Thoracic outlet syndrome
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Thoracic outlet syndrome and physiotherapy management :

Thoracic outlet syndrome is a disorder in which neurovascular structures (blood vessels or nerves ) are compressed at the exit of the thoracic outlet (cervicothoracobrachial region). Relevant Anatomy : Cause : Congenital Factors: Acquired Factors : Types of TOS : There are 3 Main types of thoracic outlet syndrome, as per following : Sign and…

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Muscle of ankle and intex

Superficial Posterior Compartment : Gastrocnemius Muscle : Gastrocnemius forms the major bulk at the back of lower leg and is a very powerful muscle . The gastrocnemius muscle (plural gastrocnemii) is a superficial two-headed muscle that is in the back part of the lower leg of humans. It runs from its two heads just above…

Procerus Muscle
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Procerus Muscle

Introduction The procerus muscle is a small facial muscle located between the eyebrows and the bridge of the nose. It is responsible for causing the skin to wrinkle vertically, which results in the formation of horizontal lines on the forehead. The procerus muscle is a pyramidal-shaped muscle of facial expression part of the glabellar complex….

Extensor carpi ulnaris tendinitis
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Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Tendinitis (ECU Tendinitis)

What is a Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Tendinitis? Extensor carpi ulnaris tendinitis is an injury of the wrist where the extensor carpi ulnaris muscle becomes inflamed and irritated. ECU tendinitis is an inflammation of the extensor carpi ulnaris tendon, found on the pinky side of the hand. Symptoms include wrist pain and loss of grip strength….

Finger Joint Replacement

Finger Replacement and Physiotherapy

Introduction Finger joints are essential for many activities, and arthritis in this area can cause significant joint damage and deformity. Artificial finger joint replacement is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of an arthritic or damaged finger joint and replacement with an artificial prosthesis. In artificial joint replacement of the finger, a surgeon removes…

Nsasalis Muscle
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Nasalis muscle: Anatomy, Origin, Insertion, Function, Exercise

INTRODUCTION: The nasalis is a sphincter-like muscle of the nose whose function is to compress the nasal cartilages. It is the muscle responsible for “flaring” of the nostrils. Some people can use it to close the nostrils to prevent the entry of water when underwater. Origin: Maxilla Insertion: Nasal bone Nerve: Buccal branch of the…


The Bobath concept is arguably the most familiar and widely used approach known to British physiotherapists workng with childern with neurological disorders. It originated in the 1940s and early 1950s and has subsequently been developed and modified by herself, Dr K. Bobath and the staff of the bobath centre. Philosophy The approachwas originally based on…

Gluteus medius muscle
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Gluteus Medius Muscle

Introduction Origin Insertion Glutes medius is divided into three portions similar to the deltoid muscle of the shoulder joint: Nerve Supply The gluteus medius is supplied by the superior gluteal nerve (root L4, L5, and S1). Cutaneous supply is mainly provided by L1 and 2. Blood Supply Deep branch of superior gluteal artery, trochanteric anastomosis….

Phelps Approach

Introduction Phelps was am American orthopedic surgeon who pioneered the treatment of children with cerebral palsy and encouraged physiotherapists to dorm habilitation teams. Specific treatment techniques were applied to his diagnostic classification of cerebral palsy and include muscle education and bracing. Phelps described 15 modalities or phases of treatment, which were used in various combinations…

Shoulder Joint Replacement And Rehabilitation

Shoulder Joint Replacement And Rehabilitation

Introduction Although shoulder joint replacement is less common than knee or hip replacement, it is just as successful in relieving joint pain. Shoulder replacement surgery was first performed in the United States in the 1950s to treat severe shoulder fractures. Over the years, shoulder joint replacement has come to be used for many other painful…