DWI Pada Viparita Dandasana - Inverted Staff Pose

DWI Pada Viparita Dandasana

What is DWI Pada Viparita Dandasana?

Viparita Dandasana is a yoga pose also known as Inverted Staff Pose or Upward Facing Staff Pose. It is a challenging and advanced pose that requires strength, flexibility, and balance.

The term for this asana reaches from the Sanskrit dwi, Which means Viparita, meaning “reversed” or “inverted,” danda, meaning “staff,” and asana, meaning “pose”. In English, this pose is known as an upward-facing two-foot staff pose or a two-legged inverted staff posture.

Dwi pada Viparita dandasana is an advanced inverted pose that needs a significant deal of flexibility, specifically in the back. It is a combination of wheel pose and Sirsasana (headstand).

To enter this pose, the practitioner lies front up with the knees bent and the soles of the feet grounded hip-width divided. The palms are placed above the shoulders, with the fingers pointing toward the body. The hips are lifted, and the crown of the head relaxes on the ground. The forearms are lowered and the fingers interlace after the head as if setting up for Sirsasana. The head is then lifted off the ground floor, and the chest presses externally.

How to do DWI Pada Viparita Dandasana (Steps by Step)?

  • To begin with, lie down on the mat. Your whole spine should be relaxing on the ground floor.
  • Flex your knees, and set your feet firmly on the mat. Where the four corners of your feet should be on the mat, arms by your side.
  • Next, boost the heap and the center back without exiting the feet and upper back on the ground floor.
  • Slow bring your arms up, set your palms beside your shoulders, fingers pointing towards the lower body, elbow turned facing the ceiling.
  • Next, press the palm on the ground floor to increase the head and heap more up.
  • Then, slowly bring your crown of the head down.
  • Place your elbows on the ground floor in sequence with your head and interlace your fingers after the head.
  • Then, the weight from the forearm to the elbow is equally spread on both arms without disturbing your neck. Your shoulder blades turn back and lift your head.
  • Next, hold pressing your wrist and forearm on the ground floor and straighten your legs with the sole connecting the ground floor.
  • Lastly, breathe there normally. Turn your knees, take your head parallel to the ground floor, and relax on it.
  • Produce your pelvic floor down and relax your body on the mat.

DWI Pada Viparita Dandasana Pose Video

Benefits Of DWI Pada Viparita Dandasana

  • Create you relax.
  • Better exchange of breath.
  • Strengthen the heart muscles.
  • Enhance digestion and flatulence.
  • Boost blood circulation in the head.
  • Create your spine and mind healthy.
  • Reduce lower back and shoulder aches.
  • Boost strength and flexibility of legs and arms.
  • Strengthen shoulder muscles and improve shoulder mobility.

DWI Pada Viparita Dandasana (Inverted Staff Pose) Variations

Seat backward via a folding chair, preferably one that has a large opening in the backrest so that you 
have much space for your legs. Maintaining the sides of the top of the chair, and enlarging the chest while lying backward over the seat. The edge of the chair seat should help you near the center of the back. Relax the top of your head on a bolster or folded blanket.

Straighten and prolong the legs. Extend the chest and move your arms in among the front legs of the chair to grasp the back legs of the chair.

If you can’t straighten your legs, raise your heels onto blocks or a few other support. Maintain for five minutes. To come out of the posture, keep near the top of the chair, bend your knees, put your feet flat on the ground floor, and maintain your chest open as you pull yourself up. Once erect, stay for some moments with your eyes closed.

DWI Pada Viparita Dandasana (Inverted Staff Pose) Contraindications

  • Heart patience will avoid doing this pose.
  • Females on periods will not do this pose.
  • Pregnant women will not rehearse this asana.
  • Individuals with Hernia will not do this pose.
  • Individuals with any injury will not conduct.
  • Back and cervical aches will avoid this asana.
  • If you have a hunchback, avoid accomplishing this pose.

DWI Pada Viparita Dandasana (Inverted Staff Pose) Conclusion:

In conclusion, Viparita Dandasana is an advanced yoga pose that requires strength, flexibility, and balance. It involves inverting the body and forming a backbend shape. It is important to practice this pose under the guidance of an experienced yoga instructor and avoid attempting it if you have any injuries or limitations.


What is the English name for DWI Pada Viparita Dandasana?

Viparita Dandasana’s or inverted Staff Pose is an inverted back-bending pose in stylish yoga as exercise.

What is the benefit of the DWI Pada Viparita Dandasana bench?

Yoga Viparita Dandasana Bench is an exclusive product that is in great need at the current duration. It alleviates backache and other back-connected deformities.

Can heart patients do DWI Pada Viparita Dandasana?

If you have heart disease or are at risk of producing a heart attack, please don’t do this exercise as it strains your heart by making it is circulating more additional blood to the lower body.

What muscles are used in DWI Pada Viparita Dandasana?

Inverted is a beginner yoga pose that belongs to the inversions category. This asana targets abs, hamstrings, and quadriceps, and even involves biceps, glutes & hip flexors, and neck & upper traps muscles.

What is the variation of DWI Pada Viparita Dandasana?

In this variation, the crown of the head, elbows, forearms, and wrists are seated on the ground floor as in Sirsasana. The bottom tip of the shoulder blades, the lumbar spine, the sacrum, and the back of the thighs are supported by a vertical bolster that is seated on top and in the center of a horizontal bolster.

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