Osteoarthritis Of  Ankle And Physiotherapy Treatment
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Osteoarthritis Of Ankle And Physiotherapy Treatment

Anatomy Related to Osteoarthritis Of Ankle Talocrural Joint The Talus Subtalar Joint The Subtalar joint is also known as the Talocalcaneal joint and is between: Etiology of Osteoarthritis Of Ankle Primary Osteoarthritis Secondary Osteoarthritis Clinical features of Osteoarthritis Of Ankle Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis Of the Ankle Observation, specifically looking at: 2. Palpation: 3. Basic Objective…

Perthes disease and Physiotherapy Management
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Perthes disease and Physiotherapy Management

Anatomy related to Perthes disease Causes of Perthes disease Clinical Features of Perthes Disease Stages of Perthes disease IA: Early IB: Late IIA: Early IIB: Late IIIA: Early Stage IV: Healed Diagnosis of Perthes disease Medical Treatment of Perthes Disease Physiotherapy management of Perthes disease Conservative management of Perthes diseases Improve ROM in Perthes disease…

Chondromalacia Patella and Physiotherapy Management
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Chondromalacia Patella and Physiotherapy Management

What is a Chondromalacia Patella? Anatomy related to Chondromalacia Patella Causes of Chondromalacia patella Main reasons for patellar malalignment: Stages of Chondromalacia patella Clinical features of Chondromalacia patella Differential Diagnosis Diagnosis of Chondromalacia patella Examination Observation Effusion test:Patellar tap test Medical Management of Chondromalacia patella Physiotherapy management of Chondromalacia patella Pain-relieving modality initial if the…

Heel Pain and Physiotherapy Treatment
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Heel Pain and Physiotherapy Treatment

Heel pain is a common complaint that affects people of all ages and lifestyles. It refers to discomfort or pain experienced in the bottom or back of the heel. Heel pain can have various causes and may range from mild and intermittent to severe and chronic. One of the most prevalent causes of heel pain…

Gout and Physiotherapy Treatment
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Gout and Physiotherapy Treatment

Gout is a form of arthritis characterized by severe pain, redness, swelling, and tenderness in the joints, most commonly affecting the base of the big toe. It occurs due to the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the tissues around the joints. Gout is considered a chronic condition and is part of a group of…

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Frozen Shoulder and Physiotherapy Management

Frozen Shoulder Introduction A frozen shoulder is a condition that causes shoulder pain and stiffness, which most commonly occurs in middle-aged people. When it occurs, it can be very difficult to move the shoulder. Frozen shoulder is a condition that is easily treated with exercise and this article is going to explain a few exercises…

Golfer’s elbow or Medial Epicondylitis
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Golfer’s elbow or Medial Epicondylitis

What’s golfers elbow? Golfer’s elbow is a condition that causes pain where the tendons of your forearm muscles attach to the bony bump on the inside of your elbow. The pain might spread into your forearm and wrist. Golfer’s elbow is similar to tennis elbow, which occurs on the outside of the elbow. It’s not…

Sway Back Posture
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Sway Back Posture

Introduction: The sway back posture — casually known as the ‘lazy posture’, is identified by shoulders and chest leaning backwards, with hips turned in and pelvis and chin thrust forward. Why Sway Back Happen? This posture is usually due to a lack of support for the hips and pelvis, hinging at the back, thereby applying…

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Introduction Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and brittle — so brittle that a fall or even mild stresses such as bending over or coughing can cause a fracture. Osteoporosis-related fractures most commonly occur in the hip, wrist, or spine. Bone is living tissue that is constantly being broken down and replaced. Osteoporosis occurs when…