
Sirsasana Yoga Pose: Health Benefits, How to do?

What is Sirsasana? Sirsasana also called headstand, is the yoga position where you stand reversed on the top of your head on the floor and thelegs up in the air. This asana can upgrade your physical and mental health and well-being extremely. Due to its many interests, it is one of the main positions in…

Wrist exercises

Wrist Exercises: Health Benefits, How to do ?-Variation

What is Wrist Exercise? After any problem in the wrists, hands, or fingers, it’s essential to get movement and strength back. This supports tissue healing and will aid you get moving again. You may not be able to return to your usual exercise levels urgently and improvements may be slow to begin with. However, a…

Text Neck
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Text Neck: Cause, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Exercise

What is a Text Neck? Text neck is a term used for the unusual posture formed by bending forward neck for a long period of time, for example seeing smartphones for a prolonged period while reading and chatting, is reported to have Neck stress injuries. This posture mostly results in upper back cervical and shoulder…

wrist extensors exercise
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Exercise for wrist Pain

Why exercise is important for wrist pain? Exercise for your wrist pain can help to build strength and increase flexibility. It also improves the range of motion and gives pain relief. It is also helpful for improving blood flow surrounding the wrist joint, muscles, and ligament. What is wrist pain? Wrist pain is mostly caused…

Finger Opposition

Finger Exercise: Health Benefits, How to do? -Variations

What is Finger exercise? Finger exercise is an important exercise that helps to make your daily task easy and also reduce the risk of injury. If you find daily tasks hard to do because you suffer from stiffness, swelling, or pain in your hands, the right exercises can aid get you back in motion. Therapists…

Makarasana (Crocodile Pose)

Makarasana (Crocodile Pose): Benefits, How to do?- Variations

What is Makarasana? Makarasana (MAH-Kuhr-AWS-ah-nuh) is a yoga pose commonly called the crocodile pose. While makar represents crocodile, asana refers to pose. The makarasana yoga pose is the best way to address your back and shoulder problems. It resembles the resting position of a crocodile, with its neck and face raised above the surface of…

Quadratus lumborum stretching exercise

Quadratus lumborum stretching exercise: Health Benefits, How to do?, -Variations

What is quadratus lumborum stretching? Quadratus lumborum stretching exercise a great way to improve your posture and flexibility and many health benefits of it. The quadratus lumborum (QL) is the deepest abdominal muscle. It is located in your lower back, in between the top of your pelvis and your lowest rib. This is lateral to…


Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog): Health Benefits, How to do ?- Variations

What is Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward-facing dog)? Adho mukha svanasana also called Downward Dog Pose or Downward-facing Dog Pose, is an inversion asana, often practiced as part of a flowing sequence of asanas, especially Surya Namaskar, the Salute to the Sun. The asana is commonly used in advanced yoga as exercise. The asana does not…