Standing Biceps muscle stretch

Biceps stretching exercise: Benefits, type of exercise, How to do?

Biceps stretching exercise is an important exercise to improve flexibility of your upper arm muscles mainly biceps. This exercise are easy to perform home exercise you can do after biceps workout or before starting exercise as a warm up of your arm muscles.

Regular exercise also helps to improve functionality of arm and reduce chances of injury to biceps muscles. Biceps tightness most commonly seen in people who are doing regular biceps workout. If you add this stretching exercise after biceps workout helps you to relive your biceps tightness.

In this article we inform you about various types of biceps stretching exercise, health benefits and common mistake you should avoid during stretching exercise.

What is the function of the biceps muscle?

The biceps muscle is situated d in the front part of the upper arm. It has two tendons, one is short and the other is a long tendon which combines make a biceps tendon. It works together as a flexor of the elbow and supinator of the forearm. This is the main muscle of elbow flexion. Bicep stretches are a perfect way to complement your upper-body workout.
Bicep stretches are a low-impact body motion that can help you with lots of activities, from carrying groceries into the home in one trip to performing a few repetitions in a workout.

Benefits of biceps muscle stretching

There are lots of benefits of biceps stretching, some are below :

  • Improve flexibility
  • Increases range of motion
  • Improve muscle function
  • Decrease muscle tightness or tension
  • Improve posture
  • Relaxation and well-being
  • Lower the risk of injury
  • Increase strength
  • Improve athletic performance

Types of biceps stretching exercise

There are various types of biceps stretching:

  • Shoulder extension with a cane
  • Biceps stretch sitting on a chair
  • Bilateral biceps stretch
  • Biceps stretch with tubing
  • Biceps stretch in lying
  • Assisted biceps stretch lying
  • Standing biceps stretching
  • Seated biceps stretching
  • Doorway biceps stretching
  • Wall bicep stretching
  • Horizontal arm extensions
  • Horizontal hand rotations

Shoulder Extension with a cane

How to perform– Take a standing position. Use a cane to do this stretching. one end of the cane hold my left hand and the other end by right hand, so the left biceps feels a stretch.
Now keep your left elbow straight and use your right arm to push the left arm backward with a cane.
Hold the end position for 10-15 seconds and back to starting position.
Repeat this motion 5-6 times.
Now perform this on the right hand.

Biceps stretch sitting on a chair

Biceps stretch
Biceps stretch

How to perform– Take a sitting position on a chair. Place your palms on a chair in a flat position and your fingers are signaling backward.
Slowly bend backward until you feel a stretch in the front side of your arm.
Hold the ending position where you felt stretch for 10 seconds.
Repeat this stretching 8 -10 times.

Bilateral biceps stretch

Bilateral biceps stretch
Bilateral biceps stretch

How to do – This exercise is performed in a standing position. Place your arms straight and your fingers are interlaced.
Now, start raising your arms upwards in front of you until they reach the overhead position.
Then hold the position where you feel stretch for 10 seconds.
Repeat this motion 8-10 times.

Biceps stretch with tubing

How to do – Start with a standing position with arms forward and straight, so palms facing downward.
Hold both ends of tubes in your hands and sweep up.
Take an overhead position with tubing then behind back and elbow is straight.
Hold that stretch for 10 seconds and repeat 8-10 times.

Biceps stretch in lying

biceps stretch in lying position
biceps stretch in lying position

How to do – Take a supine position. Put a folded towel under your arm, slightly above the elbow.
The arms are slightly away from your body and palms are facing upward.
Now relax and lose your hands to fall with the gravity pull.
You can feel stretch in front of your arm.
Hold that stretch for 10 seconds and repeat 8-10 times.

Assisted biceps stretch lying

How to do – Take a prone position with both hands behind your back with fingers are interlaced.
Now you need one partner to raise your hands upward until you feel stretched in front of your arm.
Hold it for 10 seconds and repeat it 8-10 times.

Standing biceps stretching

To do this stretching: Stand straight and interlace your hands behind your back at the base of your spine.
Now slowly straighten your arms and turn your palms downward.
Then raise your arms upward as much as you can.
When you felt stretched, stop and hold it for 1 minute.
Repeat for 1 -3 times.

Seated biceps stretching

Seated biceps stretching
Seated biceps stretching

To do this stretching: Take a long sitting position on a floor. Then bend your knees, so your feet are flat on a floor in front of the hips.
Now place your hands on the ground behind your back with fingers pointing away from the body.
Equally distribute your body weight between your arms, feet, and buttocks.
Slowly move your buttocks forward without moving your palms.
If you feel stretched in front of your arms then hold the position for 30 seconds.
Return to your beginning position and take a rest for a few seconds.
Repeat it 2-4 times.

Doorway biceps stretching

To do this stretching: Stand in a doorway with your right hand holding the doorway at your waist level.
Take a step forward with your right foot and bend the knee, then transfer your weight forward.
You can feel a stretch in your right arm and shoulder while keeping your elbow slightly bending position.
Hold it for 30 seconds and repeat on your left side.

Wall bicep stretching

To do this stretching: Press your right palm against a wall or steady object.
Slowly rotate your body away from a wall.
You feel a stretch in your right arm, chest, and shoulder.
Hold it for 30 seconds and repeat it on the left side.

Horizontal arm extensions

You can perform this stretch in a standing or sitting position. This stretch combines active motion with stretching.
To do this stretching: Extend or abduct your arms out to your side, so they are parallel to the ground.
Now turn the thumbs downward so the palms are facing behind you.
Hold it for 30 seconds. Now pulse the hands backward and forward for 30 seconds.
Do it for 2-3 sets and gradually increase holding time.

Horizontal hand rotations

This stretching gently stretches your biceps muscle.
To do this stretching: Stand straight with your arms abducted forward up to 90 degrees, palms facing to the floor.
Now do the forward rotation of shoulders by turning the thumbs downward.
Then return to your starting position.
Again rotate your shoulders, but this is a backward rotation by turning the thumbs upward.
Return to the beginning position.
Perform 2-3 sets for 1 minute.

Common Mistakes done during the stretching

Avoid some common mistakes for effective and safe stretching:

  • Arching/Rounding the Back– Arching or rounding your back indicates bad posture during the movement. Focus on proper body mechanics and spinal awareness to perfectly stretch the biceps.
  • Overstretching– Overstretching can increase the chances of muscle injury. Do the movement by stretching to a point of tension, not pain. This will increase your stretching benefit, lower the chance of potential injury, and promote a good experience.
  • Bouncing During the Movement– The bicep stretch is not bouncing but this is a controlled motion that includes a static stretch. It is suggested to avoid ballistic stretching because the muscles/tissues are more prone to injury.
  • Assure You’re performing The Right Exercise: Assure with your therapist before starting a stretching exercise, if you are doing right or wrong to avoid another muscle injury.
  • Issues With Over-Extension: If you are feeling any discomfort or pain during the stretching exercise, then stop right there because you may do it incorrectly and causes injury.
  • Equipment Safety: When using an elasticated resistant band use precautions, to assure it doesn’t snap back to you and hit you in the face.
Nitesh Patel - Physiotherapist
Author: Nitesh Patel - Physiotherapist

Physiotherapist in Samarpan Physiotherapy Clinic Ahmedabad Bapunagar Amaraiwadi Vastral Mobile Physiotherapy Clinic Dr. Nitesh Patel ( Physiotherapist ) : Mo No : 09898607803

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