Monteggia Fracture
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Monteggia Fracture

What is a Monteggia Fracture? A Monteggia fracture is a severe injury involving a fracture of the proximal third of the ulna, along with a dislocation of the radial head. Giovanni Battista Monteggia is credited with the term’s origins; he characterized it in 1814. The essential anatomy of the body is the forearm. Significant short-…

Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL)

Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL)

Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Anatomy The PCL, or posterior cruciate ligament, is another important ligament in the knee joint that helps stabilize the knee and prevent backward movement of the tibia in relation to the femur. Like the ACL, an injury to the PCL can cause pain, swelling, instability, and difficulty walking or bearing weight…

Cuboid syndrome
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Cuboid syndrome

What is a cuboid syndrome? Cuboid syndrome is an injury in which the joint and ligaments near the cuboid bone in your foot become injured or torn with cuboid subluxation. The Cuboid syndrome has misdiagnosed the source of lateral midfoot pain. cuboid syndrome is also called cuboid subluxation. cuboid syndrome is a condition that is…

How to know if you sprained your wrist?
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How to know if you sprained your wrist?

While talking about Wrist Sprain, there are eight small bones in your wrist. Ligament are the tissue that connects this eight small bones, Any of them can break and cause severe damage to your wrist. Depending on the break or overstretched, your wrist could take anywhere from weeks to months to heal. Maybe you broke…

Syndesmotic Ankle Sprains
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Syndesmotic Ankle Sprains

A syndesmotic ankle sprain, also known as a high ankle sprain, is a specific type of injury that affects the ligaments connecting the tibia and fibula, the two bones in the lower leg. Definition: A syndesmotic, or ‘high’ ankle sprain is one that involves the ligaments binding the distal tibia and fibula at the Distal…

Ankle Lateral Ligament Injury and Physiotherapy Treatment
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Ankle Lateral Ligament Injury and Physiotherapy Treatment

What is an Ankle lateral ligament injury? Anatomy-related Ankle lateral ligament injury Bones: The bones that make up the ankle joint include the distal tibia and fibula (the medial and lateral malleolus, respectively) and the talus. Joints: Muscles: The following muscles are involved in moving the ankle joint: Innervation: Risk factors: Diagnosis of Ankle lateral…

Syndesmotic Ankle Injury and Physiotherapy Management
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Syndesmotic Ankle Injury and Physiotherapy Management

Anatomy-related syndesmotic ankle sprain Articulating Surfaces: INTEROSSEUS MEMBRANE: SYNDESMOSIS LIGAMENT Clinical conditions: ANKLE SYNDESMOSIS INJURY Etiology of syndesmotic ankle sprain Clinical Presentation of syndesmotic ankle sprain Examination Observation Special Testing 2. Squeeze Test 3. Cotton Test Physiotherapy management of syndesmotic ankle sprain 1.) Calf Stretch with Step 2.) Calf Strengthening Exercise 3.) Lunging Calf Stretch…

Ankle Sprain and Physiotherapy Treatment
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Ankle Sprain and Physiotherapy Treatment

What is an Ankle Sprain? An ankle sprain is a common injury that occurs when the ligaments surrounding the ankle joint are stretched or torn. Ligaments are strong bands of tissue that connect bones and provide stability to the joint. Ankle sprains often happen during activities that involve sudden changes in direction, twisting, or landing…