How to Do Plank exercise? Benefits, Type and Variations
What is Plank Exercise?
- The Plank Exercise (also known as a front hold, or abdominal bridge) is associated with isometric core strength exercise that involves maintaining a foot and arm hold almost like a push-up position for the maximum time.
- A plank exercise could be a smart exercise to strengthen your core muscles and abdomen. These exercises are helpful to strengthen your hips, lower back, and abdomen and improve your body balance.
- The plank could be a bodyweight exercise that involves holding the trunk of a part of your body in an exceeding line off the bottom. The static exercise engages multiple muscle teams at a constant time which makes it extraordinarily effective at strengthening your core.
- while additionally operating the shoulders, arms, and glutes.
Health benefits of Plank exercise :
1. Improves your body balance
2. Strengthens your core muscle
3. Improves body flexibility
4. Reduces Low back pain
5. Improves metabolism
6. Decrease belly fat
7. Build endurance
8. Improve posture
9. Decrease stress on your spine
10. Improves Overall Mental Health
There are ten Different types of Plank exercises:
- High plank
- Forearm Plank
- Knee Plank
- Side Plank
- Reverse Plank
- Single-Arm Plank
- Plank Leg Lifts
- Mountain Climbers
- Up-Down Plank
- Plank Hip Dips
How to do these different types Plank exercises:
High plank:

- Take a prone lying position and your face pointing towards the floor.
- Try to take your hand under your elbow and shoulder. then lift your knees slowly until you’re supporting your body weight on just your hands and toes.
- Our aim is to form a straight line from the top of your head down to your heels. Keep your core and back straight.
- If you want to get more benefits then try to do this exercise perfectly. then go for maximum time hold.
- Try to hold this position for 10 seconds to 30 seconds and 3 to 6 reps.
- Do this exercise three times a day.

Forearm Plank:
- If you want to take a modification in plank exercise then go for forearm plank exercise.
- For this exercise, you have to lie on your stomach over met.
- You have to be in a straight line position and keep your forearm on the ground at that time whole body is lifted by your forearm and your foot.
- Your elbows under your shoulders and your back should be straightened to hold this position for 10 to 30 seconds and 3 to 6 reps.
- Do this exercise three times a day.
Knee Plank:

- The knee plank exercise is a modification of the high plank. This exercise is helpful for beginners in this plank exercise you have to take a prone lying position and your face pointing towards the floor.
- Try to take your hand under your elbow and shoulder.
- Then slowly support your body weight on just your hands and knees.
- The goal is to form a straight line from the top of your head down to your knees and heels. Keep your abdomen and back straight.
- If you want to get more benefits then try to do this exercise perfectly.
- You have to focus more on position than the holding time. Do it for 30 to 60 seconds or 10-12 reps.
- Do this exercise three times a day.
Side Plank:

- Once you master in a normal high plank and forearm plank then go for side plank exercise.
- This is an excellent exercise for your one-side back pain. It is also helpful to strengthen the obliques and deep spinal stabilizing muscles, as well as hips and shoulder muscles.
- You will start on your prominent side. try to hold your upper body on your bottom of elbow with your hand out in front of your body for balance. your elbow should be directly under your shoulder joint.
- Next, your legs put together so your heels touch. Lift your hips upward direction by squeezing your core and glute muscles.
- If you feel comfortable and balanced, then try to lift your top arm towards the ceiling.
- Repeat the move on the other side. if you want to make this exercise easy then keep your bottom knee on the ground for extra support. Try to hold this position for 10 to 30 seconds and 3 to 6 reps.
- Do this exercise three times a day.
Reverse Plank:

- This exercise will help to improve your balance since you will be holding yourself in an unnatural way.
- From doing this you will notice that this exercise also improves gluteal strength, shoulder flexion and mobility, and core muscle control.
- You will also work on your deltoids, the rectus abdominal muscles, and triceps, making it a low-key arm exercise, too.
- This exercise is helpful to open your chest and shoulder when you have spent a lot of time in front of the computer and in and prolonged sitting position.
- To do a reverse plank take a supine position you have to see over the ceiling and then try to put your hand under your shoulders lift your hips from the ground as high as possible and stretch your legs.
- Hold this position for up to 30 seconds and 3 to 6 reps.
- Do this exercise 3 to 4 times a day.
Single-Arm Plank:

- If you have to do little bit harder in this exercise then go for single arm plank exercise.
- For this exercise, you have to lie on your stomach over met. you have to be in a straight line position and keep your forearm on the ground and your toes only over the ground.
- Now you have to straighten your one arm and lift from the ground.
- At that time you have to lift your whole body upper side your elbows under your shoulders and your back should be straightened.
- Then go for another side. hold this position for 30 seconds and 3 to 6 reps on each side.
- Do this exercise 3 to 4 times a day.
Plank Leg Lift :

- This plank exercise is similar to a single-arm plank exercise but in this, you have to use your legs to test your balance. the plank leg lift also improves your balance and strengthens your abs, forearms, anterior deltoid, obliques, glutes, quadriceps, and triceps.
- Take a prone lying position and your face pointing towards the floor.
- Try to take your hand under your elbow and shoulder. then lift your knees slowly until you’re supporting your body weight on just your hands and toes.
- The goal is to form a straight line from the top of your head down to your heels and now you lift your one leg only then go for another side.
- Continue with alternate legs for 30 to 60 seconds or 8-10 reps on each side.
- Do this exercise 3 to 4 times a day.

Mountain Climbers:
- This is cardio cardio-based variation of plank exercise in this you have to take a normal plank exercise position as mentioned above and then try to take your knee to your chest quickly with an alternate knee.
- Do this knee to chest in plank position for 20 to 30 times and 8 to 10 reps.
- Do this exercise 3 to 4 times a day.
Up-Down Plank:

- This is fitness-based based mostly a variation of plank exercise.
- This is a mix of forearm plank and high plank exercises. begin in a very high plank. Lower onto one among your forearms, then the opposite, all while maintaining plank kind.
- Then, place one among your hands on the mat and straighten your arm, then do constant together with your alternative hand,
- Then take a high plank position.
- Repeat and do with the alternative arm that starts the transition with every rep. Do 5 to 10 reps.
- Do this exercise three times a day.

Plank Hip Dips:
- Take a forearm plank position, then slowly rotate the spine to lower your left hip to just above the floor (about one to two inches from the ground).
- Come back to the forearm plank. then lower the right hip toward the ground. This counts as one repetition. do this exercise with the alternate hip. Do as many reps as you can do for 20 seconds a one time.
- Do this exercise for 5 to 10 times. Strengthens your core without stressing your back. Improves your balance. Reduces the risk of a back injury.
- Do this exercise 3 to 4 times a day.
Plank Exercise Video
When do you not do plank exercises?
- If you’ve got a shoulder injury.
- If you’ve got pain in your shoulders when the exercise.
- Pregnant ladies
- Don’t hold your breath while exercising.