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Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)

What is Baddha Konasana?

Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose) is a seated asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise. It opens the hips and stretches the inner thigh muscles. This seemingly simple pose also strengthens your core and improves your posture. It is also known as Cobblerā€™s Pose or Butterfly Pose.

The phrase ‘Baddha’ stands for ā€œboundā€ in Sanskrit and the means of Kona are ā€œangleā€ (“separation”), and Asana means ā€œposeā€ (“seat” ). This Asana is even comprehended as the butterfly pose. This pose is comfortable to accomplish and suitable for everybody. Baddha Konasana extends your groin and internal thighs. This is often a useful Asana for the flexibility of the knees, ankles, feet, and hips.

The bound angle pose opens and will augment circulation to the girdle part. Thence this is often a sensible prenatal exercise and might relieve menstrual troubles. Going the body from side to side can massage your hips. Slowly moving your knees up and down is termed the cobbler pose, and Baddha Konasana is the best performance of the butterfly pose.

Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose) is a goto pose for opening the hips and prolonging the interior thigh muscles. This seemingly simple pose even strengthens your core and enhances your posture. Also known as Cobbler’s Pose, this asana activates the muscles in your back as you prolong and stretch via your spine.

How to do the Butterfly Pose Yoga?

This pose is comprehended as the Baddha Konasana because of the path your feet are folded close to your groin with tightly held hands, corresponding to a butterfly. The pose is even known as the Bhadrasana (the Cobbler’s Pose) because it even resembles a cobbler at work. Let’s bring a look at the other.

Baddha Konasana (Bhadrasana)steps:

Seat on the mat with your legs spread out and your backbone erect.

Then gradually bend your knees while getting your feet towards your pelvis.

Your soles require you to be feeling each other. Now keep your feet with both your hands. If you discover this difficult, you can position your hands under your feet for additional support. 

Bring an in-depth breath and then breathe out as you press your knees and thighs towards the floor. Then flap both your legs up and down similar to a butterfly fluttering its wings. You require to start this gradually and slowly augment your speed. You have to continue breathing normally.

Once you are done flapping your legs as fast as possible, you require to slow down and then finally arrive at a stop. Then bring a Deep breath, breathe out, and bend forward with your backbone erect and chin up.

Your elbows require to be pressed against your knees or thighs hence that you are closer to the floor.

When you feel your internal thighs stretching, take deep breaths allowing your muscles to rest further. Then inhale deeply and get your torso up.

Then exhale and release the pose as you straighten your legs in the facade of you.

Baddha Konasana Video

Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose) Video

Baddha Konasana Benefits           

The cobbler pose is considered to be great for your groin as it positions better anxiety that is fit for your joints, fascia, and muscles. You can utilize a soft pillow to help with any tightness felt in the groin while accomplishing the initial Bhadrasana steps.

  • Reduces Shoulder Stress

Anxiety and emotional baggage are often held on your shoulders. You can bring rid of this unnecessary burden by practicing the Reclined Butterfly Pose. It helps remove tension after a tiring day at work. You can test with various arm placements while conducting this asana to discover fascinating paths to soften your shoulders. 

  • Good for the Menstrual Cycle

Bhadrasana offers plenty of benefits to menstruating women. By performing the Baddha kosanaĀø the body obtains rid of toxins and enhances blood circulation. It even supports enhancing the health of the ovaries and digestive complaints.

  • Good for Lower Back

The cobbler pose is great for individuals with tight hamstrings and lower back problems. You can practice the Cobbler Pose to reduce back aches.

  • Recommended for Moms-to-be

There are so multiple Baddha Konasana benefits, for expecting moms as well. It enhances their blood circulation and even strengthens the pelvic floor, ensuring a smooth delivery.

  • Healthy Reproductive Organs

The Cobbler Pose helps hold your reproductive organs healthy by augmenting blood circulation and decreasing your risk of infertility. It even supports your discharge of toxins as you heal emotionally.

  • Relief from Headache

If you are prone to stress-provoked headaches, the cobbler’s Asana can be useful. It eases the stress in your neck and head. When you place your forehead on the floor as a portion of the Bhadrasana steps, it will comfort your body and allow you to remove your tension slowly.

  • Good for Prostate Gland

It is not uncommon for males to be interpreted with prostate gland issues as they age. This can be prevented Functioning the Bhadrasana regularly can prevent prostrate-related issues. It even supports stimulating your kidneys, abdominal organs, and your prostate glands. 

Modifications and Variations of Baddha Konasana

Modifications: 1) Place a folded blanket under the knees.2) Place a folded blanket under the hip bones. 

Variations: 1) Slide the feet one(1) to two(2)feet forward and get the arms under the ankles and intertwine the fingers around the toes. Band ahead, extracting the forehead towards the toes with the arms. 2) Round the back, obtaining the forehead towards the toes, resting the head and neck. 

Safety and Precautions During Performing Baddha Konasana

Avoid this posture if you have a groin ( knee injury )and participate in any aches while executing it.

Be certain that you don’t force the position and that you enter into it and out of it smoothly. Don’t move your knees up and down to attempt to deepen the stretch.


Supta Buddha Konasana is a refreshing and comfortable pose that is executed with mindfulness holding the body comfortably. It is an advantageous yoga posture for women having chronic pelvic aches, menopausal symptoms, and urinary incontinence. It may even support the relief of fatigue in cancer patients and age-related mobility problems in aged individuals. 


1. Does Butterfly yoga reduce belly fat?

This pose even supports reducing cramps and back aches during menstruation and pregnancy. This is an influential yoga for weight loss, facilitating immobility in the ankles, and knees. It supports opening the hips and enhances hip mobility. It even supports furnishing a good emotional release.

2. Who should avoid Baddha Konasana?

In case of any sort of injury in the knee – a tear of the ligament, worn down joints (where the lubrication among the joints has worn out), or rheumatoid arthritis and Baddha Konasana must be avoided. Even, pupils who have undergone knee, and hip surgery should avoid this pose.

3. In which month should we accomplish the butterfly exercise?

You can safely retain Cobbler’S Pose in your prenatal yoga routine throughout your pregnancy. It helps reduce anxiety and tightness in your lower back, hips, and internal thighs, which augments flexibility and encourages relaxation. The posture even creates strength and boosts circulation in your pelvic floor muscles.

4. What is the caution of Baddha Konasana?

What to Hold in Mind Before accomplishing Baddha Konasana Yoga Pose: Caution and Common Mistakes. Avoid this pose if you have a past injury to the knees, or groin, as this pose puts stress on these areas.

5. Who should avoid Baddha Konasana?

In case of any sort of injury in the knee – a tear of the ligament, worn down joints (where the lubrication among the joints has worn out), and Baddha Konasana must be avoided. Even, researchers who have undergone knee, ankle, and hip surgery should avoid this pose.

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