is the conventional variety.
Windshield wiper lying:

Lie down on the floor with your back to the ceiling to start. To keep your balance, stretch your arms straight out to either side and plant your palms flat on the ground. Lift your legs until your feet are off the ground while using your core.
Keep your legs absolutely straight as you slowly and deliberately glide them through the air towards one of your hands.
To get your foot as close to your hand as possible, twist across your body and lift the hip on the other side a small amount off the ground.
Keep your feet higher off the ground in the centre as you slowly start to return to the beginning position.
Instead of halting, move in a single, fluid motion in the direction of the other side.
This is one rep, and for best results, aim to complete three to five sets of ten repetitions.
Additionally, there are two modifications that individuals frequently make to this exercise.
In the first rep, you raise your legs such that your feet’s soles are facing straight up towards the ceiling. Then, you just move them side by side without pulling them in the middle.
This takes a lot of work out of the workout for the other abs while making the obliques extremely difficult.
In the other variation, participants hold a barbell, either weighted or unweighted, at the same spot as a bench press would finish. Then, bringing your feet to the end of the barbell, you can execute any of the above-mentioned forms of the exercise.
This choice results in a somewhat reduced range of motion throughout the workout, but it also necessitates a significantly stronger core contraction to maintain your stability while lifting the weight.
Windshield wiper hanging:

Arms extended, hang from a pull-up bar or sturdy overhead object. Lift your feet towards the sky by bending at the hips and using your lats and core to stay upright.
As you raise your legs as high as you can, they should stay straight. Until your back is at a 45-degree angle, this is the natural tilt that occurs.
When your legs are almost parallel to the floor, carefully and slowly drop them to one side.
To complete your first full rep, squeeze your abs to bring them back to the beginning position and then down to the other side.
Similar to the lying variation, you want to try to complete three to five sets of ten repetitions.
Different Types of Windshield Wipers
Here are several windshield wiper modifications to assist you in doing hard, beneficial exercises.
Dead bug:

The dead bug workout offers the lowest chance of injury, making it a great choice for those who are just starting out. The main reason this exercise works so well is that it supports the back against the ground. This is how you do it:
- Arms stretched upward, lie with your back straight against the floor. Lift your feet off the floor, allowing your legs to form a 90-degree bend.
- For the duration of the exercise, keep your lower back against the ground.
- Stretch your left leg and right arm apart slowly and completely under control.
- While keeping your lower back in contact with the ground, lower your limbs.
- To prevent your back from arching, tighten your abs.
- Breathe out while you use the same deliberate, slow motion to return your leg and arm to their starting positions.
- After doing the arm and leg repetitions, go back to the centre. One rep is awarded for this.
Cable Wood Chop:

The cable wood chop exercise encourages the building of the glutes, the majority of the upper body muscular groups, and the core muscles. It focuses on the anti-rotational muscles and the core stabilisers. This is how you do it:
- Holding the grip with both hands, bend with your left side towards the cable machine.
- Turn your back on the anchor point to the right and keep your arms outstretched.
- Instead of letting the cable drag you, control your return to the starting position to somewhat prevent the spin.
- Complete all the repetitions on one side, then switch other sides & repeat the same.
Side Plank Rotation:

Rotating side planks is an excellent method to strengthen your entire core. Exercises that demand both strength and balance are a great way to intensify your training. Practicing this exercise will not only give you a great core workout, but it will also help develop those annoying stabiliser muscles you were unaware you possessed.
To do it:
- With your right elbow supporting you, begin by reclining on your right side. Maintain a straight elbow beneath your shoulder. Stack your foot on top of each other & maintain your legs straight.
- Maintain a straight body from your ankles to your shoulders by lifting your hips off the mat.
- Reach your left arm up towards the ceiling, then gently bring it beneath your body by rotating your torso forward.
- After that, bolster your core and take a step back to where you were.
- Complete all the repetitions on one side, then swap sides and repeat the same amount of times.
Bicycle Crunch:

