Semitendinosus muscle
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Semitendinosus Muscle

Semitendinosus muscle is one of four posterior thigh muscles that are responsible for extending the hip and one of three muscles that are part of the Hamstring group. The other three muscles that belong to the hip extensor group are the semitendinosus, biceps femoris, and gluteus maximus, while semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and biceps femoris are referred…

Levator Scapulae Muscle
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Levator Scapulae Muscle

Anatomy of Levator Scapulae Muscle The levator scapulae muscle are superficial extrinsic muscles of the back that primarily function to elevate the scapulae. Levator comes from the Latin levare, meaning “to raise.” Scapulae refer to the scapulas, or shoulder blades, possibly originating from the Greek “skaptein,” meaning “to dig.” In conjunction with other posterior axial-appendicular…

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Range of Motion (ROM)

What is a Range of Motion (ROM)? Range of Motion (ROM) refers to the measurement of movement around a specific joint or body part. It is a critical component of assessing and evaluating an individual’s flexibility, mobility, and functional abilities. ROM measurements are commonly used in various fields, including physical therapy, rehabilitation, sports medicine, and…

Sternocleidomastoid muscle
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Sternocleidomastoid Muscle (SCM Muscle)

Introduction The sternocleidomastoid muscle is one of the largest and most superficial cervical muscles. The primary actions of the muscle are rotation of the head to the opposite side and flexion of the neck. The sternocleidomastoid is innervated by the accessory nerve. It is given the name sternocleidomastoid because it originates at the manubrium of…

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Semimembranosus Muscle: Anatomy, Origin, Insertion, Function, Exercise

Introduction Semimembranosus is one of four posterior thigh muscles that are responsible for extending the hip, while It is also one of the three muscles to make a part of the Hamstring muscles group. The other three muscles that belong to the hip extensor group are semitendinosus, biceps femoris, and gluteus maximus. These three muscles…

The above knee amputations
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ABOVE KNEE AMPUTATION : Physiotherapy Management

INTRODUCTION of The above knee amputations : The above knee amputations (AKA) involve removing the leg from the body by cutting through both the thigh tissue and femoral bone. “This procedure may be necessary for a wide variety of reasons, such as trauma, infection, tumor, and vascular compromise” There are several known physiologic and psychologic…

Biceps femoris Muscle
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Biceps Femoris Muscle

Biceps Femoris Muscle Anatomy Biceps femoris is a long muscle of the posterior aspect of the thigh. Together with the semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles, it makes the group of muscles commonly known as the hamstrings. Biceps femoris muscle runs from the ischial tuberosity, all the way to the proximal part of the fibula. In doing…

Risorius muscle
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Risorius Muscle

Introduction The risorius is a muscle of facial expression that arises in the fascia over the parotid gland and, passing horizontally forward, superficial to the platysma, inserts onto the skin at the angle of the mouth. It is a narrow bundle of fibers, broadest at its origin, but varies much in its size and form….

Knee Stiffness Exercise
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Knee Joint stiffness : Physiotherapy Treatment

Introduction of Knee Joint Stiffness : Knee joint stiffness is the sensation of difficulty moving a joint or the apparent loss of range of motion of a joint. Joint stiffness often accompanies joint pain and/or swelling. Joint stiffness can be caused by injury or disease of the joint and is a common finding in the…