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What is Uttanpadasana?

Uttanapadasana, also known as Raised Leg Pose or Extended Leg Pose, is a yoga asana that involves lifting and extending the legs while lying on your back. It is a beneficial pose for strengthening the abdominal muscles, improving digestion, and increasing flexibility in the legs.

Uttanpadasana is comprehended as the Raised Leg Pose, the asana brings its word from the Sanskrit terms ‘Uttana’ meaning intense stretch, ‘pada’ meaning feet or legs, and ‘asana’ meaning posture.

Uttanpadasana yoga pose is conducted after preparing your body with poses such as Matsyasana, Shavasana (Corpse Pose), and Single leg raise posture (Eka Pada Uttanpadasana). It prepares your body for more additional reclining asanas such as Sarvangasana and Viparit Karni.

How to do it?

The subsequent steps will help you in conducting the Uttanpadasana pose:

Lie down straight on your back and concentrate on your breathing.

Maintain your hands on the sides with your palms facing downward. Hold your upper body comfortably.

To begin, inhale and slowly increase your legs at a 45° angle off the ground floor.

Maintain your legs for 5 to 10 seconds to feel the pressure in your lower abdomen and legs.

Now raise your legs at a 60° angle and maintain for a few seconds. This targets the abdominal muscles. Don’t put pressure on your arms and lower back.

Then, to finish the Uttanpadasana pose, lift both legs and maintain them straight and stable at a 90° angle.

To produce position, slowly lower your legs back to the ground while exhaling. Breathing normally while gradually lowering your legs might support and relax your posture.

In the start, you may maintain the increased leg pose for five seconds, and if you are relaxing, increase it to 30 seconds for great results, and accomplish it three or four times a day.

To perform Uttanpadasana variations, try the Ek pad Uttanpadasana pose by increasing the height of either leg at a 90° angle.

If you experience a problem increasing the legs or keeping them at 90°, slightly bend or lower your legs to release the pressure on the back.

Uttanapadasana Pose Video

What are the benefits of Uttanpadasana?

One of the most influential Uttanpadasana benefits is that it strengthens your leg and hip muscles. These include your glutes, calves, and hamstrings. In the lengthy run, this even enhances your lower body stability.

Uttanapadasana is the best posture to stretch your arms and shoulders and enhance upper body strength.

Individuals who suffer from lower back issues benefit from Utthanpadasana. It stretches your back and enhances its flexibility. This prevents aches and stiffness and enhances your posture.

Utthanpadasana is the best asana to enhance one’s agility and flexibility. It enhances your functionality easing everyday exercises.

Uttanpadasana steps enhance your circulation. This maintains your brain sharp and healthy and prevents neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

The most influential Uttanpadasana benefit is that it tones your abdomen by stretching its muscles. This burning of excess stomach fat prevents obesity-related conditions.

Uttanapadasana steps can be easily done at home with minimal setup. This makes it the best addition to your home workouts.

Precautions and Contraindications:

If you start to experience pain release from the pase.
You could even make use of a wall to rest your legs on if you have a problem lifting your legs.

Produce certain to avoid turning the knees and lifting the buttocks or lower back to avoid any straining.

Contraindicated for lower back aches, hypertension, individuals healing from injury to the spine, and during menstruation.


Uttanpadasana is an established yoga posture in which the legs are increased above the ground floor and kept straight up at 90°.

This pose may benefit the abdominal muscles and make balance in the navel center. Indigestion relief is probably the main priority of Uttanpadasana benefits.

The everyday practice may not only improve bowel motion and blood flow but also may reduce lower backache and strengthen the legs and hamstrings.

Regardless, practice the Uttanpadasana pose under the advice of a trained yoga master for the most useful results.


1. What is Uttanpadasana?

Uttanapadasana is an extreme stretch of the legs. The word arrives in Sanskrit Uttana, meaning “intense stretch,” Pada, meaning “leg” or “foot,” and asana meaning “pose”.

2. What are the benefits of Uttanpadasana?

The Uttanpadasana may lengthen and strengthen the legs, especially the hamstrings. It may support lower backache due to the strengthening of the back and abdominal muscles. It may make opposing strain in the pelvic muscles providing an intense stretch.

3. Which type of pose is Uttanpadasana?

Uttanpadasana is a traditional upward-facing yoga pose. In Sanskrit, Uttana means ‘raised’, and pada means ‘leg’; thus, Uttanpadasana is even called the raised leg pose. In the Uttanpadasana pose, your legs are stretched straight above the ground floor and make at a 90° angle.

4. Is Uttanpadasana used for a kidney?

Raised leg pose contracts the abdominal muscles, thereby enhancing the functioning of the pancreas, kidneys, and liver. If you have kidney stones, this can pose be very influential in reducing the ache.

5. What are the contraindications for Uttanpadasana?

Avoid this posture if there is any injury in the neck, back, pelvis, and leg muscles. Pregnant females must refrain from this posture. Individuals suffering from extreme spondylitis must forget the button Padasana.

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