Consider it a present, and don’t pass up this amazing ab workout that works every part of your core. It’s among the greatest ones out there. Although it may seem simple, the secret to this one is to go slowly and steadily; there’s no rush to always reach a personal best.
To do it:
- Begin by lying down flat on the floor, bending your knees, and pressing your lower back into the ground. Your hands should be behind your head, and your feet should be flat on the floor.
- To stabilise your spine, tense your abdominal muscles and contract your core.
- Pull your shoulder blades back with your hands to support your head gently. Then, carefully raise your knees to a 90-degree angle and lift your feet off the floor.
- Breathe out, then gently ride a bicycle while extending one leg straight and maintaining the other knee up towards the armpit. Sustain both over your hip level.
- As the opposite knee rises, turn your body so that your elbow touches it.
- After that, turn to the opposite side and bring that knee up to your armpit, extending the other leg till your elbow touches that other knee.
- Perform three sets of 12–20 reps.
The frequent mistakes individuals make when doing the windshield wiper
It’s simple to rely on momentum rather than core strength to control your leg movement when doing the windshield wiper. Many of my customers complain about back or hip discomfort because they are using their hips too much or don’t have enough support from their abdomens.
Keep in mind that the purpose of this exercise is to strengthen your core. This implies that even though the workout is difficult and requires you to use your legs, you shouldn’t depend on using other muscle groups to get through it. This might make the transfer less valuable and stressful. To prevent this, adhere to the following guidelines:
- As you move your legs from side to side, contract your abdominal muscles. Reduce your speed if you see that you are becoming dependent on momentum.
- Try a modified version of the workout and stop if you experience any low back pain. Preventing injuries and strains is crucial to ensuring that you can execute the motion correctly in the future.
- You’re most likely not using your core if the activity mostly affects your legs or hips. Try it again after you’ve reset, paying close attention to drawing the naval in towards the spine.
Here are four exercises to improve your windshield wiper performance:
It’s difficult to get straight into using the windshield wiper because it’s a complicated movement. Don’t worry if the relocation is difficult for you. These additional workouts will help you develop the strength required to appropriately use windscreen wipers by focusing on the many muscular groups that comprise the core.
Russian twist:

The oblique muscles are the focus of Russian twists. Knees bowed in front of you, hands squeezed together at your chest, take a seat on the floor. Lean your torso back slightly while maintaining your feet on the floor in front of you. Start bending back and forth while extending your hands towards the ground.
Side plank dips:

A more difficult version of the classic side plank is the side plank dip. Maintaining your right foot and forearm on the ground, lie on your side. Maintaining your left hand on your hip, raise your body into a side plank. For one repetition, lower your hips to the floor and then bring them back up using your obliques.
Toe taps:

With your feet raised to a tabletop posture, lie on your back. As you bring your right foot to the floor and tap your toe against the mat, keep your core engaged. Lower your left foot to the floor and bring your right foot back to the starting position. Keep switching things up.
Plank hop:

