Radial Head Dislocation
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Radial Head Dislocation

What is Radial Head Dislocation? Radial head dislocation, also known as a pulled elbow or nursemaid’s elbow, is a common injury primarily affecting young children. This injury occurs when the radius bone in the forearm slips out of its normal position at the elbow joint. It is often the result of a sudden yank or…

Avulsion Fracture Of The Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
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Avulsion Fracture Of The Anterior Superior Iliac Spine

What is an Avulsion Fracture Of The Anterior Superior Iliac Spine? An avulsion fracture of the anterior superior iliac spine is a type of injury that commonly occurs in adolescents involved in sports activities, particularly those that involve sudden, forceful muscle contractions. The anterior superior iliac spine is a bony projection located at the front…

Gluteal Strain
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Gluteal Strain

What is Gluteal Strain? A Gluteal strain is a tear or stretching of one of the three muscles in the buttocks: the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, or gluteus minimus. These muscles are responsible for extending the hip, abducting the hip, and rotating the hip. A gluteal strain can occur when these muscles are suddenly and…

Pulled Stomach Muscles
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Pulled Stomach Muscles

Pulled stomach muscles, also known as abdominal muscle strains, are a common source of discomfort and pain in individuals of all ages and activity levels. These injuries occur when the muscles in the abdominal region are stretched or torn due to overexertion, sudden movements, or excessive strain What is Pulled Stomach Muscle? An injury to…

Pulled Calf Muscle

Pulled Calf Muscle

What is a Pulled Calf Muscle? A Pulled Calf Muscle, scientifically referred to as a calf muscle strain, transpires when the muscles residing in the calf region, namely the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles, undergo excessive stretching beyond their normal limits. The lower leg plays a pivotal role in biomechanics, particularly during locomotion that demands explosive…

Crush Injury

Crush Injury

Explanation of a crush injury An object can injure someone by compressing their body, which is known as a crush injury. In everyday civilian life, this kind of damage is uncommon, yet it happens frequently after a natural disaster. Other factors include terrorist attacks, industrial accidents, car accidents, building collapses, heavy machinery mishaps, and traffic collisions….