This exercise targets the same muscles as a windscreen wiper: your rectus abdominis and obliques. Put your hands flat on the mat and start in the plank posture. As you hop from your feet to your right elbow and return to your starting position, contract your core and maintain your legs together. After that, leap with your feet to your left elbow and return to the beginning position. Keep switching things up.
Windshield Wiper Progressions
Since windshield wipers are already quite durable, there’s no need to further the practice. However, if you’ve mastered the form and are looking for a bit more difficulty, you may attempt these more difficult versions.
- Raise your arms in relation to your body. This will put even more strain on your core and provide less stability and support.
- Use hanging wipers for the windscreen. This version works your core, shoulders, and back while also testing your grip strength. You hang from a pull-up bar, elevate your legs, and spin them side to side.
How to Exercise Safely to Prevent Injuries
Exercise is a fantastic method to maintain your health, but before beginning any fitness programme, you should speak with your doctor if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.
In addition to making sure you’re exercising correctly, you might need to alter some of the workouts to suit your own requirements. Pay great attention to your form when doing any exercise, and stop right away if something seems wrong or hurts.
Remember the significance of warming up correctly, taking breaks between exercises, and maintaining a healthy diet. Over time, all of these elements will contribute to ensuring ongoing development and increasing bodily strength. The benefits should be evident after all the work you put into your programme, if only we could obtain them without exerting ourselves too much.
Benefits of a Windshield Wipers Exercise
The activity with the windscreen wipers is more efficient than using your car’s wipers. It has several advantages for improving your body, muscles, posture, and emotional state.
- Builds Muscle: Resistance training, such as the windscreen wiper exercise, strengthens your body’s leg, back, and core muscles. Stretching the muscles during a slow-motion workout results in superior muscular strength.
- Engages the hip flexors: You use your hip flexor muscles on both the left and right sides of your body when you do the windscreen wiper exercise.
- Improved Quality of Sleep: Because it releases feel-good chemicals that boost your happiness and well-being, this activity helps you sleep for longer periods of time and with better quality.
- Aids in Weight Loss: The windscreen wiper exercise is a high-intensity workout that helps burn calories and promotes weight reduction.
- Lessens back pain: Exercise with windscreen wipers strengthens core muscles and helps prevent and manage back discomfort. For this reason, you may incorporate it into your back exercise regimen as well.
- Absent Equipment: Exercise with windscreen wipers is simple, portable, and equipment-free.
- Enhances coordination and balance: Enhancing balance and coordination is a crucial part of daily life, and this workout does just that. Although incorporating this exercise into your workout regimen may seem odd at first, it’s actually rather easy: as you rotate back and forth, you’re activating different muscles on both sides of your body.
The windscreen wiper workout is a fantastic addition to any regimen since it offers several physical advantages in addition to the convenience of requiring no special equipment. All you have to do is keep your hands at your sides and lean back into the floor. Next, alternately move your legs from side to side. It will enhance physical well-being, strengthen the core, encourage blood circulation, maintain energy levels, and burn calories.
To encourage difficult routines, this workout includes options like a wire wood chop or a dead insect. Therefore, the next time you find yourself caught in traffic, make the most of your day by fitting in a brief workout during that downtime.
What muscles do windshield wipers stretch?
One of my favourite hip mobilizers to do as part of my warm-up or as a “reset” action anytime I need to give my hips a rest from more strenuous stretches is “windscreen wipers.” Our hips may move through a comfortable range of internal and exterior rotation thanks to this smooth action.
What is the benefit of a windshield wiper?
Although they are a small component of your automobile, windscreen wipers significantly affect both your driving and general safety. At the touch of a button, they swiftly and effortlessly remove frost, rain, snow, dirt, pollen, and other waste! The windscreen wiper motor is responsible for moving the wiper arms over the windscreen.
What are the benefits of half-wipe exercise?
Your obliques, or the muscles along the sides of your trunk, must contract firmly throughout the half-wiped exercise in order to stabilise your body and keep your legs from falling to the floor. The secret to this workout, like the majority of the finest ab routines, is to move slowly and deliberately.
How do you stretch your knee to your chest?
With your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground, begin by reclining on your back. Then, raise one knee up to your chest by putting your hands around it. For a duration of 15 to 30 seconds, maintain your lower back pressed onto the floor while holding that knee to your chest.
How do windscreen wipers work?
An electric motor powers the windscreen wipers. The electric motor drives the wiper arms into action by means of a worm gear, which transfers the required force to an extended rod. To propel the wipers as quickly as necessary, the worm gear can produce the necessary force.
What is the purpose of the windscreen?
As the name implies, a car windscreen serves as a “shield” to protect the inside of the vehicle and its occupants from various external factors such as dust, stones, trash, insects, rain, and wind.
- “What Is Windshield Wiper Exercise and How to Tone Your Abs With It.” DMoose, Accessed 15 Dec. 2023.
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- Fit, Cult. “Windshield Wipers Exercise: Benefits &Amp; How to Do It.”, 1 July 2022,
- Osnato, Jaime. “How to Do the Windshield Wiper Exercise for Abs.” LIVESTRONG.COM, 24 Apr. 2021,
- Beery, Eugene, et al. “Windshield Wipers Exercise.” Hybrid Athlete – a Common Sense Approach to Fitness, 12 Dec. 2022,